Find Components of Velocity U to Collide Particles & Minimize U

  • Thread starter philnow
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In summary, the conversation discusses finding the x and y components of velocity U in order for a particle to collide with another particle fired with velocity V. The first part is easily solved, but the second part requires finding the minimum value of U while taking into account the distance d and the fact that both particles should collide at their peaks. The conversation also mentions using the "Monkey gun" demonstration as a clue, and provides equations and calculations to find U and its minimum with respect to V.
  • #1

Homework Statement


The first part: find the x and y components of velocity U such that the particle fired with velocity U collides with the particle fired with velocity V.

The second part: for a given d, what should V be to minimize U?

The Attempt at a Solution

The first part is easy, I set t=v/g. This makes the x-component of U = d/t which = dg/v. Also, the y-component of U must be equal to V in order to collide with the V particle.

The second part is causing a lot of trouble for me. I understand that if V is small, the x-component of the U velocity will be too large, and if V is large, the y-component of U will be too large, so there must be some intermediate velocity V that makes U minimal. I'm just having trouble expressing this with equations... any help?
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  • #2
Can you provide the statement of the problem as it is given to you? It is difficult to figure out what it is from what you have put down. Thanks.
  • #3
You wish to simultaneously fire both particles so that they collide at their highest point. V is fired up vertically at the same time as U is fired.

The question as stated in textbook: what should U be (give the horizontal and vertical components). Given d, what should V be so that U is minimum?
  • #4
I see, I did not realize initially that gravity acts from top to bottom. For the second part, have you seen the so called "Monkey gun" demonstration? If not, go to

It should give you a clue about how to aim the projectile in order to hit the target.
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  • #5
That's very interesting lol but I don't really see it...
  • #6
As you said, the y-components must be the same to have a collision. When v has no y-component, then u must have no y-component. Anything that has only a x-component is smaller than anything that has both x and y components. So ...
  • #7
I agree, but the question states that the particles collide at their peaks, so it's assumed that the speed V is greater than zero. Also, V should be in terms of, among other constants, the distance "d".
  • #8
Sorry, I missed that part. You know that d is half the range of the particle on the left and that the range is


Use this expression to find the x component of the velocity in terms of d and u. Once you have that you can get the speed v that you can then minimize.
  • #9
D/2 = 2UxUy/g

D = UxUy/g

Ux = D*g/Uy
Ux = D*g/V

Well this is as far as I can get...
  • #10
You know Ux and Uy. Can you find the speed U?
  • #11
U = sqrt(Uy^2 + Ux^2)
U = sqrt((t^2*v^2 + d^2)/t^2))

That's pretty ugly. If I use trig to find my U, I'll get cos(theta) = Ux/U

so U = Ux/cos(theta) or Ux = U*cos(theta)

this becomes U*cos(theta) = D*g/V

or U = D*g/Vcos(theta)
  • #12
How did time t get in the picture? You just said Ux = Dg/V and Uy = V. Just add the squares and take the square root. These are the components of U, the initial velocity of the projectile. Never mind what happens to them later.
  • #13
Okay, U = sqrt((dg/v)^2 + v^2))

U = sqrt((d^2*g^2 + v^4)/v^2)
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  • #14
Can you find the minimum of U with respect to V?

FAQ: Find Components of Velocity U to Collide Particles & Minimize U

1. What is the purpose of finding components of velocity u to collide particles and minimize u?

The purpose of finding components of velocity u is to accurately predict and control collisions between particles. By minimizing u, we can reduce the amount of energy lost during collisions and improve the efficiency of various processes, such as chemical reactions or particle accelerators.

2. How do you calculate the components of velocity u for colliding particles?

The components of velocity u can be calculated using vector addition and trigonometric functions. First, we must determine the initial velocities and angles of the particles before collision. Then, we can use the laws of conservation of momentum and energy to find the components of velocity u after the collision.

3. What factors affect the components of velocity u in colliding particles?

The components of velocity u can be affected by various factors, such as the masses and velocities of the particles, the angle of collision, and any external forces acting on the particles. These factors can impact the final velocities and directions of the particles after collision.

4. How can minimizing u result in more efficient collisions?

Minimizing u can result in more efficient collisions by reducing the amount of energy lost during the collision. This means that more of the initial kinetic energy of the particles will be preserved, resulting in a more accurate and controlled collision. This can be beneficial in processes where precise and efficient collisions are necessary.

5. Are there any practical applications for finding components of velocity u in colliding particles?

Yes, there are many practical applications for finding components of velocity u in colliding particles. These include particle accelerators used in scientific research, collision avoidance systems in vehicles, and the study and control of chemical reactions. Understanding and controlling the components of velocity u can also improve the efficiency and effectiveness of industrial processes, such as mixing and grinding.
