Short question: Spontaneous emission from Feynman diagrams?

In summary, the conversation is about calculating the Einstein coefficient in spontaneous emission of two-level atoms through Feynman diagrams. The person is wondering if this can be done directly and has searched for sources but found nothing. They clarify their question by asking if they can use the Lagrangian and Feynman rules to calculate the decay rate of a proton in an upper energy state.
  • #1
Hey all,
I am just wondering if one can directly calculate the Einstein coefficient in spontaneous emission of, say, two-level atoms through feynman diagrams? I searched for sources in google but could not find anything.

Thanks a lot for an answer!

Wit best regards,
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  • #2
Maybe I can render the question more precisely: Given a proton in an outer magnetic field I get two energy levels depending on the direction of spin. I can plug the outer field into the Lagrangian. After determing the feynman rules I should be prepared to calculate the decay rate of a proton in the upper energy state.

Am I right?
  • #3

Hello blue2script,

Thank you for your question. The short answer is no, Feynman diagrams cannot be used to directly calculate the Einstein coefficient in spontaneous emission. Feynman diagrams are a graphical representation of the mathematical calculations in quantum field theory, and they are primarily used to calculate scattering amplitudes and cross-sections.

The Einstein coefficient in spontaneous emission is related to the probability of an atom transitioning from an excited state to a lower energy state and emitting a photon. This process is described by quantum electrodynamics (QED), which is a different theory than quantum field theory.

However, there have been attempts to use Feynman diagrams in a modified form to calculate the Einstein coefficient. One approach is to use the Dyson-Schwinger equations, which are a set of equations that relate the Green's functions in QED to the Feynman diagrams. These equations can be solved to obtain the Einstein coefficient, but the calculations are still quite complicated.

In summary, while Feynman diagrams are a powerful tool in quantum field theory, they cannot be directly used to calculate the Einstein coefficient in spontaneous emission. Other methods, such as the Dyson-Schwinger equations, may be used, but they are still complex and challenging calculations. I hope this helps answer your question.

Best regards,

FAQ: Short question: Spontaneous emission from Feynman diagrams?

1. What is spontaneous emission from Feynman diagrams?

Spontaneous emission from Feynman diagrams refers to the process in which a quantum system, such as an atom, emits a photon without any external stimulus or interaction. This process is described by the Feynman diagram, a graphical representation of the mathematical equations that govern particle interactions in quantum mechanics.

2. How does spontaneous emission occur in Feynman diagrams?

In Feynman diagrams, spontaneous emission occurs when a virtual photon, or a particle that exists for a very short time, is created by the quantum system and then immediately annihilated, resulting in the emission of a real photon. This process is also known as the Lamb shift and is a fundamental phenomenon in quantum electrodynamics.

3. What is the significance of spontaneous emission in Feynman diagrams?

Spontaneous emission is important in understanding the behavior of quantum systems and is a key concept in quantum electrodynamics. It explains how atoms and other quantum systems can emit light without any external influence, and plays a crucial role in phenomena such as fluorescence and laser emission.

4. Can spontaneous emission be controlled or manipulated?

While spontaneous emission is a random process, it can be influenced by external factors such as the environment and the quantum state of the emitting system. This allows for some degree of control and manipulation, which is crucial in applications such as quantum computing and quantum information processing.

5. Are there any real-life examples of spontaneous emission from Feynman diagrams?

Yes, there are many examples of spontaneous emission in our daily lives. For instance, the glow of a fluorescent light bulb is a result of atoms in the gas inside the bulb spontaneously emitting photons. Another example is the emission of laser light, which is based on the principle of stimulated emission, a process closely related to spontaneous emission from Feynman diagrams.

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