Generators for Lorentz transformations

In summary, the conversation discusses Minkowski spacetime with signature (-+++) and coordinates (ct,x,y,z) and the smallest set of matrices needed to generate any Lorentz transformation with respect to this basis. The set includes three boosts and three spatial rotations, as well as two inversions. The term "generator" is discussed and clarified as being different in the mathematical and physics communities. The conversation also considers whether all Lorentz transformations can be written as a combination of the given transformations.
  • #1
Consider Minkowski spacetime with signature (-+++) and coordinates (ct,x,y,z) with respect to the standard orthogonal basis. I'm looking for the smallest set of matrices that can generate any Lorentz transformation with respect to this basis. I came up with 8 matrices (see below). Am I missing something?

Three boosts (in x, y and z direction)
Three spatial rotations
Two inversions
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  • #2
What do you mean by "generator" and "generate"? I suspect that you take your meanings from the math community. For the physics community, "generator" often means "element of the Lorentz Lie algebra".

Do you really need rotations about all three axes? For example, what does a rotation about the x-axis followed by a rotation about the y-axis give?

If you have all the rotations, do you need boosts in three linearly independent directions?
  • #3
George Jones said:
Do you really need rotations about all three axes? For example, what does a rotation about the x-axis followed by a rotation about the y-axis give?

To describe an arbitrary rotation I need all three, no?

As for generators: I mean in the mathematical sense. Every Lorentz transformation can be written as a combination of these generators. I was thinking about the generators of a group, but this is different because [itex]\text{Rot}_{x}(\alpha)[/itex] is not one element of the Lorentz group but many elements, so I'm not sure how this is mathematically formalized.
  • #4
George Jones said:
For example, what does a rotation about the x-axis followed by a rotation about the y-axis give?

I should have written
For example, what does a rotation of pi/2 about they y-axis followed by an arbitrary rotation about the x-axis followed by a rotation of -pi/2 about the y-axis give?
  • #5
Hmmm, I see what you mean. So I can skip one rotation and two boosts. But more importantly, are there Lorentz transformations that can't be written as a combinations of the transformations given?
  • #6
Your set of transformations covers everything. However, they are not the "generators". The generators of a Lie group are the elements of the Lie algebra. The boosts and rotations you gave are exponentials of Lie algebra elements, so you're close.
  • #7
George Jones said:
What do you mean by "generator" and "generate"? I suspect that you take your meanings from the math community. For the physics community, "generator" often means "element of the Lorentz Lie algebra".
Ben Niehoff said:
Your set of transformations covers everything. However, they are not the "generators". The generators of a Lie group are the elements of the Lie algebra. The boosts and rotations you gave are exponentials of Lie algebra elements, so you're close.
From Wikipedia (which I think is common usage in the math community)
Equivalently, a generating set of a group is a subset such that every element of the group can be expressed as the combination (under the group operation) of finitely many elements of the subset and their inverses.

FAQ: Generators for Lorentz transformations

1. What are generators for Lorentz transformations?

Generators for Lorentz transformations are mathematical operators that represent the infinitesimal transformations between inertial reference frames in special relativity. They can be used to construct the full Lorentz transformation matrices, which describe how measurements of space and time differ between observers in relative motion.

2. How are generators related to the Lorentz group?

The generators for Lorentz transformations are the basis elements of the Lie algebra of the Lorentz group. This means that they form a set of linearly independent operators that generate all possible transformations within the Lorentz group. By combining these generators in different ways, we can construct different elements of the Lorentz group, such as boosts and rotations.

3. What is the physical significance of generators for Lorentz transformations?

The generators for Lorentz transformations have physical significance because they represent the fundamental symmetries of special relativity. These symmetries include the constancy of the speed of light and the invariance of physical laws under Lorentz transformations. Therefore, by studying the generators, we can gain a deeper understanding of the principles that govern the behavior of matter and energy in special relativity.

4. How do generators for Lorentz transformations relate to energy and momentum?

In special relativity, energy and momentum are conserved quantities that are intimately related to the generators for Lorentz transformations. In fact, the generators for boosts and rotations are directly proportional to the energy and momentum operators, respectively. This means that these generators can be used to calculate the energy and momentum of a system in different reference frames.

5. Are generators for Lorentz transformations unique?

No, generators for Lorentz transformations are not unique. There are multiple sets of generators that can be used to construct Lorentz transformation matrices, each with their own advantages and applications. For example, in quantum field theory, there are different sets of generators for different types of particles, such as fermions and bosons. However, all of these sets of generators ultimately represent the same fundamental symmetries of special relativity.

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