How can I increase traffic to my math forum website?

  • Thread starter Jameson
  • Start date
In summary: If you can get more people to visit your site, you'll see better results.In summary, you need to increase traffic to your website in order to get it more noticeable on search engines.
  • #1
Gold Member
About a month ago, I started my own website, and I'm trying to get it more noticeable on search engines. The site is a math forum, similar to this site, but focusing more on solely math. The site is on Google, although typing in anything like "math help, math discussion, math forum, etc." doesn't show my site at all. I've written meta tags on the main page, and I'm running out of ideas.

Any suggestions?
Computer science news on
  • #2
get noticed, and get linked to from sites like this.

google's page rank is not as susceptible as it use to be to any finagling from software tools.
  • #3
I can think of a few things: make a" file so that other search engines can index your site, submit your site to more search engines like MSN, Yahoo!, AltaVista, A9, Lycos, etc.

The reason your site doesn't appear toward the top of the search list is because it needs more traffic. You'll notice that a lot of keywords such as "physics help" and "physics discussion" eventually yield PF because of its high traffic.

You can also build a userbase, and by that I mean some loyal members of your site that can help spread the site and advertise it to their friends or on other websites (as long as it is not SPAM).

Good luck on your website! :)
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  • #4
This is called SEO and is an art in itself. ComputerGeek gave a good idea, you should get linked to by other sites.. Also you need crawled by the search engine spiders. I have seen a technique, which feeds these spiders pages that are optimised for Search engine algorthims, however pushes users to the correct pages.. The technique is called stealth or phantom pages.. If you are any good at coding then you can code your site to use this technique, but search engines don't like this behaviour... Dont ask me how to do it, cause I don't know..
  • #5
Anttech said:
The technique is called stealth or phantom pages.. If you are any good at coding then you can code your site to use this technique, but search engines don't like this behaviour... Dont ask me how to do it, cause I don't know..

It's a good way to get banned from search engines, don't do this.
  • #6
yeh true, they don't like it...
  • #7
You also might want to check out SEOpen plugin for firefox

Current SEOpen features are all accessed through right-clicking an open area on a web page; they include:
# Yahoo Backlinks
# Pages in Yahoo Index
# Google Backlinks
# Google Cache
# Pages in Google index
# Google Translate to English
# Google Related
# PageRank Check
# MSN Backlinks
# Pages in MSN Index
# Alexa Overview
# Alexa Traffic
# Alexa Related
# Alexa Backlinks
# "Mass Check" multiple sources at once
# Check DMOZ Inclusion
# Keyword Density
# Page Size Checker
# HTML Validator
# Server Header Viewer
# Wayback Machine
# Check robots.txt
# Whois Info

nice tool for the budding web-masters...
  • #8
What's the url of your site, Jameson? Since we did help you build it, I'd like to at least see it.
  • #9
Heh, it's Right now it just uses phpBB forum, but I hope to upgrade to VBulletin. It's similar to this site, but I really want it to focus
more on solely math and philosophy.

And thanks to everyone for their help!
  • #10
The key is traffic. My site, for example, usually appears as the top search for "themodule"; however, due to lack of traffic lately it has been losing that top spot. Today I think it is second.

FAQ: How can I increase traffic to my math forum website?

1. How can I improve my website's search engine ranking?

There are several ways to improve your website's search engine ranking. First, make sure your website has high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience. Use keywords strategically throughout your website and in the metadata. Additionally, work on building backlinks from reputable websites to increase your website's credibility. Regularly updating your website with fresh content can also help improve your ranking.

2. Should I use paid advertising to get my site noticed?

Paid advertising can be an effective way to get your site noticed, but it may not be suitable for every budget or business. Before investing in paid advertising, it's important to research your target audience and determine which platforms will reach them most effectively. You should also carefully track your return on investment to ensure the cost is worth the benefits.

3. How important is social media for getting my site noticed?

Social media can be a powerful tool for getting your site noticed, as it allows you to reach a wider audience and engage with potential customers. It's important to choose the right social media platforms for your business and consistently post relevant, high-quality content. Building a strong social media presence can also help with your website's search engine ranking.

4. Is it necessary to have a mobile-friendly site?

Yes, having a mobile-friendly site is essential for getting your site noticed. With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, a large portion of internet traffic comes from mobile devices. If your website is not optimized for mobile, it can lead to a poor user experience and drive potential customers away. Make sure your website is responsive and looks good on all devices.

5. How long does it take for my site to get noticed?

The time it takes for your site to get noticed can vary depending on several factors, such as the competitiveness of your industry, the quality of your website, and your marketing efforts. It's important to consistently work on improving your website and promoting it through various channels to increase its visibility and attract more traffic. With patience and persistence, your site will gradually gain more recognition and visibility.
