Speed Increase calculation for air over a wing.

In summary, the conversation discusses how to calculate the increase in speed of air flowing over a plane's wing and how the viscosity of water affects this for hydroplanning. The simplest way would be to measure the difference in distances traveled, but the speeds vary depending on where they are sampled relative to the aircraft. The work done would be equal to the integral sum of all the affected air masses, but this is a complicated process. Studying a propeller, which is less efficient than a wing, may be an easier case to understand.
  • #1
Hi All,
This isn't really a physics course related question or anything (i barely passed secondary school science). But this seems like a place I might be able to find my answer. I'm trying to find the calculation to work out what the increase in speed is of air flowing over a planes wing but in lamens terms.

Also how the viscosity of water affects this for like hydroplanning and the such.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I suppose the simplest way would be to measure the difference in distances traveled. If you know the width of the wing (from the leading edge to the trailing edge), and the amount of curvature on the top of the wing, you can tell how far each air particle must travel to get from the leading edge to the trailing edge.

Now, these numbers are simplified for, well, simplicity. But, suppose the wing is 3 ft. wide. Air traveling across the bottom of the wing is going in a straight line, so it travels 3 ft. in (let's say) a 10th of a second. Because of curvature in the top of the wing, air going around the curve must travel 4 ft. in the same 10th of the second. So, if the two air masses are to travel from the leading edge of the wing to the trailing edge in the same period of time, then the air traveling over the top of the wing must travel 1 ft. farther per 10th of a second; or ten ft. per second faster.
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  • #3
LURCH said:
I suppose the simplest way would be to measure the difference in distances traveled.
Except that the speeds vary with time as a wing passes through a volume of air, and you'd need the equivalent of a complicated airfoil program or actual measurement to determine the speeds.

There is no simple answer. Pressure and speed vary depending on where the pressure and speed are sampled relative to the aircraft. The air as high as 1/2 a wingspan above and a bit forwards of the center of an air craft is affected by a wing. The air below and behind a wing is also affected. (Note that the downforce applied by a wing onto the air eventually becomes downforce applied by the air to the Earth's surface). The range of the affect decreases as you approach the wing tips. Note that the speed of the air also involves vortices at the wing tips and near the wing surfaces.

If what you're looking for is how the air is affected by a wing, the work done would be equal to the integral sum of all the tiny masses of affected air times 1/2 their speeds^2 at the points when their pressures transition from non-ambient back to ambient. This eliminates the intermediate states where pressures are not ambient, but it's still complicated.

A propeller, which isn't as efficient as a wing, and peforms significant work on the air might be an easier case to study. A pair of links to related articles:


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FAQ: Speed Increase calculation for air over a wing.

1. What is the purpose of calculating speed increase for air over a wing?

The purpose of calculating speed increase for air over a wing is to understand the aerodynamics of a wing and how it affects the lift and drag forces on an aircraft. This calculation helps engineers and pilots determine the optimal speed for takeoff, landing, and flight.

2. How is speed increase for air over a wing calculated?

Speed increase for air over a wing is calculated using the Bernoulli's principle, which states that an increase in air speed over a curved surface results in a decrease in air pressure. This pressure difference creates a lift force on the wing, allowing the aircraft to fly.

3. What factors affect the speed increase for air over a wing?

The factors that affect speed increase for air over a wing include air density, wing shape and size, and angle of attack. Air density affects the lift force generated by the wing, while wing shape and size determine the amount of air that can flow over the wing. The angle of attack, or the angle between the wing and the direction of air flow, also affects the speed increase.

4. How does speed increase for air over a wing impact an aircraft's performance?

The speed increase for air over a wing directly affects an aircraft's lift and drag forces, which in turn affect its performance. A higher speed increase results in a higher lift force and lower drag force, allowing the aircraft to fly at a higher speed and with better fuel efficiency.

5. Are there any limitations to the speed increase calculation for air over a wing?

While the speed increase calculation for air over a wing is an important tool in understanding aircraft aerodynamics, it does have its limitations. It assumes ideal conditions and does not take into account other factors such as turbulence, air flow separation, and three-dimensional effects. Real-life flight testing is necessary to fully understand an aircraft's performance.

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