Is this Redox Reaction Balanced Correctly?

  • Thread starter nautica
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OH-In summary, the balanced redox reaction in basic solution is:NO + KMnO_4 \longrightarrow KNO_3 + MnO_2 + OH-
  • #1
Balance in basic (check my work)

NO + MnO4- ------ NO3- + MnO2

4OH- + 4H+ + NO ---- NO3- + 2H2O + 4OH-
4OH- + 4H+ + MnO4- --- MnO2 + 2H2O + 4OH-
Balanced with 5 e- on each side

2H2O + NO + MnO4- ----- NO3- + MnO2 + 8OH-

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  • #2
You need help, my friend :smile:

First, prepare atomic-based electron balance:

[tex]N^{2+} \longrightarrow N^{5+} + 3e^-[/tex]
[tex]Mn^{7+}+5e^- \longrightarrow Mn^{2+}[/tex]

Then balance them.

[tex]5N^{2+}+3Mn^{7+}\longrightarrow 5N^{5+}+3Mn^{2+}[/tex]

You'll see that both electron counts and atom counts are balanced now.

When you write the "real" ions, I mean, NO and MnO4-, you'll have to add OH- and H2O to the side with less oxygen and less hydrogen, etc.
  • #3
Cool, this is what I got

5NO + 3MNO4 = 5NO3 + 3MnO2

It appears that all are balanced. Does this look right.
  • #4
Another class mate said that the original reaction was already balanced. He said he worked through it and kept coming up with the original equation.

Could this be right? Or does mine look fine?

  • #5
nautica said:
Cool, this is what I got

5NO + 3MNO4 = 5NO3 + 3MnO2

It appears that all are balanced. Does this look right.

Well, it seems that atom counts are okay, but you've forgotten ionic counts. This is why redox reactions are hard to study.

You said that this redox should be in basic solution; so just put OH- ions to the left side. However, there is a serious error; in basic solutions, permanganate is only reduced to manganese dioxide, as you correctly wrote. So the coefficients cancel to reflect this:

[tex]N^{2+}+Mn^{7+}\longrightarrow N^{5+}+Mn^{4+}[/tex]

So if we write its real forms, we'll get this one:

[tex]NO + KMnO_4 \longrightarrow KNO_3 + MnO_2 [/tex]

FAQ: Is this Redox Reaction Balanced Correctly?

1. What is redox in basic solution?

Redox, short for reduction-oxidation, is a chemical reaction that involves the transfer of electrons between two molecules or atoms. In basic solution, the reaction occurs in an alkaline environment, typically with a pH greater than 7.

2. How does redox occur in basic solution?

In basic solution, redox reactions occur through the transfer of electrons from the reducing agent to the oxidizing agent. The reducing agent is oxidized, meaning it loses electrons, while the oxidizing agent is reduced, meaning it gains electrons.

3. What is the role of OH- in redox reactions in basic solution?

The hydroxide ion (OH-) acts as a base in basic solution and helps to balance the transfer of electrons in redox reactions. It can accept or donate electrons to maintain charge balance in the reaction.

4. Can redox reactions occur without an acid or base present?

Yes, redox reactions can occur without an acid or base present, but the presence of an acid or base can greatly influence the rate and direction of the reaction. In basic solution, the OH- ions can help facilitate the transfer of electrons, making the reaction more efficient.

5. What are some examples of redox reactions in basic solution?

Some common examples of redox reactions in basic solution include the rusting of iron, the reaction of bleach with colored substances, and the production of hydrogen gas from the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid.
