What Is the Best Science Fiction Movie Ever?

I don't think that has anything to do with the Matrix...But I do think the Matrix was a pretty original idea...now whether it was the best ever...I don't know...but I still think it deserves some props for not being a sequel, remake, or having a book based on it.In summary, the conversation discussed various opinions on the best science fiction movies ever made. Some popular choices were Contact, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Back to the Future, Star Trek, ET, Total Recall, Doctor Strangelove, Dune, and The Matrix. Other notable mentions included Forbidden Planet, The Time Machine, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Independence Day, and Alien. The
  • #1
Maxwells Demon
Hey PF..

What do you think is the best Science Fiction movie(s) ever?

Thanks :)
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  • #2
Contact and Jurassic Park
  • #3
what's Contact about?
  • #4
The Day the Earth Stood Still - Klaatu barada nikto :approve:
  • #5
Speaking of Contact, why couldn't they just send another guy through the machine again?
  • #6
I like star wars.
  • #7
Thrice said:
Speaking of Contact, why couldn't they just send another guy through the machine again?

That would be too easy, but ever heard of 'Sequels'?

  • #8
Back to the Future, because it actually had a plot.

Most movies today are crap.
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  • #9
anyone seen Doctor Strangelove
  • #10
Maxwells Demon said:
anyone seen Doctor Strangelove

Great movie, though it's more political/comedic than scientific.
  • #11
Dune was very good, considering the huge volume of information they had to try to convey in one sitting. The original Star Wars was ground-breaking in special effects. Contact was very good - one of the more cerebral efforts.
  • #12
all right.. I once saw a really cool sci-fi movie.. Think it was called Red Dust or Red Planet.. This astronaut ends up at a beautiful beach on some foreign planet, after going through a wormhole, I think.
  • #13
Total Recall wasn't bad as a sci-fi action movie. I second back to the future and might throw in star trek 4.
  • #14
Probably ET.
  • #15
Kurdt said:
Total Recall wasn't bad as a sci-fi action movie. I second back to the future and might throw in star trek 4.

I saw some of the star trek movie and it was good.
  • #16
There's a comprehensive list of Sci Fi films at wikipedia.org:


My favorites from the list:

1956 -- Forbidden Planet (it used to play almost non-stop on the cable channels)

1960 -- The Time Machine

1968 -- 2001 A Space Odyssey

1971 -- The Andromeda Strain

1977 -- Close Encounters of the Third Kind

1980 -- Altered States

1983 -- Brainstorm

1985 -- Real Genius (hey, it's on the wiki list -- not much SciFi, though. Pretty accurate account of my undergrad.)

1996 -- Mars Attacks! ("It's not unusual...")

2000 -- Red Planet

2004 -- Alien Versus Predator (sequel is due out later this year!)
  • #17
berkeman said:
There's a comprehensive list of Sci Fi films at wikipedia.org:


My favorites from the list:

1956 -- Forbidden Planet (it used to play almost non-stop on the cable channels)

1960 -- The Time Machine

1968 -- 2001 A Space Odyssey

1971 -- The Andromeda Strain

1977 -- Close Encounters of the Third Kind

1980 -- Altered States

1983 -- Brainstorm

1985 -- Real Genius (hey, it's on the wiki list -- not much SciFi, though. Pretty accurate account of my undergrad.)

1996 -- Mars Attacks! ("It's not unusual...")

2000 -- Red Planet

2004 -- Alien Versus Predator (sequel is due out later this year!)

About the same as my list... I'd lose Alien vs Predator and add Metropolis.
  • #18
Iin their day The Omega Man and the first Planet of the Apes film were excellent. From the later genre I liked Independence Day.
  • #19
Maxwells Demon said:
all right.. I once saw a really cool sci-fi movie.. Think it was called Red Dust or Red Planet.. This astronaut ends up at a beautiful beach on some foreign planet, after going through a wormhole, I think.
Oh I saw that one! Every living animal on the planet disappeared except for those who were momentarily dead when the ...whatever... happened.

I still think "Outland" holds up well after 20 years.
  • #20
Does Urotsukidoji count as sci-fi?
  • #21
- eternal sunshine of a spotless mind
- star-wars sixtilogy? (what's the word for 6?)
- the matrix
- total recall
- the original planet of the apes
- a scanner darkly
- jurassic park (the 1st and the 3rd ones; 2nd one sucked)
- minority report
- final cut
- brazil

I couldn't possibly choose.
  • #22
Thrice said:
Speaking of Contact, why couldn't they just send another guy through the machine again?

The aliens stated that they would not allow the tunnel to be used again for some time. At least that was in the book, if not the movie.

On a more practical level, nobody wanted to rebuild the thing. It was extraordinarily expensive and didn't appear to work.
  • #23
Helloooo! Alien should be on everyone's list. That movie is even listed in the US Film Registry's list of movies with cultural significance (there are only 450 films on the list too). others:
the cube
blade runner
the terminator 1&2
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  • #24
Stingray said:
The aliens stated that they would not allow the tunnel to be used again for some time. At least that was in the book, if not the movie.

On a more practical level, nobody wanted to rebuild the thing. It was extraordinarily expensive and didn't appear to work.
They'd have had to rebuild it?

I suppose I wasn't paying too much attention. Talk in movies bores me because it's always quite shallow. If I was to make a list I'd probably only have the matrix series because of its special effects.
  • #25
Thrice said:
They'd have had to rebuild it?

Yeah. The big spinning sphere dropped into the water from what I remember. And since nobody knew how anything worked, things might have gone wrong if the directions weren't followed precisely.
  • #26
gravenewworld said:
the terminator 1&2

dear god how could I forget! ... I would actually add the 3rd one too, I thought it was fantastic, and the chase scene is one of the most ridiculously insane chase scenes I have ever seen :eek:
  • #27
The matrix seems more like a technology gone bad thing but for some reason it just doesn't seem like a sci fi to me
  • #28
Tommy knockers? was good.
  • #29
Looking at the others' list, I think my choices are closer to being science movies than sci-fi. :biggrin: Of course, not having watched most of the others listed (may be all of them!), I can't really comment. :rolleyes:

Maxwell's Demon, your description of the movie sounds a lot like Contact.
  • #30
Contact (possibly my all time favourite movie), starwars, original planet of the apes, Matrix, BTTF, and I kinda liked Deep Impact...for some reason :P
  • #31
My favorite is:

1999 The Bicentennial Man
  • #32
Blade Runner
  • #33
I've got to give props to the Matrix trilogy. It seems now a days I tend to like something more for its originality than anything else.
  • #34
I don't like the mainstream movies, like Matrix.. First time I saw The Matrix it wasn't "famous" I liked it better then..
  • #35
did someone mention "Batteries not included" yet?

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