Need help with Polar Coordinates, esp. for integration

In summary: Since you work is in the first quardrant, then θ takes the values from 0 to π/2 and r takes the values from 0 _which corresponds to θ=0 i.e r= 2 sin (2 *0)=0 _ to r= 2 sin (2 θ) since r is a variable and the integral is of the form:r = 2 sin (2θ) is obviously single-valued for any particular θ (and r = 0 at θ = 0 and π/2) … so the limits are ∫0π/2∫02sin(2θ) :smile:
  • #1
Any web resources regarding changing the variable of integration from cartesian to polar coordinates that goes beyond the basic :

x = r cos theta
y = r sin theta
r = sq rt (x^2 + y^2)I totally don't get how to find the limits of integration using polar coordinates and my undergrad textbooks appears to assume we already know it.

E.g. r = 2 sin 2 theta , first quadrant. How do we find the limits of integration for r?

Totally clueless. Tried googling but keep getting just the 3 definitions above. What is the general technique or algorithm?
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  • #2
Hi Legendre! :smile:

(have a theta: θ and a square-root: √ and try using the X2 tag just above the Reply box :wink:)
Legendre said:
I totally don't get how to find the limits of integration using polar coordinates and my undergrad textbooks appears to assume we already know it.

E.g. r = 2 sin 2 theta , first quadrant. How do we find the limits of integration for r?

The limits when you use r and θ depend on what they are when you use x and y.

If it's for all x and y, then you use 0 ≤ r < ∞, and 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π (or -π ≤ θ ≤ π if you prefer).

If it's for the first quadrant, then you use 0 ≤ r < ∞, and 0 ≤ θ ≤ π/2.

Whatever it is in x and y, you have to convert …

do you have an example that you want to try? :smile:
  • #3
Hi Legendre
Since you work is in the first quardrant, then θ takes the values from 0 to π/2
and r takes the values from 0 _which corresponds to θ=0 i.e r= 2 sin (2 *0)=0 _
to r= 2 sin (2 θ) since r is a variable and the integral is of the form:
π/2 2sin(2θ) π/2
∫ ∫ dr dθ = ∫ 2sin(2θ) dθ
0 0 0
= 2(-(1/2)cos(2θ)] = -[cos π -cos 0]=-(-1-1)=2 units of area
Best Regards
Riad Zaidan
  • #4
tiny-tim said:
do you have an example that you want to try? :smile:

r = 2 sin (2θ) in the first quadrant.

rzaidan said:
r takes the values from 0 _which corresponds to θ=0 i.e r= 2 sin (2 *0)=0 _
to r= 2 sin (2 θ) since r is a variable

How do we know the lower limit of integration for r is 0?
How do I know the upper limit of integration for r is 2 sin (2θ)?

Is this done by sketching the area? I have no idea how to begin sketching r = 2 sin (2θ)!

# Another question : How do you sketch first quadrant, limits of integration r = 1/cos θ and r = 0?

Note : I am a lot more eager to find out how we arrive at the answer than the answer itself.

Thanks for all the help! :)
  • #5
Legendre said:
r = 2 sin (2θ) in the first quadrant.

(I take it you mean the interior of that curve?)

ok … since you're restricted to the first quadrant, θ is restricted to [0,π/2].

And r = 2 sin (2θ) is obviously single-valued for any particular θ (and r = 0 at θ = 0 and π/2) …

so r is restricted to [0, 2sin(2θ)] for each θ

So the limits are ∫0π/202sin(2θ) :smile:

(do you see that you have to pick the coordinates off one at a time? … in this case, do the θ limits first, then for a fixed θ, do the r limits)
Is this done by sketching the area? I have no idea how to begin sketching r = 2 sin (2θ)!

sin(2θ) obviously goes from 0 up to 1 and down to 0, so without sketching it you know it starts at the origin, goes away, and comes back (once).
# Another question : How do you sketch first quadrant, limits of integration r = 1/cos θ and r = 0?
1/cosθ goes from 1 upwards to ∞ … if you want to sketch it, just do a freehand curve through (in (x,y) coordinates) (1,0) and (0,∞) :wink:
  • #6
Hi tiny-tim
thanks for the detailes
Riad Zaidan
  • #7
Thanks a lot everyone!

One more question :

Regarding the graph of r = 2 sin (2θ), I know how to sketch it if its y = 2 sin 2x but in polar coordinates, we're plotting r on the "x-axis" and θ on the "y-axis" (right??).

So doesn't this mean it is something like sketching x = 2 sin (2y) on the regular vertical y-axis and horizontal x-axis?

Can I simply treat r as the vertical axis and θ as the horizontal axis? Then r = 2 sin (2θ) is very easy to plot.
  • #8
tiny-tim said:
And r = 2 sin (2θ) is obviously single-valued for any particular θ (and r = 0 at θ = 0 and π/2) …

so r is restricted to [0, 2sin(2θ)] for each θ

Pardon me but I don't quite get what you are saying.

Keeping it in the first quadrant. i.e. 0 <= θ <= π/2.

Are you saying that if r = f(θ) is single-valued for any particular θ, then r is restricted to the interval [f(0), f(θ)]?

What do I do with a general r = f(θ) if I know 0 <= θ <= π/2?
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  • #9
Legendre said:
Can I simply treat r as the vertical axis and θ as the horizontal axis? Then r = 2 sin (2θ) is very easy to plot.

No no no no noooooo!

Lines of constant r are circles, and lines of constant θ are straight lines through the origin ("spokes").

You need to go back to your book and to study this.

Alternatively, google "graph polar coordinates" and look at sites such as"
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  • #10
tiny-tim said:
No no no no noooooo!

Lines of constant r are circles, and lines of constant θ are straight lines through the origin ("spokes").

You need to go back to your book and to study this.

Alternatively, google "graph polar coordinates" and look at sites such as"

arghhhh...i hate polar coordinates lol.

yeah, of course we can't interchange r and θ. r = 2 sin (2θ) is a circle in (r,θ) but is a transformed sin curve in (θ,r). lol what was i thinking.

yes i need to go back to my book and study this. any books to recommend? i looked through Binmore & Davies (Calculus), Ostaszewski (Advanced Mathematical Methods), Sydsaeter (Further Mathematics for Economic Analysis) as well as two set of lecture notes on line but they all just touch on the basics briefly. any good basic calculus book that has a lot of materials on converting and integration in polar coordinates beyond the basics?

# regarding the site : very useful, thanks a lot!
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  • #11
Legendre said:
arghhhh...i hate polar coordinates lol.

?? Polar coordinates are fun when you get used to them! :biggrin:
… yes i need to go back to my book and study this. any books to recommend?

Sorry, I don't know.

You could try putting out an appeal in the Math & Science Learning Materials forum at".

But maybe it's best just to browse the internet until you find something you like. :smile:
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FAQ: Need help with Polar Coordinates, esp. for integration

1. What are polar coordinates?

Polar coordinates are a system of representing points in a two-dimensional space using a distance from the origin and an angle from a reference line.

2. How are polar coordinates different from Cartesian coordinates?

In Cartesian coordinates, points are represented by an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate, while in polar coordinates, points are represented by a distance and an angle.

3. How do you convert between polar and Cartesian coordinates?

To convert from polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates, use the formulas x = rcosθ and y = rsinθ, where r is the distance from the origin and θ is the angle from the reference line. To convert from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates, use the formulas r = √(x^2 + y^2) and θ = tan^-1(y/x).

4. How are polar coordinates used in integration?

Polar coordinates are often used in integration when dealing with circular or symmetrical shapes. They allow for simpler equations and limits of integration, making integration calculations easier.

5. What are some common mistakes when using polar coordinates for integration?

One common mistake is forgetting to convert the limits of integration from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates. Another mistake is not properly converting the integrand from Cartesian form to polar form. It's also important to keep track of the correct direction for the angle of integration.

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