Mass difference between K0 and K0-bar and other meson-antimeson pairs

In summary, the K0--K0-bar, D0--D0-bar, B0--B0-bar, and Bs0--Bs0-bar systems exhibit oscillations due to the mixing of their mass eigenstates, which have a mass difference that is determined by the off-diagonal terms in their mass matrices. This mass difference is not due to a difference in the masses of their constituent quarks, but rather the strength of their mixing.
  • #1
The K0--K0-bar, D0--D0-bar, B0--B0-bar, Bs0--Bs0-bar systems all exhibit oscillations whose rate is proportional to their mass difference via a second order weak interaction "box" diagram.

I don't understand how their masses can differ, when they are simply C conjugates of one another. Doesn't the TCP theorem forbid a difference between the masses of a particle and respective anti-particle?

I assume the mass difference between a K0 and a K0-bar (or in the other systems) is caused not by a difference in the masses of s and s-bar or d and d-bar, but by something else. Can someone explain how this mass difference comes about?
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  • #2
The mass differences are not between D0 and D0bar (for example) - those are not mass eigenstates anyway. I'll keep the charm meson as example, it is similar for the other systems:

D0 and D0bar are flavour eigenstates - they have a well-defined quark content.
However, they can mix into each other. This allows to find mass eigenstates D1, D2. Those have different masses M1, M2 and lifetimes ##\Gamma_1##,##\Gamma_2##.
The flavour eigenstates are now superpositions of those mass eigenstates and vice versa:

##D_1=p D^0 + q \overline{D^0}## and ##D_2=p D^0 - q \overline{D^0}##
where ##|p|^2+|q|^2=1##, both are complex parameters.

Without CP violation, those mass eigenstates are CP eigenstates, and p=q.

In the charm system, it is common to define
##x=\frac{M_1-M_2}{\Gamma}## and ##y=\frac{\Gamma_1-\Gamma_2}{2\Gamma}## where ##\Gamma=\frac{\Gamma_1+\Gamma_2}{2}## is the average lifetime.
There was a recent measurement of those values by LHCb: Observation of D0-D0bar oscillations
I think you can find references to the theory there.
  • #3
mfb said:
The mass differences are not between D0 and D0bar (for example) - those are not mass eigenstates anyway. I'll keep the charm meson as example, it is similar for the other systems:

D0 and D0bar are flavour eigenstates - they have a well-defined quark content.
However, they can mix into each other. This allows to find mass eigenstates D1, D2. Those have different masses M1, M2 and lifetimes ##\Gamma_1##,##\Gamma_2##.
The flavour eigenstates are now superpositions of those mass eigenstates and vice versa:

##D_1=p D^0 + q \overline{D^0}## and ##D_2=p D^0 - q \overline{D^0}##
where ##|p|^2+|q|^2=1##, both are complex parameters.

Without CP violation, those mass eigenstates are CP eigenstates, and p=q.

In the charm system, it is common to define
##x=\frac{M_1-M_2}{\Gamma}## and ##y=\frac{\Gamma_1-\Gamma_2}{2\Gamma}## where ##\Gamma=\frac{\Gamma_1+\Gamma_2}{2}## is the average lifetime.
There was a recent measurement of those values by LHCb: Observation of D0-D0bar oscillations
I think you can find references to the theory there.

Thanks! What you say makes sense to me. Except that the question why then is there a mass difference between D1 and D2 remains. ##D^0## and ##\overline{D^0}## have the same mass and p, q are normalised. What is causing the difference in the mass of the mass eigenstates?
  • #4
[itex]K^{0}[/itex] and [itex]\bar{K^{0}}[/itex] (and other examples you gave) are not mass eigenstates.

The mass difference which determines the rate of oscillations in these systems is the mass difference between the two mass eigenstates of the system.

If you would write the mass matrix in the [itex]K^{0}[/itex], [itex]\bar{K^{0}}[/itex] basis you would get that the diagonal terms are equal ( due to CPT, as you said) but the off diagonal term (due to [itex]K^{0}\leftrightarrow\bar{K^{0}}[/itex] oscillations) would cause splitting in mass between the mass eigenstates.

The mass eigenstates are not conjugates of each other.
  • #5
$$M=\begin{pmatrix} M_{11} & M_{12} \\ M_{21} & M_{22} \end{pmatrix}$$
+CPT => ##M_{11}=M_{22}##
+CP => ##M_{12}=M_{21}##

The mass matrix has two different eigenvalues, their difference depends on the relative strength of M12 to M11.

FAQ: Mass difference between K0 and K0-bar and other meson-antimeson pairs

1. What is the cause of the mass difference between K0 and K0-bar particles?

The mass difference between K0 and K0-bar particles is due to the weak interaction. This is because the weak interaction treats particles and antiparticles differently, leading to a slight difference in mass. This phenomenon is known as mass symmetry breaking.

2. How is the mass difference between K0 and K0-bar particles measured?

The mass difference between K0 and K0-bar particles can be measured using high-energy particle colliders, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). By colliding protons and antiprotons, scientists can study the decay products and measure the mass difference between different meson-antimeson pairs.

3. Is the mass difference between K0 and K0-bar particles significant compared to other meson-antimeson pairs?

Yes, the mass difference between K0 and K0-bar particles is significant compared to other meson-antimeson pairs. It is one of the largest mass differences observed in the meson-antimeson system, making it an important topic of study in particle physics.

4. Can the mass difference between K0 and K0-bar particles be explained by the Standard Model of particle physics?

No, the Standard Model of particle physics cannot fully explain the mass difference between K0 and K0-bar particles. While the weak interaction is responsible for the mass difference, the exact mechanism behind mass symmetry breaking is still not fully understood. This is an area of ongoing research in particle physics.

5. Are there any proposed explanations for the mass difference between K0 and K0-bar particles?

There are several proposed explanations for the mass difference between K0 and K0-bar particles, including theories that go beyond the Standard Model. Some theories suggest that there may be additional particles or interactions involved, while others propose modifications to the Standard Model itself. However, further research and experimentation are needed to confirm any of these proposed explanations.

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