Computer Engineering vs Science

In summary, the conversation discussed the individual's interest in pursuing a career in computers, specifically game design or computer science. The individual's father suggested computer engineering might be a better option, as it provides a strong foundation for computing and offers more career opportunities. The individual also mentioned their interest in making a lot of money and the importance of having knowledge in both hardware and software. They also mentioned their current skills in HTML, Dreamweaver, and Photoshop, and their plans to take advanced math and physics courses. The conversation concluded with the individual considering engineering as a potential career path, due to their interest in math and creativity, and the possibility of combining it with business and politics. The conversation also mentioned the option of pursuing a degree in management information systems
  • #1
Dooga Blackrazor
I'm interested in going into computers. Possibly game design but that's not what I'm wondering about now. Basically originally I was thinking of going into Computer Science. However my Dad told me that Computer Engineering might be better.

I've found Engineering is basically the core foundations of computing and Science is just languages and stuff that runs of the foundation created by Engineering. I want to go big money wise and they are both something I know I'd enjoy. I'm thinking if I want to go further Engineering would be better? Engineering according to a website also has more career opportunities and generally would receive a computer science job easier than someone in computer science would.

So basically I'm just wondering what education path would be best to start out with here? I'm currently in Grade 10 and turning 16 in April but the sooner I can figure it out the better.

Any computer people here able to help me out? Thanks :smile:
Computer science news on
  • #2
I think your father is right :)

I've found Engineering is basically the core foundations of computing and Science is just languages and stuff that runs of the foundation created by Engineering. I want to go big money wise and they are both something I know I'd enjoy. I'm thinking if I want to go further Engineering would be better? Engineering according to a website also has more career opportunities and generally would receive a computer science job easier than someone in computer science would.

You are also correct!

I am a student of Computer Science & Engg.

Here in 4 year (8 Semester) we'll complete the course :)

2 Year Comp. Sc. and 2 Year Comp. Engg.

One thing I must say that, (I've just completed 2 years) Computer Science is much more easier than Computer Engg. part!

If your intension is in Game Development, you don't need Engg. Science is enough...but You mush have good knowledge on Algorithms, Physics and Mathematics! And of course well equiped with proper programming languages :)

And Engg. much more related with Electrical and Electronic Engg...Here you have to study Electrical Circuit analysis, signals and systems, Machines, Processors structures, Assembley, and many tought things...

So, my suggestion if you'll also work in Hardware level than better select Engg. but if you stick in Games...and software or Web expert...scicne will do the job perfectly :)

All the best :)
  • #3
I don't even know what Algorithms are lol. Thanks for responding. I'm not sure completely sure if game design would be for me. I'm thinking since I want to go far within my field Engineering is probably the best way to go. Since if I wanted to go into business type situations I should probably know how and what the computer science codes are built on. Even with math I have a hard time just using a formula. I have to know how and why the formula works.

Plus Engineering would only benefit me further in terms of amounts of money I could find myself making. Also to prepare myself for university what kind of things should I do? I'm going to hopefully get into Advanced Math, Physics. I'm doing Advanced English for interest sake.

I know basic html. I use dreamweaver since I never bothered to memorize it. Its fairly easy and I just go into the code and edit it when I want. I fool around with Photoshop 7 and have some basic Flash skills but those are more web-design focused. Should I just focus on concentrating on math until I get into university and they teach me Computer Engineering or should I be learning some sort of thing. :smile:
  • #4
one thing I must admit that though it is very important to make a good aim in life but its very difficult to select one :(

Frist tell me what you want to be?

Now don't think about the Money or Business !

What things you find interesting? Not what Job you find interesting !

What attracts you? Which subject you find comfortable and like to study? That's all important!

I'm telling you this as I went on this track before stopping in CSE:

Medical Sc. -> Mechanical Engg. -> Architecture -> Electronic Engg -> CSE
  • #5
Well I find Math in itself interesting. Probably next year when I get to select my courses will help me be better able to choose a direction. I like using my imagination if that says anything lol. Creating stuff is fun. I might have to go career searching on the net seeing what options come with what degrees and such.
  • #6
Originally posted by Dooga Blackrazor
Well I find Math in itself interesting. Probably next year when I get to select my courses will help me be better able to choose a direction. I like using my imagination if that says anything lol. Creating stuff is fun. I might have to go career searching on the net seeing what options come with what degrees and such.

If you find Math intersting...Engg. may suit you :)

And as you like creative things...that's fine :) Game development will be also enjoyable for you :)
  • #7
Thanks. :) I'll probably end up going with Engineering. It can allow me to be creative and even if sometimes is hard challenge myself with math. Plus it would be better for going into business. I think I'd like business because I like politics. Since a few years ago I've always been in a gaming clan/guild that has a lot of politics. I'll decide for sure when the time comes. :smile:
  • #8
If you're planning on ending up as a manager of some sort, you may want to consider MIS (management information systems) instead. Many universities have programs in this now, and they combine management classes with IT classes. If you're interested in math, computer science is certainly not light on it. I'm not a computer engineering major, so I can't give you a fair comparison, but if any difference exists, it's not a major one. Like your comment about enjoying creating things, the main reason I got into computer science was that I enjoy defining and creating these little mini-worlds.
Also keep in mind that games aren't the only thing that need to be programmed. :)
  • #9
Dooga Blackrazor, Good luck with computer anything. When all is said and done you'll just be replaced by some guy living in India, working for 2 cents and hour.:wink:


If you like electronics and software then go for Computer Engineering.

If you hate electronics and just want to write software, then go for Computer Science.
  • #10
Originally posted by dduardo
Dooga Blackrazor, Good luck with computer anything. When all is said and done you'll just be replaced by some guy living in India, working for 2 cents and hour.:wink:


If you like electronics and software then go for Computer Engineering.

If you hate electronics and just want to write software, then go for Computer Science.

Hmm...from my part...I don't hate Electronics...these are interesting stuff...except the boring theory parts :(
  • #11
Truth #1: You will never be rich as either an engineer or a computer scientist. The normal pay for both professions at the same levels are very similar. Engineers and computer scientists are paid upper middle-class salaries. Certainly, they can afford to live well, but they are not rich.

Truth #2: There are generally more high-level engineering positions, and more low-level computer science positions. You are more likely to get a GOOD job as an engineer. A lot of computer science majors end up doing systems administration, network administration, web design, and other sorts of low-level work. You won't be paid very well doing that sort of work. The reason is simple: computer engineers learn electrical engineering, plus some practical programming. This puts them in the ideal position of being able to design an entire system, from hardware through firmware to software. On the other hand, much of what a CS major studies after the second year is rather academic: comparative languages, compiler design, and so on. Those topics are certainly important, but most companies rarely have a need for those skills.

Truth #3: Computer science and computer engineering, despite what kwatz said, are radically different. Computer science is essentially math, logic, and lots of study on the concepts of programming. Computer engineering, on the other hand, is just electrical engineering with some basic programming classes. The deal is simple: a computer engineering graduate is likely able to do any job in industry that a computer scientist can do, but can also do a lot of jobs a computer scientist cannot. If you plan on working in industry, engineering is the way to go. If you plan on working in academia, computer science is the way to go.

- Warren
  • #12
Ah, I didn't mean to imply there's no difference between the two...just that the difference in focus on math is not great.

FAQ: Computer Engineering vs Science

1. What is the difference between computer engineering and computer science?

Computer engineering is a field that focuses on the design and development of computer hardware and systems, while computer science is a field that focuses on the theory and algorithms behind computing and software development.

2. Which field is more suitable for someone interested in programming?

Both computer engineering and computer science involve programming, but computer science may be more suitable for those interested in the theoretical foundations of programming and software development, while computer engineering may be more suitable for those interested in the practical application of programming in hardware systems.

3. Can computer engineers and computer scientists work in the same jobs?

Yes, computer engineers and computer scientists can work in similar jobs, such as software development, but they may have different roles and responsibilities within a team. Computer engineers may focus more on the hardware aspect, while computer scientists may focus more on the software aspect.

4. Do computer engineering and computer science require the same skills?

Both fields require strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as a solid understanding of mathematics and programming languages. However, computer engineering may require more knowledge of electrical and computer hardware systems, while computer science may require more knowledge of algorithms and data structures.

5. What are the career options for computer engineers and computer scientists?

Both fields offer a wide range of career options, including software development, systems engineering, data analysis, research and development, and many more. The specific job opportunities may vary depending on the individual's skills and interests, as well as the current job market.
