Understanding Modulation in 4-20ma Transducers/Transmitters

  • Thread starter Adder_Noir
  • Start date
In summary, my boss explained to me that a transducer can be used to boost the signal coming out of the primary cell. He said that it is done in order to add minimal distortion to the signal.
  • #1
Dear All,

I have today been introduced to the workings of a 4-20ma transducer/transmitter. My boss described to me the workings of one and he stated that a transducer could be used to modulate the signal coming out of the primary cell.

I understand everything about the transducer but I have one problem with it. I do not know what he means by modulation. What is modulation and why would we use it to modulate the signal coming out of the primary cell :confused:

Thanks in advance :wink:
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  • #2
Modulation is the combining two signals, a carrier signal and a data signal. If you listen to the radio or use a cell phone or watch TV(cable Dish or broadcast doesn't matter) then you are benefitting from the modulation process. There are a couple of reasons to use modulation. For very very small signals you can use amplitude modulation(AM as in AM radio) to help you boost the signal while adding only a small amount of distortion vice directly amplifying the signal which could add a lot of distortion(a nuclear power plant I worked at use this technique to allow for accurate neutron monitoring when the plant was shutdown). You can use modulation to boost a data signal for wireless data transmission (AM, FM, PM(FM stations use PM--phase modulation--because the circuitry is generally simpler)). Again, with radio, cell phones, and TV you take a data signal boost it to very high power levers a and frequencies to send data around the world and out into space. This signal boosting is done in such a manner as to add only minimal amounts of distortion.

Here, a good little page. You might try how stuff works as well.

So why use it? Low distortion signal boosting, Data transmission over long distances, wireless data transmission, transmission of data at discrete frequencies i.e. the radio spectrum TV Radio and Cell phone companies fight over so much there's also security reason (there's a side product of AM called single side band--SSB which can be used to transmit data much more securely well, FM and PM create sidebands too but are not as useful).

Hope my brief synopsis helped a little.
Good luck.
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  • #3
That is a fantastic explanation mate o:) Cheers a bundle. My boss was telling me how it is used on a transducer which is transmitting data to a drive. It operates on a 4-20ma range. He told me that we only have 4ma entering the transducer but a possible maximum of 20ma leaving the transducer. I am guessing it is the modulator which is responsible for boosting the current up to 20ma going away from the measuring parts of the transducer. Hope that makes sense :-p Thanks very much anyway that helped a lot :approve:

FAQ: Understanding Modulation in 4-20ma Transducers/Transmitters

What is a 4-20ma transducer/transmitter?

A 4-20ma transducer/transmitter is an electronic device that converts physical parameters, such as temperature or pressure, into a 4-20ma electrical signal. This signal is then transmitted to a control system or data acquisition system for monitoring and control purposes.

What is the purpose of a 4-20ma transducer/transmitter?

The main purpose of a 4-20ma transducer/transmitter is to accurately and reliably measure physical parameters and convert them into an electrical signal that can be easily transmitted and interpreted by a control or data acquisition system. This allows for remote monitoring and control of various industrial processes.

How does a 4-20ma transducer/transmitter work?

A 4-20ma transducer/transmitter typically consists of a sensing element, a signal conditioning circuit, and an output circuit. The sensing element detects and measures the physical parameter, and the signal conditioning circuit converts this measurement into a 4-20ma electrical signal. The output circuit then transmits this signal to the control or data acquisition system.

What are the advantages of using a 4-20ma transducer/transmitter?

There are several advantages to using a 4-20ma transducer/transmitter, including: high accuracy and reliability, low power consumption, and long-distance transmission capabilities. The 4-20ma signal is also less susceptible to electrical noise, making it ideal for use in industrial environments.

What are some common applications of 4-20ma transducers/transmitters?

4-20ma transducers/transmitters are commonly used in industrial applications for monitoring and control of various physical parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow, and level. They are also used in process control systems, HVAC systems, and environmental monitoring systems.
