Electron Capture vs Positron Emision

In summary, there is a discrepancy between the conservation of mass in the beta decay process of atoms. This is due to the splitting of the mass difference between the components of positron rest mass, positron kinetic energy, neutrino kinetic energy, neutrino rest mass, and nucleus recoil. However, when considering electron capture, the neutrino must carry away all the mass difference, resulting in a more energetic neutrino and a narrow line spectrum. This discrepancy is resolved by including the neutrino in the mass calculations.
  • #1
I'm having some slight confusion over what seems to be a violation of conservation of mass: Both electrons and positrons have positive mass, so now consider an atom that undergoes a beta decay, and so has it's mass changed by the difference in mass between a proton and a neutron. How does it work that you can have the same initial mass, same final mass, and get there by both gaining mass(EC), or loosing mass (β+). What gives?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Gives kinetic energy of the emitted particles.

Take a nucleus which can decay both ways, like potassium 40.

In case of positron emission, the difference between the masses of K-40 and Ar-40 is split between the 3 major components of
1) positron rest mass (511 keV)
2) positron kinetic energy
3) neutrino kinetic energy
and the minor components of
4) neutrino rest mass (unknown but small)
5) Ar-40 nucleus recoil

Eventually the positron is annihilated, emitting 2 or 3 photons whose combined energy shall be 1022 keV plus whatever the positron kinetic energy was.

If, however, the K-40 nucleus manages to capture an electron, then there is no positron emitted. But a neutrino is emitted.

The whole mass difference between K-40 and Ar-40 nuclei, plus the mass of electron (usually somewhat less than 511 keV), have to be carried away by the emitted neutrino. Only the recoil of the Ar-40 nucleus goes elsewhere.

It follows that the neutrinos emitted on electron capture are much more energetic than the neutrinos emitted by positron emission. The capture neutrinos have to take the 1022 keV of electron-positron pair energy, plus the positron´s share of kinetic energy.

Electron capture neutrinos also have a narrow line spectrum, because they cannot share their energy with positron.
  • #3
Ah, that makes much more sense; considering the neutrino in there gives you much more wiggle room.

FAQ: Electron Capture vs Positron Emision

1. What is the difference between electron capture and positron emission?

Electron capture and positron emission are two different types of nuclear decay processes. In electron capture, an electron from the inner shell of an atom is captured by the nucleus, causing a proton to be converted into a neutron. In positron emission, a proton in the nucleus is converted into a neutron, and a positron (a positively charged particle) is emitted.

2. What types of elements can undergo electron capture or positron emission?

Any element with an unstable nucleus (known as a radionuclide) can undergo electron capture or positron emission. This includes elements such as potassium, carbon, and uranium.

3. How is the release of energy different in electron capture and positron emission?

In electron capture, the released energy is in the form of a type of radiation called a gamma ray. In positron emission, the released energy is in the form of a positron. Both processes also release a neutrino, a small, neutral particle.

4. What are some practical applications of electron capture and positron emission?

Electron capture and positron emission are used in medical imaging techniques such as PET (positron emission tomography) scans. They are also used in industrial and environmental monitoring to detect and measure the presence of certain elements.

5. Can electron capture or positron emission occur naturally?

Yes, both electron capture and positron emission can occur naturally in certain elements. For example, carbon-14 undergoes both electron capture and positron emission as part of its natural decay process.

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