Particles, Antiparticles, and Superpartners

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential existence of superpartners for various particles, including the electron and positron. It is suggested that the positron's superpartner could potentially be called a "spositron" or "anti-selectron." The rules for naming superpartners are also discussed, with examples such as "selectron" for the electron's superpartner and "gluino" for the gluon's superpartner. It is also mentioned that the positron is an exception in that it has a special name, unlike most other antiparticles. The conversation ends with a humorous exchange in multiple languages.
  • #1
so electrons would have an antiparticle called a positron?

and it's possible that the electron also has a superpartner called a selectron?

if so would the positron also have a superpartner?
Physics news on
  • #2
Superpostitron? Supositron?

Also what about exotic matter's? On top of that, what about exotic-anti-matter's superpartner? What are these particles are called?

well PhilosophyofPhysics, welcome to physicsforums and I would think they haven't gotten far enough for exotic-anti-matter's superpartners. Probably anti-matter.

I'm eager to find out.
  • #3
To get the name of the superpartner, you just need to know wether it is a fermion or a boson. A fermion-superpartner has a name with an extra-s :
electron -> selectron
positron -> spositron
For boson, you add ino :
gluon -> gluino
photon -> photino

See, the rule are not exactly applied, so I am not sure about the spositron. Who needs supersymmetry anyway ? :-p
By the way :
human -> humanino :wink:
Well, I just had no idea how to find something original...

Welcome in PF PhilosophyofPhysics ! How did you came to pick your name ?
  • #4
humanino said:
To get the name of the superpartner, you just need to know wether it is a fermion or a boson. A fermion-superpartner has a name with an extra-s :
electron -> selectron
positron -> spositron
For boson, you add ino :
gluon -> gluino
photon -> photino

See, the rule are not exactly applied, so I am not sure about the spositron. Who needs supersymmetry anyway ? :-p
By the way :
human -> humanino :wink:
Well, I just had no idea how to find something original...

Welcome in PF PhilosophyofPhysics ! How did you came to pick your name ?

humanino, nice way of choosing your name.
Why did you assume human is "boson-like", why not shuman ?

marlon (easy, it refers to the great marlon brando, my alltime favourite...)
  • #5
Yeah, Marlon was really a great actor !

For two reason, I chose boson : first, shuman seemed to me a bit too ... indian :wink:
Then, for statistics ! I want to hang around with as many other superpartner as possible (I am supposed to be a superpartner here).

That's really silly.
  • #6
humanino said:
To get the name of the superpartner, you just need to know wether it is a fermion or a boson. A fermion-superpartner has a name with an extra-s :
electron -> selectron
positron -> spositron
For boson, you add ino :
gluon -> gluino
photon -> photino

Woo! That's really cool.

Since positron is anti-electron, what about anti-proton? That one doesn't have a special name. Santi-protron or Anti-sproton? :biggrin:
  • #7
Mk said:
Woo! That's really cool.

Since positron is anti-electron, what about anti-proton? That one doesn't have a special name. Santi-protron or Anti-sproton? :biggrin:


Actually, I thought that the anti-particle associated to the selectron would simply be called "anti-selectron'. But I might wrong on this (and after all, this is all simply an arbitrary choice of names...).

But if we go back to "ordinary" particles (not susy partners), the positron is an exception in the sense that it is the only antiparticle which has a 'special" name (the fact that it was the first antiparticle discovered explains this). All teh other antiparticles are called "anti-name of particle" lik eantineutrinos, antimuons, etc. So I would expect the "anti-superpartners" to follow this route too, although I am not too sure about the positron case ("spositron" or "anti-selectron"?). :smile:

  • #8
I totally agree with nrqed last post, and would propose spositron.
  • #9
humanino said:
Who needs supersymmetry anyway ? :-p

Them QCD-quarkconfinement-guys need supersymmetry, caro humanino

und ich spreche auch Deutsch, ja, ja , jahwohl

Lebt wohl ,lebt wohl, auf Wiedersehen mein schönes Taubchen. :devil:

Ok the last thing, i really shouldn't be saying that to a guy... sorry...

Der Marlon von Berlin

FAQ: Particles, Antiparticles, and Superpartners

1. What are particles, antiparticles, and superpartners?

Particles are the basic units of matter that make up everything in the universe. Antiparticles are particles with the same mass but opposite charge as their corresponding particle. Superpartners are hypothetical particles that are related to each known particle, but have different spin values.

2. How are particles and antiparticles related?

Particles and antiparticles are related through the process of annihilation, where they collide and convert their mass into energy. They are also related through the principle of charge conservation, where the total charge of a system must remain constant.

3. What is the significance of superpartners?

Superpartners are important in the field of particle physics because they are predicted by theories such as supersymmetry, which attempts to unify the fundamental forces of nature. They also provide a potential explanation for the existence of dark matter.

4. Can particles and antiparticles coexist?

No, particles and antiparticles cannot coexist for extended periods of time. When they come into contact, they will annihilate each other, converting their mass into energy. However, in certain controlled conditions, they can be created and observed for brief moments before annihilation occurs.

5. How are superpartners being studied and detected?

Superpartners are being studied and detected through experiments at high-energy particle colliders, such as the Large Hadron Collider. Scientists also use mathematical models and computer simulations to predict their behavior and properties. The existence of superpartners has not yet been confirmed, but ongoing research and experiments aim to provide evidence for their existence.

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