Where Can I Find a Summer Quantum Mechanics Course?

In summary, I don't know any schools that offer advanced physics courses over the summer. My (large state) university only offers introductory physics classes over the summer, nothing advanced, and I don't know any schools that do. How about an independent study?
  • #1
Hello, I was hoping someone can help with some information. I was in my last year, and I needed to pass quantum mechanics to graduate. Unfortunately, I got a failing grade and will have to wait till next spring to retake it. I was wondering if anyone knows a college that offers a quantum mechanics course over the summer? Thanks.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Nope, I don't know any schools that offer advanced physics courses over the summer. That's hard enough during the year, much less having to shove it all into 6 weeks. My (large state) university only offers introductory physics classes over the summer, nothing advanced, and I don't know any schools that do. How about an independent study?
  • #3
eri said:
Nope, I don't know any schools that offer advanced physics courses over the summer. That's hard enough during the year, much less having to shove it all into 6 weeks. My (large state) university only offers introductory physics classes over the summer, nothing advanced, and I don't know any schools that do. How about an independent study?

I kinda found a Quantum course at Howard University over the summer, but I don't know if that will transfer. I am really just looking for other options right now and independent study might be one of them. I was wondering how that might work?
  • #4
You'd have to convince a professor to take you on over the summer or semester to basically teach you or guide you in learning the material. And you'd have to convince the school to accept it instead of QM. Also, it's unlikely the professor would get paid to do that, so you'd have to find one that really likes you.
  • #5
Or you can just take some online course based on what you need.
  • #6
IceMan815 said:
Or you can just take some online course based on what you need.

Do you know any online courses because I couldn't find any. Is there such thing as an online college that offers advanced physics course? If there is, that would help out a lot.

FAQ: Where Can I Find a Summer Quantum Mechanics Course?

1. What is quantum physics?

Quantum physics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter and energy at a very small scale, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It is also known as quantum mechanics or quantum theory.

2. How is quantum physics relevant in everyday life?

Quantum physics has many practical applications, such as in the development of modern technology like computers, lasers, and medical imaging devices. It also plays a role in fields like chemistry, biology, and engineering.

3. What are some key principles of quantum physics?

Some key principles of quantum physics include wave-particle duality, superposition, and entanglement. Wave-particle duality refers to the idea that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. Superposition is the concept that a particle can exist in multiple states simultaneously. Entanglement is the phenomenon where two particles can become linked in a way that their properties are dependent on each other, even when separated by large distances.

4. How has our understanding of quantum physics evolved over time?

Our understanding of quantum physics has evolved significantly since it was first developed in the early 20th century. Initially, it was met with skepticism and controversy, but as more experiments were conducted and technology advanced, its principles were eventually accepted and have been further refined through ongoing research and discoveries.

5. What are some current areas of research in quantum physics?

Some current areas of research in quantum physics include quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum teleportation. Scientists are also studying how quantum mechanics can be applied to larger systems, such as biological molecules, and how it can help us better understand the fundamental nature of the universe.

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