Finite Universe: Why Postulate an Infinite Universe?

In summary, people still postulate an infinite universe because our current models of the big bang do not rule out the possibility of the entire universe being infinite in size, even though the observable universe is temporally finite. Additionally, the concept of the big bang 'singularity' is not limited by our current understanding of physics. There is also uncertainty about the size and origins of our region of space-time. Therefore, the possibility of an infinite universe cannot be ruled out.
  • #1
If the approximate time since the big band is correct at about 14 billions years, then the universe should have a limit as to how far it has expanded/inflated. Why then do people still postulate an infinite universe ?
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  • #2
Our models predict that the observable universe started out from a dense state smaller than a proton. However, the same models do not rule out that the whole universe (the observed universe plus the still unobserved part) did not start out infinite in size.
  • #3
Thinking about this some more..cosmology and physics can take us back to a fraction of a second ATBB but says nothing about the BB itself. So though the physics takes us back 14 billion years that may be a fraction of the way back to the actual BB.

Am i right in thinking that the BB could have occurred an infinitely long time ago in which case it would have had an infinite amount of time to expand and there would not be a singularity at the BB as there was in fact no beginning ?
  • #4
The observable universe is temporally finite. That does not mean it is spatially finite.
We cannot comment on the existence or extent of regions unobservable to us. The big bang 'singularity' is unbounded by physics as we know it.
  • #5
1. We don't know how big our region of space-time started out as, as others have noted. Personally, I tend towards thinking that it is likely spatially finite.
2. We don't know whether or not it stemmed from a larger space-time. So space may well be infinite even if our region is not.
3. Extrapolating into the future, our universe will approach infinite size, so in a sense it is certainly infinite.

FAQ: Finite Universe: Why Postulate an Infinite Universe?

1. What is the concept of a finite universe?

A finite universe is one that has a limited or measurable size, meaning it has an end or boundary. It is a concept that is often explored in cosmology and physics.

2. Why do scientists postulate an infinite universe?

Scientists postulate an infinite universe because it helps to explain certain phenomena, such as the observed expansion of the universe. It also allows for the possibility of multiple universes existing.

3. How does the concept of an infinite universe differ from a finite universe?

An infinite universe has no end or boundary, and is therefore unbounded and limitless. A finite universe, on the other hand, has a measurable size and an end point.

4. What evidence supports the idea of an infinite universe?

One of the main pieces of evidence for an infinite universe is the observed expansion of the universe, which suggests that the universe is infinitely large. Other theories, such as inflation and the multiverse theory, also support the idea of an infinite universe.

5. What are the implications of an infinite universe?

The concept of an infinite universe poses many philosophical and scientific implications. It challenges our understanding of time and space, and raises questions about the origin and ultimate fate of the universe. It also opens up the possibility of an infinite number of civilizations and worlds existing beyond our own.

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