Divergence of a vector field is a scalar field?

Then, use the fact that the Jacobian matrix of the transformation is orthogonal to show that the expression for divergence is invariant under rotation. In summary, the conversation discusses how to show the Divergence of a vector field is a scalar field and whether or not it is invariant under rotation. The solution involves using the chain rule and the Jacobian matrix of the transformation.
  • #1

How can I show the Divergence of a vector field is a scalar field(in [tex]E^{3}[/tex]) ?
Should I show that Div is invariant under rotation?



[tex]\frac{\partial V^{'}_{i}(\stackrel{\rightarrow}{x})}{\partial x^{'i}}=\frac{\partial(a_{ij}V_{j} (\stackrel{\rightarrow}{x})) }{\partial(a^{ij} x^{j} ) } = \frac{\partial V_{i} (\stackrel{\rightarrow}{x})}{\partial x^{i}} [/tex]

How can I prove the last equality?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Start with the dot product of the del operator with the vector field; this is the expression for divergence.
  • #3
merrypark3 said:

How can I show the Divergence of a vector field is a scalar field(in [tex]E^{3}[/tex]) ?
Should I show that Div is invariant under rotation?



[tex]\frac{\partial V^{'}_{i}(\stackrel{\rightarrow}{x})}{\partial x^{'i}}=\frac{\partial(a_{ij}V_{j} (\stackrel{\rightarrow}{x})) }{\partial(a^{ij} x^{j} ) } = \frac{\partial V_{i} (\stackrel{\rightarrow}{x})}{\partial x^{i}} [/tex]

How can I prove the last equality?
Use the chain rule to express the derivative with respect to x'i in terms of the derivatives with respect to the unprimed coordinates.

FAQ: Divergence of a vector field is a scalar field?

1. What is the definition of divergence?

The divergence of a vector field is a measure of the outward flow of the field from a given point. It represents the rate at which the field is spreading or converging at that point.

2. How is divergence calculated?

Divergence is calculated using the dot product of the vector field with the gradient operator. This operation is also known as taking the divergence operator on the vector field.

3. What is the physical significance of divergence?

The physical significance of divergence is that it helps us understand the behavior of a vector field. Positive divergence indicates that the field is expanding at a given point, while negative divergence indicates that the field is contracting. High divergence values may also indicate the presence of sources or sinks in the field.

4. Can divergence be negative?

Yes, divergence can be negative. Negative divergence indicates that the field is contracting or converging at a given point.

5. How is divergence related to other vector operations?

Divergence is related to other vector operations, such as curl and gradient, through the fundamental theorem of vector calculus. This theorem states that the divergence of a curl is always equal to zero, and the curl of a gradient is always equal to zero. This relationship helps us understand the interconnected nature of vector operations and their applications in various fields of science and engineering.

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