Velocities as function of canonical momenta

  • Thread starter jostpuur
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In summary, the canonical momenta are defined by the equation p_k = (dL/dq_k), and the velocities can be solved as functions of q_k and p_k when the determinant of the Hessian matrix of the second derivatives of L with respect to q_k and p_k is non-zero. This follows from the implicit function theorem.
  • #1
Assuming I've understood some claims correctly, having defined the canonical momenta with equation

p_k = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}_k},

we can solve the velocities as functions

\dot{q}_k(q_1,\ldots,q_n,p_1,\ldots, p_n)

precisely when the determinant

\textrm{det}\Big(\Big(\frac{\partial^2 L}{\partial \dot{q}_k\partial\dot{q}_{k'}}\Big)_{k,k'\in\{1,\ldots,n\}}\Big)

is non-zero. Why is this the case? The result looks reasonable, but I have difficulty seeing where this is coming from.
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  • #2
Basically, to solve the velocities, you will want to use the implicit function theorem, from which it follows that the Hessian must be invertible. Also see the exact statement in the link.
  • #3

The determinant in question is known as the Hessian matrix, and it represents the second-order derivatives of the Lagrangian with respect to the generalized velocities. This matrix is crucial in determining the behavior of a system described by the Lagrangian, as it contains information about the curvature and extrema of the Lagrangian.

In the context of classical mechanics, the equations of motion can be obtained from the principle of least action, which states that the true path of a system is one that minimizes the action integral. This integral is given by the difference between the initial and final values of the Lagrangian, integrated over time. By varying the path of the system and setting the resulting variation of the action to zero, we can obtain the equations of motion.

In order for this variation to be well-defined, the Hessian matrix must be invertible, or in other words, its determinant must be non-zero. This ensures that the system has a unique solution and that the equations of motion can be derived from the principle of least action.

Furthermore, the Hessian matrix also plays a key role in determining the stability of a system. A positive-definite Hessian matrix indicates a stable system, while a negative-definite matrix indicates an unstable system. This is important in understanding the behavior of a physical system and predicting its future evolution.

In summary, the non-zero determinant of the Hessian matrix is crucial in determining the behavior and dynamics of a system described by the Lagrangian. It ensures the uniqueness of the solution and provides information about the stability of the system.

FAQ: Velocities as function of canonical momenta

What are velocities as function of canonical momenta?

Velocities as function of canonical momenta is a concept in classical mechanics that describes the relationship between a particle's velocity and its canonical momentum. It is derived from Hamilton's equations of motion, which state that the time derivative of a particle's canonical momentum is equal to the negative of the partial derivative of its Hamiltonian with respect to its position.

Why is the concept of velocities as function of canonical momenta important?

The concept of velocities as function of canonical momenta is important because it allows us to describe the motion of particles in systems with multiple degrees of freedom. It also helps us to understand the conservation of energy and momentum in these systems.

How do you calculate velocities as function of canonical momenta?

To calculate velocities as function of canonical momenta, you first need to determine the Hamiltonian of the system. Then, you can use Hamilton's equations of motion to solve for the particle's velocity as a function of its canonical momentum.

What is the relationship between velocities and canonical momenta?

The relationship between velocities and canonical momenta is that they are conjugate variables, meaning that they are related through Hamilton's equations of motion. This means that a change in one variable will result in a corresponding change in the other variable.

What are some real-world applications of velocities as function of canonical momenta?

Velocities as function of canonical momenta has various applications in fields such as mechanics, physics, and engineering. It is used to study the motion of particles in systems with multiple degrees of freedom, and in the development of models for complex systems such as fluids, gases, and plasmas.
