How Is Total Resistance Calculated in a Cubic Resistor Network?

  • Thread starter Martin
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In summary, a cubic configuration of twelve R-ohm resistors is shown, with a total resistance of RAB between the opposite vertices A and B. The current can flow in 6 different ways, each with a resistance of 3R. By dividing the current into three equal parts, it can be seen that the total resistance is 5R/6 or R/3 for parallel connections. This can also be visualized by connecting certain nodes together to form a series and parallel circuit. This problem has been used as a teaching exercise and can take an hour or more to solve.
  • #1
Twelve ideal R-ohm resistors are connected in a cubic configuration (i.e., each one forms an edge of a cube), as shown . What is the total resistance RAB between the opposite vertices A and B?
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  • #2
There are 6 ways for the current to get from A to B. All 6 ways have resistance 3R.
So I guess [itex]R_{AB}=\frac{R}{2}[/itex].
  • #3
My guess is 5R/6 {or R*(1/3 + 1/6 + 1/3)}
  • #4
It would be harder to find the effective resistance between any other pair of points (for example, 2 neighbouring points) ...
  • #5
Current passing from b to each three immediate resistors are equal.
Let I10, I11, I12 be currents passing through R10, R11, R12, the last three resistors of the cube.
Current passing at A is given by
IA= IB = I10 + I11 + I12
= V10/R10 + V11/R11 + V12/R12
and since the voltages and resistances are equal
IA = It = 3*V10/R10
Vt = It*RAB
= 3V10*Rt/R10
R10*Vt /3*V10 = Rt
For parallel connection V is constant
Vt = V10
Rt = R10/3 or
Rt = RAB = R/3
  • #6
The current flows equally through 3 resistors, then 6 resistors and then through the last 3 resistors. So, the total resistance is
R/3+R/6+R/3 = 5R/6 .
  • #7
I see some correct answers here; for the others, here’s how it goes:

Imagine a current I entering one of the vertices (say, node “A”). Because of symmetry (i.e., each of the three paths leaving node A “looks” the same to the current I), the current I divides evenly into three equal currents I0

(1) I0 = (1/3)I

among the three braches A-1, A-2, and A-3, as shown .

As each I0 enters nodes 1, 2, and 3, it too—again, because of symmetry (i.e., each of the two paths leaving each of the nodes 1, 2, and 3 “looks” the same)—divides evenly into two equal currents I00

(2) I00 = (1/2)I0

at the branch pairs 1-5 and 1-6, 2-4 and 2-6, and 3-4 and 3-5.

The currents then recombine at nodes 6, 5, and 4 into three equal currents I0, which, in turn, recombine into I at node B.

The cube is simply a bunch of flexible wires connecting resistances. Let’s simplify our visualization by stretching out the cube and laying it flat (note that the wires are actually connected only at the points indicated by the solid dots “•”).

Now, calculate the voltage between node A and B along any path:

(3) VAB = I0R + I00R + I0R.

Substituting (1) and (2) into (3), we get

(4) VAB = (1/3)IR + (1/6)IR + (1/3)IR = (5/6)IR.

The total resistance between nodes A and B is, therefore

(5) RAB = VAB/I = (5/6)R ohms.

Here’s another way of looking at it: Since the voltage drop from A to 1 is the same as the voltage drop from A to 2 which is the same as the voltage drop from A to 3, which is the same as the voltage drops from 6 to B, 5 to B, and 4 to B (because each equals (1/3)IR), then nodes 1, 2, and 3 are all at the same potential, and nodes 4, 5, and 6 are at the same potential. In other words,

V12 = V13 = V23 = 0


V65 = V64 = V54 = 0.

We can therefore connect each of these two sets of three nodes together with a short circuit and not change anything. If we do that, the circuit would appear . It should be obvious that this configuration is just a series connection of three parallel connections of 3, 6, and 3 R-ohm resistances, which works out to be (5/6)R ohms.
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  • #8
LoL. When my dad was teaching years ago, he used to give his class this problem. It would take them an hour or so to solve it and give him an hour or so to catch up on some work. heh

FAQ: How Is Total Resistance Calculated in a Cubic Resistor Network?

1. What is three-dimensional resistance?

Three-dimensional resistance is a measure of how much an object resists movement in all three dimensions, which are length, width, and height. It is a property of materials and is influenced by factors such as shape, size, and composition.

2. How is three-dimensional resistance different from one-dimensional or two-dimensional resistance?

One-dimensional resistance only considers movement in one direction, while two-dimensional resistance considers movement in two directions. Three-dimensional resistance takes into account movement in all three directions, making it a more accurate measure of an object's resistance to motion.

3. What factors affect three-dimensional resistance?

Several factors can affect three-dimensional resistance, including the shape and size of an object, the material it is made of, and external forces such as gravity and friction. The orientation and arrangement of molecules within a material also play a role in determining its resistance to motion.

4. How is three-dimensional resistance measured?

Three-dimensional resistance is typically measured using a force meter or load cell. These instruments apply a force to the object in different directions and measure the amount of resistance it exerts. The unit of measurement for three-dimensional resistance is usually Newtons (N).

5. Why is understanding three-dimensional resistance important?

Understanding three-dimensional resistance is important in various fields, including engineering, material science, and physics. It allows us to predict how objects will behave under different forces and can help in the design and construction of structures and materials that can withstand these forces. It also plays a crucial role in understanding the movement and stability of objects in our everyday lives.
