PF Thread Milestones: Reaching a Million Views and Beyond

  • Thread starter jtbell
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In summary: Which corresponds to ~5% deleted posts.But how many of those posts were actually meaningful or added value to the discussion? That's something to think about when considering the number of posts on a forum or thread. In summary, the Lame Jokes thread on the Physics Forums website is expected to hit one million views today. This thread has been ongoing for several years and has surpassed other popular threads in terms of views. The closest thread to reaching a million views is the one discussing the Fukushima incident, which currently stands at 2.5 million views. The forum administrators have noticed an increase in traffic and popularity in
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
The Lame Jokes thread will probably hit a million views today. As I type this, it's at 999,943.

[added a few minutes later] Oops, now it's 999,972. Blink and you'll miss it!

Have any other PF threads ever reached a million views? The closest current thread I can find right now is the thread, which is at about 893,000.
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Physics news on
  • #3
We're also approaching 4 million posts.

Currently Posts: 3,958,276
  • #4
Pengwuino said:
Yes, the thread after the Fukushima incident hit over a million views within a few days if I recall correctly.

It currently stands at 2.5 million
It took about 10 weeks or so. The thread hit 1 million views on June 1, 2001 - 05:00 pm, views = 1,000,091
  • #5
So I don't recall correctly...
  • #6
Ah, I forgot about the Fukushima thread(s). Now I remember some discussion about the traffic in it, in the weeks/months after the events there.

Lame Jokes crossed the line while I was eating Christmas dinner. Now at 1,000,038.
  • #7
Pengwuino said:
Yes, the thread after the Fukushima incident hit over a million views within a few days if I recall correctly.

It currently stands at 2.5 million


First three months (up to a million) are just an approximation, as I don't have data earlier than May 27th, 2011.


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  • #8
What is it with PF's obsession with incredibly large threads? It's so disorganized. Why not just make a lame jokes section?

Imagine merging all the calculus threads into one mega-thread. :-p
  • #9
Hmmm. I'm approaching 9,000 posts...when it goes over 9,000 I will reveal my final form.
  • #10
tahayassen said:
What is it with PF's obsession with incredibly large threads? It's so disorganized. Why not just make a lame jokes section?

Imagine merging all the calculus threads into one mega-thread. :-p
The Fukushima thread was a combination of threads on the disaster, then turned into a thread of news updates. Beats me why people care about the size of a thread. There are many small threads that are of high quality and value that are helpful in terms of learning and being helpful to others. But my understanding is that a thread doesn't have to be meaningful to make us money. :-p
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  • #11
Evo said:
The Fukushima thread was a combination of threads on the disaster, then turned into a thread of news updates. Beats me why people care about the size of a thread. There are many small threads that are of high quality and value that are helpful in terms of learning and being helpful to others. But my understanding is that a thread doesn't have to be meaningful to make us money. :-p

Huge threads are typically useless in my experience. Other than to document the discussion of a specific topic. But that only really helps if the discussion goes well, otherwise it's just 150 pages of arguing, of which everything worthwhile is argued in the first 5 pages, then re-argued about twelve dozen times after that.
  • #12
Drakkith said:
Huge threads are typically useless in my experience. Other than to document the discussion of a specific topic. But that only really helps if the discussion goes well, otherwise it's just 150 pages of arguing, of which everything worthwhile is argued in the first 5 pages, then re-argued about twelve dozen times after that.

I agree with this. Huge threads typically contain very little valuable discussion. And they tend to be very difficult to moderate as well.
  • #13
Drakkith said:
Huge threads are typically useless in my experience. Other than to document the discussion of a specific topic. But that only really helps if the discussion goes well, otherwise it's just 150 pages of arguing, of which everything worthwhile is argued in the first 5 pages, then re-argued about twelve dozen times after that.

I've seen threads answered on the first page, with a mere sentence.
I'm amazed when the answer is ignored, and the 150 pages of arguing ensue.
There's a topic for discussion: Why do people love to argue?
  • #14
OmCheeto said:
There's a topic for discussion: Why do people love to argue?

A better question has never been asked. Uh oh, that statement might spark an argument! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!
  • #15
A better question has never been asked.

A flagrant untruth, them's fightin ' words. :smile:

Let's just not argue at all , and say that we did.
  • #16
If reaching one-million posts constitutes reaching a milestone, then one post ~= 1.61mm. I never knew that.
  • #17
Ivan Seeking said:
If reaching one-million posts constitutes reaching a milestone, then one post ~= 1.61mm. I never knew that.

I guess it depends on the screen DPI. On my monitor your post takes well over 3" (that's mostly because of your list of badges and avatar), shortest posts by others are around 1.5".
  • #18
Astronuc said:
We're also approaching 4 million posts.

Currently Posts: 3,958,276
4 million existing posts, the postid (the number of posts ever posted, or copied) is at 4210910. Which corresponds to ~5% deleted posts.

Which thread has most posts? Random thoughts has 17,651.
  • #19
mfb said:
Which thread has most posts? Random thoughts has 17,651.

And it is reported as the longest thread by vBulletin.
  • #20
mfb said:
4 million existing posts, the postid (the number of posts ever posted, or copied) is at 4210910. Which corresponds to ~5% deleted posts.
Yes, the number would be existing posts. We have deleted a fair amount of spam.
  • #22
Greg Bernhardt said:
Looks like we'll hit 4 million post the first week of Feb!
Awesome! Who would have guessed this 10 years ago? You ARE the man.
  • #23
Greg Bernhardt said:
Looks like we'll hit 4 million post the first week of Feb!
About 24,300 to go.
  • #24
Astronuc said:
About 24,300 to go.

I'll start typing...get me some Bengay.
  • #25
Do GD posts count?
  • #26
Posts: 3,975,838

For that, all existing posts are counted. It does not matter where they are, if they do not get deleted.
  • #27
Gad said:
Do GD posts count?
Yes - it applies to all posts in the database, which are not deleted.
  • #28
Astronuc said:
Yes - it applies to all posts in the database, which are not deleted.

If deleted posts were counted we'd be close to 5 million :biggrin:
  • #29
Astronuc said:
Yes - it applies to all posts in the database, which are not deleted.

Let the fun begin! :biggrin:

Greg Bernhardt said:
If deleted posts were counted we'd be close to 5 million :biggrin:

You know that would've been a much more easier task for me to do. :devil: :-p
  • #30
Greg Bernhardt said:
If deleted posts were counted we'd be close to 5 million :biggrin:
Just 4.2 millions, as you can see at the postids :smile:.
This is post 4227730 (including deleted and copied posts).
  • #32
8 days to go. Certainly by Feb 3, but maybe on Feb 2.
  • #34
Greg Bernhardt said:
4500 to go!
Less than 3200 to go, so we could realize the milestone on Friday, Feb 1!
  • #35
Is it just me or does PF look different? Like visually different?

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