What is Supersymmetry: Fermion-Boson Correspondence

In summary, supersymmetry is a symmetry which relates fermions to bosons. Supersymmetry is an extension of the standard model, which says that to each fundamental particle that we know of, there exists a supersymmetric corresponding particle. Specifically for each fundamental fermion, there is a supersymmetric boson, while for each fundamental boson there is a supersymmetric fermion. However, so far no such particles have been found.
  • #1
Insights Author
Gold Member
I've read in the wikipedia supersymmetry page,that supersymmetry is a symmetry which relates fermions to bosons.
Can we tell that this means there is aOne-to-One Correspondence between fermions and bosons and we can substitute a fermion with its corresponding boson and vice versa,to get a similar interaction?
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  • #2
Supersymmetry is an extention of the standard model which says that to each fundamental particle that we know of, there exists a supersymmetric corresponding particle. Specifically for each fundamental fermion, there is a supersymmetric boson, while for each fundamental boson there is a supersymmetric fermion. To date no such particles have been found.

Examples: electron partner is called selectron, while photon partner is called photino.
  • #3
mathman said:
Supersymmetry is an extention of the standard model which says that to each fundamental particle that we know of, there exists a supersymmetric corresponding particle. Specifically for each fundamental fermion, there is a supersymmetric boson, while for each fundamental boson there is a supersymmetric fermion.

To elaborate just a little, if the universe was exactly supersymmetric you could perform this switcharoo and swap each fundamental particle with its superpartner and the universe would stay exactly the same. However there are many experimental reasons why this cannot be the case, so the solution is to assume the world is only supersymmetric at very high energies, and that there is a supersymmetry breaking mechanism which gives all the superpartners a large mass at low energies so that they would not have been seen in any current experiments.
  • #4
Is the symmetry breaking,which causes the electromagnetic and weak forces emerge from electroweak force,the same thing as you mentioned kurros?

Thanks to both
  • #5
Shyan said:
Is the symmetry breaking,which causes the electromagnetic and weak forces emerge from electroweak force,the same thing as you mentioned kurros?

Thanks to both

No it is a separate thing, although somewhat similar in that there is a symmetry of the fundamental theory which needs to be broken. The electroweak unification scale is around the terascale, i.e. 10^3 GeV, whereas the scale at which SUSY breaking is often theorized to occur is at something more like the grand unification scale, way up at 10^19 GeV or so usually.
  • #6
So up to now,considering GUTs,after big bang,our universe is supersymmetric until it cools down to [itex] 10^{19} \ GeV [/itex].At this energy,supertsymmetry breaks and as a result,electroweak and strong forces become distinct.Then when the energy reaches [itex] 10^3 \ GeV [/itex] , The electroweak force divides to electromagnetic and weak forces and we have three fundamental interactions.right?
  • #7
Something like that, as far as I know. I am not an expert on GUT's though :). Actually I think the breaking of the GUT group is generally separate to the SUSY breaking (the SUSY breaking occurring at an even higher scale I think), but I am not very familiar with it, and there are various different GUTs that all do things a bit differently.
  • #8
Actually, there is a nice connection between the SUSY breaking and electroweak symmetry breaking that I neglected to mention. In the Standard Model there is a parameter in the higgs potential which gives the potential a non-zero minima if it is negative, often called μ^2, and the fact that the minima is non-zero is what causes electroweak symmetry breaking to occur. In SUSY models it is possible for this parameter to start out positive at high scales (so the higgs potential has no non-zero minima and no symmetry breaking is possible) and then due to radiative corrections that arise due to the existence of the massive superpartners this parameter can be dynamically flipped to negative as you go down in energy scale, pushing the minima of the Higgs potential out to non-zero values and triggering electroweak symmetry breaking. This is a pretty cool thing to have happen. It is called radiative electroweak symmetry breaking, or "REWSB" if you want to read more about it.

FAQ: What is Supersymmetry: Fermion-Boson Correspondence

1. What is supersymmetry?

Supersymmetry is a theoretical framework in physics that proposes a symmetry between particles with different spin values. It suggests that every known type of particle has a "superpartner" particle with a spin that differs by half a unit. This theory is still being explored and has not yet been confirmed by experiments.

2. What is the Fermion-Boson correspondence in supersymmetry?

The Fermion-Boson correspondence is a key aspect of supersymmetry. It states that for every fermion (particles with half-integer spin, such as electrons) there is a corresponding boson (particles with integer spin, such as photons) and vice versa. This allows for a symmetry between these two types of particles, which could help explain some of the inconsistencies in the Standard Model of particle physics.

3. How does supersymmetry relate to the search for new particles?

Supersymmetry predicts the existence of new particles that have not yet been observed, such as the neutralino and the gluino. These particles could potentially explain the dark matter in the universe and help unify the fundamental forces of nature. Scientists are currently conducting experiments to search for evidence of these particles and confirm the existence of supersymmetry.

4. What are the potential implications of discovering supersymmetry?

If supersymmetry is confirmed by experiments, it would have profound implications for our understanding of the universe. It could help explain the hierarchy problem, which is the large difference in energy scales between the weak and gravitational forces. It could also provide a framework for unifying all the fundamental forces and particles in nature.

5. Are there any challenges or criticisms of supersymmetry?

While supersymmetry is an intriguing theory, it has not yet been confirmed by experiments and there are some challenges and criticisms. One criticism is that it requires a very high energy scale, which has not yet been observed or achieved in experiments. Additionally, some models of supersymmetry predict many more particles than what have been observed, making it difficult to test and confirm. However, research and experiments are ongoing to address these challenges and further explore the potential of supersymmetry.
