Violation of Bell's inequality

  • Thread starter Descartz2000
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In summary, researchers in Santa Barbara have recently conducted an experiment using Josephson phase qubits to demonstrate the violation of Bell's inequality. This provides further strong evidence that a macroscopic electrical circuit is really a quantum system. However, the experiment did not rule out the possibility of superdeterminism or context-dependent local variables. The main goal of the experiment was to demonstrate the quantumness of phase qubits, and it may take a few more years for solid-state systems to compete with optics in testing fundamental QM. There are no other known macro scale events that can demonstrate quantum effects.
  • #1
Any comments out there on the very recent work done by researchers in Santa Barbara on the Violation of Bell's inequality in Josephson phase qubits? Any comments on why this argues against any hidden variable interpretations? Why would a pre-determined event be ruled out?
Physics news on
  • #2
Descartz2000 said:
Any comments out there on the very recent work done by researchers in Santa Barbara on the Violation of Bell's inequality in Josephson phase qubits? Any comments on why this argues against any hidden variable interpretations? Why would a pre-determined event be ruled out?

Because you would need infinite hidden variables I think.
  • #3
Here is the article link:

The measurement process plays an awkward role in quantum mechanics, because measurement forces a system to 'choose' between possible outcomes in a fundamentally unpredictable manner. Therefore, hidden classical processes have been considered as possibly predetermining measurement outcomes while preserving their statistical distributions. However, a quantitative measure that can distinguish classically determined correlations from stronger quantum correlations exists in the form of the Bell inequalities, measurements of which provide strong experimental evidence that quantum mechanics provides a complete description. Here we demonstrate the violation of a Bell inequality in a solid-state system. We use a pair of Josephson phase qubits acting as spin-1/2 particles, and show that the qubits can be entangled and measured so as to violate the Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt (CHSH) version of the Bell inequality10. We measure a Bell signal of 2.0732 plusminus 0.0003, exceeding the maximum amplitude of 2 for a classical system by 244 standard deviations. In the experiment, we deterministically generate the entangled state, and measure both qubits in a single-shot manner, closing the detection loophole. Because the Bell inequality was designed to test for non-classical behaviour without assuming the applicability of quantum mechanics to the system in question, this experiment provides further strong evidence that a macroscopic electrical circuit is really a quantum system.
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  • #4
DrChinese said:
Here is the article link:

The measurement process plays an awkward role in quantum mechanics, because measurement forces a system to 'choose' between possible outcomes in a fundamentally unpredictable manner. Therefore, hidden classical processes have been considered as possibly predetermining measurement outcomes while preserving their statistical distributions. However, a quantitative measure that can distinguish classically determined correlations from stronger quantum correlations exists in the form of the Bell inequalities, measurements of which provide strong experimental evidence that quantum mechanics provides a complete description. Here we demonstrate the violation of a Bell inequality in a solid-state system. We use a pair of Josephson phase qubits acting as spin-1/2 particles, and show that the qubits can be entangled and measured so as to violate the Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt (CHSH) version of the Bell inequality10. We measure a Bell signal of 2.0732 plusminus 0.0003, exceeding the maximum amplitude of 2 for a classical system by 244 standard deviations. In the experiment, we deterministically generate the entangled state, and measure both qubits in a single-shot manner, closing the detection loophole. Because the Bell inequality was designed to test for non-classical behaviour without assuming the applicability of quantum mechanics to the system in question, this experiment provides further strong evidence that a macroscopic electrical circuit is really a quantum system.

Thanks for the posting. It seems to me even though QM is a complete description, superdeterminism is not ruled out as a loophole.
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  • #5
Descartz2000 said:
It seems to me even though QM is a complete description, superdeterminism is not ruled out as a loophole.

It is hard to imagine experiment that can rule out superdeterminism. It can be only shown to be superfluous.

Anyways this experiment does not rule out context dependent local variables.
  • #6
zonde said:
It is hard to imagine experiment that can rule out superdeterminism. It can be only shown to be superfluous.

Anyways this experiment does not rule out context dependent local variables.

What do you mean by context dependent?
  • #7
Descartz2000 said:
What do you mean by context dependent?
I mean that whether there is click in measurement apparatus directly depends from parameters of field in vicinity of measurement event and relative configuration of interacting particles (no other randomness besides context randomness).
And next QM observable depends from manipulations with particle AND context before detection. Obviously I imply that there is some context in the form of field traveling along the particle - something like pilot wave in Bhomian interpretation but more random.
  • #8
It is perhaps worth pointing out that that they are not doing anything "new" in this experiment. It is basically a solid-state version of an experiment that has been done before in analogous systems.
It is very impressive work but the main goal was to demonstrate the "quantumness" of phase qubits, not to test Bell's inequality. If they had found that the inequalities were NOT violated this would have indicated that there was a problem with their system and not with the inequalities since they are so well established and have been tested in many other systems.

It will take a few more years before solid state systems can compete with optics etc when it comes to experiments that test fundamental QM.
  • #9
f95toli said:
It is perhaps worth pointing out that that they are not doing anything "new" in this experiment. It is basically a solid-state version of an experiment that has been done before in analogous systems.
It is very impressive work but the main goal was to demonstrate the "quantumness" of phase qubits, not to test Bell's inequality. If they had found that the inequalities were NOT violated this would have indicated that there was a problem with their system and not with the inequalities since they are so well established and have been tested in many other systems.

It will take a few more years before solid state systems can compete with optics etc when it comes to experiments that test fundamental QM.

Are there other macro scale events that can demonstrate quantum effects?

FAQ: Violation of Bell's inequality

1. What is Bell's inequality?

Bell's inequality is a mathematical concept that was developed by physicist John Stewart Bell in the 1960s to test the validity of quantum mechanics. It states that certain correlations between distant particles in a quantum system cannot be explained by local hidden variables, meaning that quantum mechanics is a non-local theory.

2. How is Bell's inequality violated?

Bell's inequality is violated when experimental results show correlations between distant particles that exceed the bounds predicted by local hidden variable theories. This has been confirmed through numerous experiments, including the famous Bell test experiments by Alain Aspect in the 1980s.

3. Why is the violation of Bell's inequality significant?

The violation of Bell's inequality is significant because it provides strong evidence for the non-local nature of quantum mechanics. This challenges the classical view of the universe as a purely deterministic system and has important implications for our understanding of reality.

4. How does Bell's inequality relate to quantum entanglement?

Bell's inequality is closely related to quantum entanglement, which is a phenomenon where two particles become intrinsically linked and their properties are dependent on each other regardless of distance. Violation of Bell's inequality is a sign of quantum entanglement and suggests that the particles are communicating in a non-local way.

5. Can Bell's inequality be applied to other fields of science?

While Bell's inequality was originally developed to test the validity of quantum mechanics, it has also been applied to other fields such as economics, biology, and psychology. In these fields, it is used to test for hidden correlations and to understand complex systems with multiple variables.

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