Intro Quantum Mechanics Text for the Summer?

In summary: If not, I would recommend doing so before attempting QM.In summary, this person is interested in QM and wants to do self-study to get a good foundation. They recommend linear algebra as a project to do before eventually taking QM.
  • #1
Hey guys I've been thinking for the summer I'd like to get a bit of an introduction to QM. I'll be doing research so something that I can just read through and do some problems every now and then is great.

My math background so far is most of the Calculus sequence (haven't done the vector calculus theorems yet, but I'm going to work on those too), a linear algebra course, and a tiny bit of differential equations.

I've identified Shankar and Griffiths as the typical "classics", and am also interested in Dirac's book (though is much of it irrelevant now with more modern developments? Would I be going in the wrong direction?)

So any particular recommendations? Again I'll be taking a course in QM eventually, just looking for something to keep my mind busy.
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  • #2
If you're taking QM eventually, I suggest linear algebra as your self-study project.

Shankar and Griffiths are good. Also Sakurai and Napolitano. Maybe French and Taylor if you're looking for something a little more introductory. I strongly recommend the introductory chapters of Landau and Lifshitz. And the formal presentation in Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu & Laloe.

Dirac is still good, despite the occasional mistake. The founders of the subject got it structurally right, except for the no hidden variables part. The other major conceptual revolution unknown to Dirac was Wilson's renormalization group and effective field theory, but that came after Feynman. In modern times, there is a slight preference for the measurement axioms to be stated using POVMs, although POVMs can be derived from the traditional projective measurements. But the old fashioned way of using projective measurements as axiomatic is not just in Dirac, but also in Shankar, Sakurai & Napolitano, Landau & Lifshitz, and Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu & Laloe.

Try Nielsen and Chuang or Matteo Paris's "The modern tools of quantum mechanics" for the axioms using POVMs.
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  • #3
atyy said:
Try Nielsen and Chuang or Matteo Paris's "The modern tools of quantum mechanics" for the axioms using POVMs.
Hm, already Postulate 1 is not entirely correct. The correct statement is that a (pure) state is represented by a ray in Hilbert space and not a specific normalized state vector (which is only one possible representant of the state). This is very important since without it there was no non-relativistic quantum theory, because the unitary representations of the (classical) Galilei group do not lead to a physically useful quantum mechanics. You need the central extension of the Gailei group with mass as a non-trivial central charge.

Another argument for the ray definition of states is the existence of spin-1/2 particles, i.e., that not the rotation group SO(3) is the true symmetry group of rotations in nature but its covering group, the SU(2). Also this makes only sense, if you define states as being represented by rays not by normalized state vectors.

In postulate 2 they should have written self-adjoint operators instead of hermitean operators, but that's another story.
  • #4
Spatium, may I ask what your physics background is? Have you at least taken a 2 or 3 semester calculus based intro physics sequenc covering mechanics, thermo, E&M and classical waves?
  • #5

Hello! It's great to hear that you are interested in learning about Quantum Mechanics over the summer. I highly recommend starting with Shankar or Griffiths as they are both well-respected and comprehensive introductions to the subject. They will provide you with a solid foundation in the fundamentals of QM.

In terms of your math background, it sounds like you have a good grasp on the necessary concepts. However, I would suggest brushing up on your linear algebra skills as it is a crucial tool in understanding QM.

As for Dirac's book, it is a classic and definitely worth reading, but keep in mind that it was written in the early 20th century and may not cover some of the more modern developments in QM. However, it is still a valuable resource for understanding the foundations of the subject.

Overall, my advice would be to start with either Shankar or Griffiths and supplement your learning with additional resources such as online lectures or problem sets. And don't be afraid to delve into more advanced topics as you progress. Happy learning!

FAQ: Intro Quantum Mechanics Text for the Summer?

1. What is the prerequisite knowledge for studying quantum mechanics?

The prerequisite knowledge for studying quantum mechanics includes a strong foundation in classical mechanics, linear algebra, and calculus. Some knowledge of differential equations and vector calculus may also be helpful.

2. What topics are typically covered in an introductory quantum mechanics course?

The topics covered in an introductory quantum mechanics course may include principles of quantum mechanics, wave-particle duality, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Schrödinger's equation, quantum tunneling, and quantum states and operators.

3. What are some real-world applications of quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics has a wide range of applications in various fields such as electronics, material science, cryptography, and quantum computing. Some specific examples of real-world applications include transistors, lasers, MRI machines, and quantum cryptography for secure communication.

4. How can one visualize the concepts of quantum mechanics?

Since quantum mechanics deals with phenomena on a very small scale, it can be challenging to visualize. However, some concepts can be represented using diagrams and animations, and analogies can be used to explain certain principles. Ultimately, a good understanding of the mathematical formalism is necessary to grasp the concepts of quantum mechanics.

5. What are some recommended resources for learning quantum mechanics?

There are many resources available for learning quantum mechanics, including textbooks, online courses, and lectures. Some recommended resources include "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics" by David J. Griffiths, "Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum" by Leonard Susskind and Art Friedman, and the MIT OpenCourseWare lectures on quantum mechanics.

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