How to work out frictional torque and resisting motion

In summary, frictional torque is the force that resists motion between two surfaces in contact and can be calculated by multiplying the coefficient of friction and the normal force. The amount of frictional torque depends on factors such as surface type, weight and shape of the object, and speed of motion. It can be reduced by using lubricants and minimizing contact area. While often seen as a hindrance, frictional torque can also be beneficial in certain situations, such as helping us walk and grip objects and controlling the speed of machines.
  • #1
how to work out "frictional torque" and "resisting motion"

Hi there,
if I have a scenario were a Mass is suspended from a flywheel. If the mass is released from rest and falls a distance in an amount of time.

how would i work out the
frictional torque
and resisting motion

does anyone know what formulas i would need.

help would be much appreciated

thanks a lot
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FAQ: How to work out frictional torque and resisting motion

What is frictional torque and how does it affect motion?

Frictional torque is the force that resists the motion of an object as it slides or rolls against another surface. It is caused by the roughness and adhesion between the two surfaces in contact. Frictional torque can slow down or stop an object's motion, making it an important factor to consider in engineering and everyday life.

How do you calculate frictional torque?

Frictional torque can be calculated by multiplying the coefficient of friction between the two surfaces and the normal force acting on the object. The formula is T = μ*F*N, where T is the frictional torque, μ is the coefficient of friction, F is the force applied, and N is the normal force.

What factors affect the amount of frictional torque?

The amount of frictional torque depends on several factors, such as the type and roughness of the surfaces in contact, the weight and shape of the object, and the speed and direction of motion. The coefficient of friction also plays a significant role in determining the amount of frictional torque.

How can we reduce frictional torque?

There are several ways to reduce frictional torque, such as using lubricants like oil or grease to create a smooth surface between the two objects, using materials with lower coefficients of friction, and minimizing the contact area between the surfaces. Additionally, regular maintenance and cleaning of surfaces can also help reduce frictional torque.

How is frictional torque beneficial in certain situations?

While frictional torque is often seen as a hindrance, it can also be beneficial in some situations. For example, it helps us walk and grip objects by creating friction between our feet or hands and the ground or object. In machines, frictional torque can be used to control and slow down the speed of moving parts, preventing them from slipping or losing control.
