Your Computer can read your mind

In summary, the conversation discusses a website that claims to read minds by asking a series of calculations and then asking the individual to think of a color and tool. Some individuals share their experience with the website and mention different colors and tools that they thought of. The conversation also touches upon the topic of a man in England who claims to be able to read minds and influence people's choices. Some individuals question the validity of this ability and suggest it may be a trick.
  • #1
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Computer science news on
  • #2
It's really cool until you find out how it works! Still a great thing to show people and watch them freak out.
  • #3
I remember this. I spent about an hour trying to figure it out and eventually got it...

..and now I forgot
  • #4
Woah! How does this work?

Haha just figured it out. Nice one.
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  • #5
I'm the one that's psychic. I can guess what it's going to predict without doing the sum it asks for.
  • #6

Took me while to figure this out, that is so cool and simple. You could make all kinds of variations with this.
  • #7
I always found this one kind of interesting:


At the end of this message, you are asked a question. Answer it immediately. Don't stop and think about it. Just say the first thing that pops into your mind. This is a fun "test"... AND kind of spooky at the same time! Give it a try, then e-mail it around (including back to me) and you'll see how many people you know fall into the same percentage as you. Be sure to put in the subject line if you are among the 98% or the 2%. You'll understand what that means after you finish taking the "test".

Now... just follow the instructions as quickly as possible. Do not go to the next calculation before you have finished the previous one
You do not need to write or remember the answers, just do it using your mind.
You'll be surprised.

Start: How much is:
15 + 6
3 + 56
89 + 2
12 + 53
75 + 26
25 + 52
63 + 32
3 + 5


Scroll further to the bottom...

You just thought about a red hammer, didn't you?
  • #8
I thought of a blue screwdriver. I have no idea why anyone whould think of a red hammer.

- Warren
  • #9
Actually a blue screw driver is excactly what I thought of as well, that's what I googled originally when looking for that site.
  • #10

I thought of blue wire cutters, heh, you have to tweak those numbers some more.
  • #12
I thought of blue wire cutters, heh, you have to tweak those numbers some more.

After tweaking, I thought of a black double ended dildo. So I'll leave as original.
  • #13
On what's probably a related note, a guy once claimed he was psychic and told me to pick a number between one and ten. I mentally decided on 6 and he guessed it instantly.

Do 80% of people choose 6 given this choice, or was there some other way he might have steered me to choose 6?
  • #14
There's a guy in England

There's a guy in England who's name escapes me atm, he can make you chose any number between 1-10 he wants by using subliminal cues, Think of one number then keep that single number in your head ok make sure it's not easy to guess, ok I want you and only you to tell me the number, eventually someone will pick one without realising why. He can also tell you your pin number by making you think about typing it in, whilst holding your hand the subtle body language you use when visualising your pin will make your fingers twitch, also he can tell you where you hid something in say a warehouse just by holding your hand and asking questions he can work out where it is. Another neat trick is he was at the dogs and found someone with a losing ticket he then went up to the desk and said this is a winning ticket, the person at the lobby said no it isn't it's lost try it again that's a winning ticket he would say whilst being very positive and misdirecting her by banging his hand above the window. She would then invariably say oh yes and pay out, the guy then picked a few more no hopers and subsequently one 80 pounds. Never under estimate the power of sugestion;)

Favourite one though was he's on the train and he goes up to someone and says I bet you can't tell me what stop your getting off at you've forgotten haven't you, They all forgot until one guy actually missed his stop.
  • #15
chroot said:
I thought of a blue screwdriver. I have no idea why anyone whould think of a red hammer.

- Warren
I thought of a blue shovel. Ha ha...seems we have a lot of people here who like blue. :biggrin:
  • #16
Hmm... I thought of a magenta mallet... :-p
  • #17
Schrodinger's Dog said:
There's a guy in England who's name escapes me atm, he can make you chose any number between 1-10 he wants by using subliminal cues, Think of one number then keep that single number in your head ok make sure it's not easy to guess, ok I want you and only you to tell me the number, eventually someone will pick one without realising why.
The guy who did this to me didn't say anything beyond the lengthy set up spiel about being psychic and how he got that way. Once he told me to pick a number he said nothing till I had picked it and said "OK."

There is an oft repeated thing which says you can tell if someone is lying because they'll look up and to the left when accessing the "imaginative" part of their brain (i.e. they're making something up) and up and to the right when they're accessing "memory" (i.e. they're telling the truth, as they know it). I don't know if that's true or not, but it made me wonder if people don't all have a natural eye position associated with thinking about specific numbers. It was obviously a trick since he limited me to numbers between one and ten. A true mind reader could pick any thought at all out of your mind.
  • #18
Keskin ( the Amazing) 'admitted' this was the 'trick'='mentally leading' people to choose the number he was 'suggesting'.
I remember seeing a show from a Canadian 'performance' by him
where folks from the audience were chosen to go outside. He then told the audience inside that he had given these folks a 'suggestion' and would give a 'certain signal' to them and they wold all 'see UFOs'.

Sure enough, the cameras showed the people standing around outside
milling around-then he joined them and suddenly they all became excited about the 'objects in the sky'-really excited...getting upset. And there's nothing there; then he 'snapped his finger in the air' and suddenly no one sees anything (5 people i think).

Perhaps one of the characters was actually an 'assistant' who was able to 'prime' the others?

He's written a couple books; I've read his autobiography and it's quite interesting. He believes Hitler was able to use similar 'techniques of suggestion'. Very scary stuff actually.

It seems he's lost his 'power' somewhat, as i remember he predicted
a massive UFO sighting would occur in Nevada and nothing happened.

I received a 'gadget' for Christmas that asks 20 questions and can tell you what you're thinking -animal,vegtable,mineral or other.

This is wilder than picking a number! (actually,i think i'll try a number with it).
Honestly, the questions seem so 'vague' i wouldn't be able to guess what i was thinking by my answers-yet it came up with "rutabaga"! (my first try! Then called my "flying saucer" a UFO! It correctly came up with "pine tree" (not just 'tree'!)'s a trip!

This thing's got the IQ of Einstein compared to the ol' magic 8 ball.
  • #19
mouseonmoon said:
I received a 'gadget' for Christmas that asks 20 questions and can tell you what you're thinking -animal,vegtable,mineral or other.
This is wilder than picking a number! (actually,i think i'll try a number with it).
Honestly, the questions seem so 'vague' i wouldn't be able to guess what i was thinking by my answers-yet it came up with "rutabaga"! (my first try! Then called my "flying saucer" a UFO! It correctly came up with "pine tree" (not just 'tree'!)'s a trip!
This thing's got the IQ of Einstein compared to the ol' magic 8 ball.

The wonders of a large database. By the way, the game is available online:
  • #20
I saw one guy on TV picking numbers out of people's heads. It was very easy to do. He had them think of a number between 1 and 10 (actually I think he did with 1 to 100 and guessed the first and second digits seperately). Then he would have them look at his hand and move it left and right as he counted from 1 to 10. Sure enough, every time he said the right number, they blinked.
  • #21
I Thought Of A Blue Warren
  • #22
Green wrench here. I can't get the first link to work...
  • #23
=O I thought of a red hammer!

;-; Can someone explain it to me?

Dammit, my brain is average.
  • #24
mouseonmoon said:
I received a 'gadget' for Christmas that asks 20 questions and can tell you what you're thinking -animal,vegtable,mineral or other.

This is wilder than picking a number! (actually,i think i'll try a number with it).
Honestly, the questions seem so 'vague' i wouldn't be able to guess what i was thinking by my answers-yet it came up with "rutabaga"! (my first try! Then called my "flying saucer" a UFO! It correctly came up with "pine tree" (not just 'tree'!)'s a trip!
Yes, I played with one of these but it was a couple of years ago. My "thing" was 'wife' - and it picked it!

I thought it was amazing too. But if you think about it logically:
it gets to ask 20 yes/no questions. That means it can uniquely identify 2^20 or 1,048,576 objects. (Don't forget, the designers get to determine both the objects and the questions. All the user gets to do is answer yes or no.)

Truth be told, what it picked for me was 'loved one or significant other' or something like that. That's broad enough a category that it shouldn't be hard to come up with 1 million+ objects that will cover pretty much anything the user imagines.
  • #25
chroot said:
I thought of a blue screwdriver. I have no idea why anyone whould think of a red hammer.

- Warren

Same here.
  • #26
Schrodinger's Dog said:
There's a guy in England who's name escapes me atm, he can make you chose any number between 1-10 he wants by using subliminal cues,

He's called Derren brown. It really is scary what he can make people do by subliminal messaging. He can pay people with blank paper in shops and they think that he's paid them normal money! No joke, watch it,

another good clip is him winning money with a losing ticket at a dog race by subliminally influencing the woman behind the till!

I would love to beable to do that! :biggrin:
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  • #27
I got the colour right, not the tool - red hoe.
  • #28
-RA- said:
He's called Derren brown. It really is scary what he can make people do by subliminal messaging. He can pay people with blank paper in shops and they think that he's paid them normal money! No joke, watch it,

another good clip is him winning money with a losing ticket at a dog race by subliminally influencing the woman behind the till!

I would love to beable to do that! :biggrin:

He's quite a comedian and artist as well. Check out his "bio" and charicatures:

I've been fascinated by his "mind control" abilities, too, since I first caught the show. He seems to be able to do impossible things.
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FAQ: Your Computer can read your mind

1. How does my computer read my mind?

Your computer does not actually read your mind. It may seem like it, but it is actually using advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to predict your actions based on your previous behavior and patterns. It is not capable of reading your thoughts or emotions.

2. Is my privacy at risk if my computer can read my mind?

No, your privacy is not at risk. Your computer can only track and analyze your online activities and preferences, such as your search history and social media interactions. It does not have access to your thoughts or personal information.

3. Can my computer accurately predict my thoughts and actions?

It depends on the algorithms and data it has been trained on. While it can make accurate predictions based on your past behavior, it is not always 100% accurate and may sometimes make mistakes. It is important to remember that it is still a machine and cannot fully replicate human thought processes.

4. How can I control my computer from reading my mind?

You can control your computer's ability to track and analyze your online activities by adjusting your privacy settings and clearing your browsing history. However, if you are uncomfortable with the idea of your computer making predictions based on your behavior, you can also opt out of using certain apps or services that utilize this technology.

5. Can I use my computer's mind reading capabilities to my advantage?

It is not possible to use your computer's mind reading capabilities to your advantage as it is not actually reading your mind. It is simply processing data and making predictions based on that data. However, you can use this technology to improve your user experience by allowing your computer to personalize and customize your online experience based on your preferences.

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