Which Bulb Will Light Up First with Switch Closed?

In summary: No, what I'm saying is that the current cannot be established everywhere at the same time because it would imply that a signal travels faster than the speed of light.
  • #1
Which of the bulbs shown in the figure will light up first when the switch is closed?
E: cell
K: key
A,B,C: bulbs

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  • #2
ssj5ankur said:
PS: If it tells you that you don't have permission, logout and then login again to see it.
Not working.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #3

C should light up first?
  • #4

I'm going to say they all turn on at the same time. Due to the potential difference between the plates, electrons will go through the circuit in a clockwise fashion. However, electrons are not emitted from the negative plate and shot to the positive one, the electrons come from the actual copper wiring itself. The electrons in the wire at all points are drawn towards the positive plate as soon as the switch is closed. Thus current is established everywhere at the exact same time (but not instantly after the switch is closed).
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  • #5

Whozum is right, but can you explain it.
  • #6
More of a physics problem than a brain teaser. I hid my answer for others to try.
  • #7
whozum said:

The electrons in the wire at all points are drawn towards the positive plate as soon as the switch is closed.

I don't think this is correct because it would imply that the signal travels faster than the speed of light.
  • #8
Bulb A will light first because it's closest to the switch, and at the instant the switch closes that's where the potential difference is.

Before the switch closes, there's no potential across the battery (if there were, current would flow through the battery). So it doesn't matter which bulb is closest to which battery terminal.
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  • #9
jimmysnyder said:
I don't think this is correct because it would imply that the signal travels faster than the speed of light.

If you read the line right after it it explains it. Ofcourse its not instant but, as soon as the field is established.
  • #10
whozum said:
Thus current is established everywhere at the exact same time (but not instantly after the switch is closed).
I don't think this is correct either because it would also imply that the signal travels faster than the speed of light.
  • #11
Gif is still not working.

The Bob (2004 ©)
  • #12
The Bob said:
Gif is still not working.
Click on the link for the image, then click on the "Log Out" link.
  • #13
jimmysnyder said:
I don't think this is correct either because it would also imply that the signal travels faster than the speed of light.

no it doesnt. re-read please.
  • #14
whozum said:
Thus current is established everywhere at the exact same time (but not instantly after the switch is closed).
What you say, ("current is established everywhere at the exact same time") cannot happen. Not as soon as the switch is closed, and not at any instant after the switch is closed either. The current cannot be established everywhere at the exact same time period because it would imply that a signal travels faster than the speed of light. Try to imagine the circuit to be made of water troughs, water wheels, and a water pump. When the pump is turned on, a pulse of water will propogate along the circuit and the water wheels will not all start to spin at the same time but rather one by one as the initial pulse hits them . Electrical fields aren't that much different, just faster.
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  • #15
chroot said:
To start with, when you connect a battery to a capacitor, the electric field propagates through the wires at nearly the speed of light. It has nothing to do with the movement of any electrons; electrons, in fact, drift only very slowly through a circuit. The electric field which propels the electrons, however, propagates at near light speed.

The current is not like a gush of water coming down a mountain, moving from one place to another -- the current is like a conveyor belt that gets "turned on" everywhere at once in the circuit as the emf (voltage, potential difference) is established through it.

Once the field is established (very soon after the swithc is closed) electrons from all over the wire begin moving, not just at the very beginning of the wire. This is why there is current flowing everywhere once the field is established. This is why the bulbs all turn on at the same time.
  • #16
whozum said:
This is why there is current flowing everywhere once the field is established. This is why the bulbs all turn on at the same time.
What happens in parallel circuits?
  • #17
What? This isn't a parallel circuit. What's your point?
  • #18
Does the current start to flow at the same instant all along a parallel circuit?
  • #19
jimmysnyder said:
Does the current start to flow at the same instant all along a parallel circuit?

Sounds to me like you are saying that electrons in the wire that are submersed in an E field will not accelerate behind each other.
  • #20
whozum said:
Sounds to me like you are saying that electrons in the wire that are submersed in an E field will not accelerate behind each other.
No, I was asking a question.
  • #21
jdavel said:
switch closes that's where the potential difference is.
Before the switch closes, there's no potential across the battery (if there were, current would flow through the battery). So it doesn't matter which bulb is closest to which battery terminal.
Of course there is always a potential across the battery, where do yo think the potential across the open switch came from? All closing the switch does is transfer that potential to across all three light bulbs.
  • #22
whozum said:
Once the field is established (very soon after the swithc is closed) electrons from all over the wire begin moving, not just at the very beginning of the wire. This is why there is current flowing everywhere once the field is established. This is why the bulbs all turn on at the same time.
I like this explanation but it doesn't address "very soon after the switch is closed" who gets the info first to turn on first and what is that info.

As we figure out what info needs to transfer we must also remember to use the Non-Simultaneous effect of SR in a common reference frame over a distance. So what info needs to be transferred, much more than just the switch is closed. Only after the switch is closed can the info on resistance of each light can go from the light to the batter and the available current or “battery impedance” can be communicated to the other members of the circuit. But with added info required from all parts of the circuit at the same time. However SR simultaneous issue says that cannot be true. So I figure the light closest to the observer doing the measurement comes on first. Other observers will get a different answer.

Maybe this does belong in another forum, but it sure teased my brain.

FAQ: Which Bulb Will Light Up First with Switch Closed?

1. What is the purpose of the experiment "Which Bulb Will Light Up First with Switch Closed?"

The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate the concept of a complete circuit and how electricity flows through it. It also shows the difference between series and parallel circuits and how they affect the flow of electricity.

2. How do you set up the experiment?

To set up the experiment, you will need a battery, two light bulbs, and wires with alligator clips. First, connect one end of the wire to the negative terminal of the battery and the other end to one of the light bulbs. Then, connect another wire from the positive terminal of the battery to the second light bulb. Finally, connect a wire from the free end of the first light bulb to the free end of the second light bulb.

3. Why does one bulb light up before the other?

In a series circuit, the electricity only has one path to flow through, so it flows through the first bulb before reaching the second bulb. In a parallel circuit, the electricity has multiple paths to flow through, so it can reach both bulbs at the same time.

4. What happens if one bulb is removed from the circuit?

If one bulb is removed from the series circuit, the other bulb will not light up because the circuit is broken. However, in a parallel circuit, the other bulb will still light up because the electricity can still flow through the other path.

5. Can you use different types of bulbs for this experiment?

Yes, you can use different types of bulbs for this experiment as long as they have the same voltage and can be connected to the same battery. However, the brightness of each bulb may vary depending on its resistance.

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