Counting Integer Roots of a Polynomial Using Sturm Sequences

In summary, using a Sturm or other sequence can help determine the number of real roots greater than a preassigned number for a polynomial with integer coefficients. However, it may not specifically identify integer roots. The rational root theorem can be used to find all possible integer roots, which can then be tested in the equation to determine if they are actual roots. This method can help count the number of integer roots for a polynomial.
  • #1
Hi,.. using a Sturm or other sequence, could we find how many integer roots have the Polynomial

[tex] K(x)= \sum_{n=0}^{d} a_{n}x^{n} [/tex]

where all the 'a_n' are integers (either positive or negative)
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  • #2
Sturm sequence will tell you the number of REAL roots greater than a preassigned number. However, it does not specifically single out integers.

With some effort you could used it by counting roots > n-e and roots >n+e (where e is small). If the difference is 1, then n (or something close to it) is a root.
  • #3
This may not be what you are looking for but you can start with the rational root theorem: All rational roots have numerators that evenly divide a0 and denominators that evenly divide ad. Integer roots are rational roots with denominators equal to 1 so all possible integer roots must divide a0. Once you have determined all possible integer roots you will have to try them in the equation to see if they really are roots.
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  • #4
HallsofIvy said:
This may not be what you are looking for but you can start with the rational root theorem: All rational roots have numerators that evenly divide a0 and denominators that evenly divide ad. Integer roots are rational roots with denominators equal to 1 so all possible integer roots must divide a[0]. Once you have determined all possible integer roots you will have to try them in the equation to see if they really are roots.

That sounds like that is what Klaus is exactly looking for :biggrin:
I've read this thread before..why didn't I think of that >.<..
  • #5
I thought it was a little too simple- and it doesn't determine the number of integer roots, it helps you determine those roots so you can then count them!

FAQ: Counting Integer Roots of a Polynomial Using Sturm Sequences

1. What is a polynomial with integer roots?

A polynomial with integer roots is a mathematical expression that contains only whole numbers as solutions. In other words, when you plug in integer values for the variable(s) in the polynomial, the resulting equation will equal zero.

2. What is an example of a polynomial with integer roots?

One example of a polynomial with integer roots is x^2 - 4x + 3. The solutions to this polynomial are x = 1 and x = 3, which are both integers.

3. How do you determine if a polynomial has integer roots?

To determine if a polynomial has integer roots, you can use the Rational Root Theorem. This theorem states that if a polynomial has integer roots, they will be factors of the constant term divided by the leading coefficient. You can also use synthetic division or a graphing calculator to test different values for the variable until you find one that makes the polynomial equal zero.

4. Can a polynomial have both integer and non-integer roots?

Yes, a polynomial can have both integer and non-integer roots. This means that some solutions may be whole numbers while others may be fractions or irrational numbers.

5. Why are polynomials with integer roots important?

Polynomials with integer roots are important because they have many real-world applications. For example, they are used in computer graphics, engineering, and cryptography. They also help us understand the behavior of more complex polynomials and contribute to our overall understanding of algebra and mathematics.

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