Find a Problem for Cannon Ball Using GNU Octave

In summary: The Paris Gun was first fired at 05:00 on the morning of November 14, 1918, the first day of the Battle of Paris. Nearly 400 shells were fired over a period of six hours, but the gun was not used again during the war.
  • #1
Hi to all!

My teacher told me to find a problem from the internet based on Cannon throwing a ball, and then to try to solve it using gnu octave.

My problem is that I didnt find any problem with cannon ball

Can you please tell me where to find? or give me a problem ?

I don't need help to solve the problem, I just need the problem!

Best Regards
Engineering news on
  • #2
Do you want a problem with or without haversines?
  • #3
Do you want a problem throwing a cannon ball or hitting a target with a cannon ball?
  • #4
vibjwb said:
Do you want a problem throwing a cannon ball or hitting a target with a cannon ball?

a problem throwing a cannon ball
  • #5
there r some problems regarding canon in physics by halidy, resnik volume 1
  • #6
platonas1 said:
a problem throwing a cannon ball

The problem throwing cannon balls is that they are very heavy.
  • #7
FLAK acronym from the German Flugabwehrkanone, aircraft defence cannon.
  • #8
Here is some information on the great German cannon used to shell Paris during World War I. Ignoring air drag, what was the muzzle velocity required to have a range of 81 miles. What was the optimum launch angle? How much energy does the 210-pound shell have at launch? Asuming 4400 joules per gram of energy in gunpowder, how much gunpowder is required?
The Paris Gun was a weapon like no other, but its capabilities are not known with certainty. This is due to the weapon's apparent total destruction by the Germans in the face of the Allied offensive. Figures stated for the weapon's size, range, and performance vary widely depending on the source — not even the number of shells fired is certain.

The gun was capable of hurling a 94 kilogram (210 lb) shell to a range of 130 kilometres (81 miles) and a maximum altitude of 40 kilometres (25 miles) — the greatest height reached by a human-made projectile until the first successful V-2 flight test in October 1942.
The gun itself weighed 256 tons and was mounted on a special rail-transportable carriage mounted on a prepared concrete emplacement with a turntable. It had a 28 metre (92 ft) long, 210 millimetre (8.3 in) caliber rifled barrel, with a 6 metre (20 ft) long smoothbore extension. This barrel was placed inside a 38 cm Langer Max barrel, which in turn was placed on the carriage. The gun's barrel was braced to counteract barrel droop due to its length and weight, and vibrations while firing.
The projectile reached so high that it was the first human-made object to reach the stratosphere. This virtually eliminated drag from air resistance, allowing the shell to achieve a range of over 130 kilometres (81 mi). The shells were propelled at such a high velocity that each successive shot wore away a considerable amount of steel from the rifled bore.

FAQ: Find a Problem for Cannon Ball Using GNU Octave

1. What is GNU Octave and how is it used for finding a problem for cannon ball?

GNU Octave is a free and open-source programming language that is used for numerical computations. It can be used to solve various mathematical problems, including finding a problem for a cannon ball. Octave has built-in functions and tools that can help with solving physics and engineering problems, making it a useful tool for finding a problem for cannon ball.

2. How can I use GNU Octave to find a problem for cannon ball?

To use GNU Octave for finding a problem for cannon ball, you can start by defining the variables and parameters of the problem, such as the initial velocity, angle of launch, and gravity. Then, you can use Octave's built-in functions, such as "ode45" for solving differential equations, to simulate the trajectory of the cannon ball and find the desired problem.

3. What are some examples of problems that can be solved using GNU Octave for a cannon ball?

GNU Octave can be used to solve a variety of problems related to cannon ball, such as finding the maximum range, maximum height, or impact velocity of a cannon ball launched at a certain angle and velocity. It can also be used to optimize the launch parameters for a desired result, such as hitting a target at a specific distance.

4. Do I need to have programming experience to use GNU Octave for finding a problem for cannon ball?

While having programming experience can be helpful, it is not necessary to use GNU Octave for finding a problem for cannon ball. Octave has a user-friendly interface and syntax, making it accessible for beginners. There are also plenty of online resources and tutorials available for learning Octave.

5. Can I use GNU Octave for finding a problem for cannon ball in my research or experiments?

Yes, GNU Octave can be a valuable tool for researchers and scientists working on problems related to cannon ball. Its ability to solve mathematical equations and simulate physical systems can assist in analyzing and predicting the behavior of cannon balls in different scenarios. It can also be used to validate experimental results and optimize experimental designs.
