Homogeneous second order linear ODE

In summary: Thanks for clearing that up for me :)In summary, the texbook outlines a solution to a general equation by noting that if you let y=e^rx, then the equation becomes: y=e^(rx) which is separable. The solution is found by noting that if ar^2+br+c=0, then y=k e^(cx).
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey; not much of a homework question, but something i was wanting to find out.

Im still a first year undergraduate and just started on differential equations. We have just finished going over homogeneous 2nd order ODE's of the form:

ay'' + by' + cy = 0

My texbook briefly outlines the solution to any general equation, and from there on simply uses the derived solutions to solve further problems.

The way in which it derives the general solution is by noting that if we let y=e^rx, then the equation becomes:

ar^2 e^{rx} + bre^{rx} + ce^{rx} = e^{rx} (ar^2 + br + c) = 0

And since exp(x) is real and positive for all x, the equation only holds true if:

ar^2 + br + c = 0

Now that all makes sense to me, but what isn't really clear to me is why we just happen to select y=e^rx? Why not some other function? Is there some proof that shows e^rx as the only function to satisfy the conditions? I realize that e^rx is ideal because of the special property that its derivatives are all scalar multiples of itself, but what reason is there to deny the existence of some other function with similar properties?

Thanks for the help; Even a link pointing me in the right direction is apreciated :smile:

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  • #2
The idea is that you need some function whose derivatives are not linearly independent, that is, dy/dx = cy. This is separable, that is, dy/y = cdx. Solving yields ln |y| = cx + d. Now let us rearrange to get |y| = (e^d)e^(cx). We can eliminate the absolute value by allowing the e^d term to be negative... call it k. Then

y = k e^(cx).

That's where it comes from, and it is the only function which has derivatives which are not linearly independent to each other and the original function (except one other class of functions: which?)
  • #3
Roughly speaking, In order that [itex]ad^2y/dx^2+ b dy/dx+ cy= 0[/itex], the different derivatives must cancel and, since the coefficients are constants, that means the derivatives must be of the same type as the function y itself. For example, if y= ln(x), then dy/dx= 1/x and [itex]d^2y/dx^2= -1/x^2[/itex] so there is nothing to cancel the "ln x" in the cy term. Of course, exponentials, ekx is the simplest function whose derivative, kekx, is the same type of function.
  • #4
Yes, but the reason why the exponential function is used is given above. It's about linear independence.
  • #5
Ok, I read your first response again and now it make sense!

FAQ: Homogeneous second order linear ODE

1. What is a homogeneous second order linear ODE?

A homogeneous second order linear ODE (ordinary differential equation) is a type of mathematical equation that involves a function and its first and second derivatives. It is called "homogeneous" because the terms in the equation do not depend on any independent variable.

2. How do you solve a homogeneous second order linear ODE?

To solve a homogeneous second order linear ODE, you first need to rewrite the equation in standard form, which involves moving all terms to one side and setting the equation equal to zero. Then, you can use techniques such as the substitution method or the method of undetermined coefficients to find a general solution.

3. What are the applications of homogeneous second order linear ODEs?

Homogeneous second order linear ODEs are used to model many physical phenomena, such as the motion of a spring or the decay of a radioactive substance. They are also commonly used in engineering and economics to solve problems involving rates of change.

4. What is the difference between a homogeneous and non-homogeneous second order linear ODE?

The difference between a homogeneous and non-homogeneous second order linear ODE is that a homogeneous equation has a zero on the right side, while a non-homogeneous equation has a non-zero value on the right side. This means that the solution to a homogeneous equation will be a linear combination of exponential functions, while the solution to a non-homogeneous equation will also include a particular solution that accounts for the non-zero term.

5. Can a homogeneous second order linear ODE have complex solutions?

Yes, a homogeneous second order linear ODE can have complex solutions. This is because the general solution to a homogeneous equation involves exponential functions, which can have complex values. However, if the initial conditions of the equation are real numbers, the solution will also be a real-valued function.
