Logic Networks/Seven Segment Displays

  • Thread starter Fr33t
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In summary, the logic behind the characters in "APPLE" can be displayed on a seven-segment display by using a logic network with 7 output functions. Each function corresponds to a different character, and the network is driven by a 2-bit input.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Here's the problem:

Design a logic network that can display the characters in “APPLE” on a sevensegment
display unit. Write the truth table for the output functions C0-C6, minimize them
by using Karnaugh Map, and implement using discrete logic gates.
(Hints: Character “A” will be displayed if segments (C0, C1, C2, C4, C5, C6) of a 7-
segment display are turned on and segment (C3) is turned off. Since only 4 characters
will be displayed, input of 2 bits to encode them will be needed for the given design.)

Now, where I get confused is when it says an input of 2 bits to encode them will be needed. I understand that technically only 2 bits are needed, but I do not understand how to implement it using only 2 instead of 4. I've been searching and thinking of different ways to do it but I am stumped.

Homework Equations

Not quite applicable

The Attempt at a Solution

With 2 bits to work with:
00 = A
01 = P
10 = L
11 = E
A	B	C0	C1	C2	C3	C4	C5	C6
0	0	1	1	1	0	1	1	1
0	1	1	1	0	0	1	1	1
1	0	0	0	0	1	1	1	0
1	1	1	0	0	1	1	1	1
But what is the point of using a K Map for this? I am almost sure this is where I am wrong but I have no idea what to do?

Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks


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  • #2
Fr33t said:

Homework Statement

Here's the problem:

Design a logic network that can display the characters in “APPLE” on a sevensegment
display unit. Write the truth table for the output functions C0-C6, minimize them
by using Karnaugh Map, and implement using discrete logic gates.
(Hints: Character “A” will be displayed if segments (C0, C1, C2, C4, C5, C6) of a 7-
segment display are turned on and segment (C3) is turned off. Since only 4 characters
will be displayed, input of 2 bits to encode them will be needed for the given design.)

Now, where I get confused is when it says an input of 2 bits to encode them will be needed. I understand that technically only 2 bits are needed, but I do not understand how to implement it using only 2 instead of 4. I've been searching and thinking of different ways to do it but I am stumped.

Homework Equations

Not quite applicable

The Attempt at a Solution

With 2 bits to work with:
00 = A
01 = P
10 = L
11 = E
A	B	C0	C1	C2	C3	C4	C5	C6
0	0	1	1	1	0	1	1	1
0	1	1	1	0	0	1	1	1
1	0	0	0	0	1	1	1	0
1	1	1	0	0	1	1	1	1
But what is the point of using a K Map for this? I am almost sure this is where I am wrong but I have no idea what to do?

Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Welcome to the PF.

Everything you've done looks correct. Now just do the 7 K-maps (or just write the 7 equations) that define the logic that drives the 7-segment displays. The same logic is repeated at each display, and drives the 7 segments based on that 2-bit input AB.

BTW, I edited your post to insert Code tags around your table. This preserves the column alignment.
  • #3
Thanks a million berkeman, I think I got it all figured out!

FAQ: Logic Networks/Seven Segment Displays

1. What is a logic network?

A logic network is a collection of electronic components, such as logic gates, that are connected together to perform a specific logical function. These networks are commonly used in digital circuits to process and manipulate binary data.

2. What is a seven segment display?

A seven segment display is a type of electronic display device that is typically used to represent numbers. It is composed of seven individual segments that can be turned on or off to create different digits from 0 to 9. These displays are commonly used in digital clocks, calculators, and other electronic devices.

3. How do logic networks and seven segment displays work together?

Logic networks can be used to control the segments of a seven segment display, allowing for the display of different numbers or symbols. For example, a logic network can be designed to convert a binary number into the appropriate signals to turn on the necessary segments to display the corresponding decimal number on a seven segment display.

4. What are some common applications of logic networks and seven segment displays?

Logic networks and seven segment displays are often used in combination in various electronic devices such as digital clocks, calculators, digital counters, and electronic scoreboards. They are also commonly used in industrial control systems to display numerical data and in automotive dashboards to display speed and other information.

5. Can logic networks and seven segment displays be used for more than just numbers?

Yes, logic networks can be designed to control the segments of a seven segment display to display letters and symbols as well. This can be useful in applications where alphanumeric characters need to be displayed, such as in electronic signs and displays.

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