Twitter: increasing traffic to my website

In summary, the best method to increase visitors to a website from Twitter is to get followers and to write interesting tweets that build a base organically.
  • #1
What is the best method to increase visitors to my website from Twitter?
Computer science news on
  • #3
Yeah, but it can take a long time to build a network of followers. I'm asking if there's a clever way, a faster way or method to increase traffic of followers, some sort of a generator - a twitter traffic generator of followers
  • #4
BenVitale said:
Yeah, but it can take a long time to build a network of followers. I'm asking if there's a clever way, a faster way or method to increase traffic of followers, some sort of a generator - a twitter traffic generator of followers

There are no easy routes, otherwise spammers would have a field day. Write tweets that are interesting and build a base organically.
  • #5
Greg Bernhardt said:
... otherwise spammers would have a field day. Write tweets that are interesting and build a base organically.

Thanks for your feedback.

I agree with you.

I did a search and found the following articles:

I find these items to be more relevant for me:

#1 Personal Branding
#2 Get Feedback
#4 Direct traffic
#5 Read News
#6 Make New Friends
# 11 Take Notes
#12 Event Updates
#13 I'll use the Twitter Search
#14 Acquire Votes: I'll be sending links to my stories that will be on my website.

I'm not sure about #8 Use it as a ToDo list. Have you used it?

And, I found this article:

And, I asked my virtual friends on Twitter, and one of them suggested this:

It claims that for $5 you can get 100 followers with the same interests.
Is it worth it?
Is it something you would do?

This is the funny part: I asked my Twitter friends if they've tried it -- My Twitter friends include: one physicist, one math prof, a couple of economists and two economics students (I'm a math major student.) -- None of them have tried it. They're waiting for others to try it and then study it.

I'm also looking for some feedback. I would to hear from others who have used it, and are still using it, and from those who dropped it.
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  • #6

And, I need to improve my website, to build it organically, as you mentioned it earlier.

I think I found the right tools to do just that.

I follow on my second Twitter account

And I came across this article : Trendcentral: The New Jury Duty? - HOW PEOPLE ARE USING THE WEB TO SIZE UP THEIR OWN BEHAVIOR

A new crop of websites allows users to ask for anonymous feedback about themselves
from both friends and strangers, When assessment is solicited.

The tools I think I'll be using are:

- Digital Slambooks :
- Report Cards :
- People's Court : Side Taker and Instant Jury

I may use issues raised on on my website to get reactions, thus creating more traffic.

I've just discovered these tools. I need to read about them.

What do you think about these tools?
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FAQ: Twitter: increasing traffic to my website

1. How can I use Twitter to drive more traffic to my website?

There are several strategies you can use to increase traffic to your website through Twitter. First, make sure your Twitter bio includes a link to your website. Next, regularly share links to your website's content on Twitter. Utilize hashtags and engage with others in your industry to expand your reach. You can also run Twitter ads to target specific audiences.

2. How often should I post links to my website on Twitter?

The frequency of your posts will depend on your audience and the content you are sharing. Generally, it is recommended to post at least once a day, but you can experiment with different posting schedules to see what works best. Just make sure to maintain consistency and avoid posting too frequently, which can be seen as spammy.

3. How can I make my tweets more engaging to drive traffic to my website?

One way to make your tweets more engaging is to include eye-catching visuals, such as images or videos, along with your links. You can also ask questions, run polls, or use humor to grab your audience's attention. Additionally, make sure your tweets are concise and include a strong call-to-action to encourage users to click through to your website.

4. Is it better to use a personal or business Twitter account to drive traffic to my website?

It depends on your brand and audience. If you are a small business or brand, using a personal account can help you connect with your audience on a more personal level. However, if you are a larger company, using a business account can provide more credibility and allow for more targeted advertising options. You can also use both a personal and business account to reach different segments of your audience.

5. Can I track the success of my Twitter efforts in driving traffic to my website?

Yes, there are several ways to track the success of your Twitter efforts. You can use tools like Google Analytics to see how much traffic is coming from Twitter to your website. Additionally, you can use Twitter analytics to track your engagement and click-through rates on your tweets. You can also set up custom URLs for your website links on Twitter to track the specific source of your website traffic.

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