Build a pulse-jet for my final year project

In summary, The student is working on a pulse jet, and is looking for help designing an outside test cell to measure thrust. They are considering attaching the jet to the test cell using a strain gauge pin. They hope to use this cell to test different configurations of the jet, and to make sure that the thrust output is accurate.
  • #1
I have taken on the task to build a pulse-jet for my final year project and could do with help designing an outside test cell to measure thrust.
I am considering attaching the jet to the test cell using a strain gauge pin.
What do you think??
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  • #2
Can you be a bit more specific? Thrust measurement can get a bit tricky. How do you plan to mount the engine? What exactly is the configuration going to be for this "pin".

The way we do it involves, basically, a table with a floating top (thrust bed). The thrust bed is attached to a load cell that is calibrated in place, i.e. the entire thrust bed is cal'd as a single unit. There are a lot of issues with getting the centerline of the engine and the centerline of the load cell lined up.

Keep asking questions.
  • #3
I'd go for a simpler set-up using dead weights. Mount the engine horizontally, so that it can slide forwards a few inches along a rail. Use a spring balance (as used by fishermen) to quickly measure thrust, and run a string over a pulley, to a pan containing weights for more accurate measurements.

Pulse jets are difficult to get going (fill them with propane gas and ignite), dangerous, and unbelievably noisy. I hope you run your tests far from civilisation, or you will need very understanding neighbours.
  • #4
If you have a look at the attachment i have drawn a test cell which i will build,it is a rough drawn without taking into consideration any applied stress and strains.If you look at the cylindrical pin this is where i will attach the jet to the cell (I’ll attach a plate to the jet then use some kind of pylon to attach to the pin).At the back i'll have a pin attached to the back end of the jet to stabilize it..
The pin will have a strain gauge which will give an electrical signal out..

Any opinions appreciated.

Ryan ps sorry about size of bitmap..


  • Test cell2.bmp
    53.6 KB · Views: 562
  • #5
If the thrust is small, use an interferometer. Thats what I've seen done.
  • #6
It's a bit tough to see. It looks good. Again, the only thing I would worry about is inducing a bending moment on that pin and thus getting a thrust value that is not the true reading. I would recommend that you spend a bit of time and do a calibration on the load readout to make sure you can account for this. It would be very easy to do if you had a hand held load cell or a fish scale type. Pull and compare the two readouts. That will develop your cal curve.
  • #7
I think that the idea of running the engine on a track and pulling on a fisherman's scale is brilliant.:biggrin:
ps: I'd like to see the engine itself.:wink:

FAQ: Build a pulse-jet for my final year project

1. What is a pulse-jet engine?

A pulse-jet engine is a type of jet engine that operates by creating a series of rapid explosions or pulses of combustion. It is commonly used in model planes and rockets, but can also be scaled up for larger applications.

2. How does a pulse-jet engine work?

A pulse-jet engine works by creating a series of rapid combustion pulses that push out through a nozzle at the back of the engine. This creates thrust and propels the engine forward. The cycle of combustion and exhaust creates a continuous cycle of thrust, similar to how a four-stroke engine works.

3. What materials are needed to build a pulse-jet engine?

The materials needed to build a pulse-jet engine can vary, but typically include a metal or heat-resistant container, a fuel source such as propane or gasoline, a spark plug or ignition system, and a nozzle or exhaust pipe. Other materials may be necessary depending on the specific design of the engine.

4. Are there any safety precautions to consider when building a pulse-jet engine?

Yes, there are several safety precautions to consider when building a pulse-jet engine. It is important to work in a well-ventilated area and wear protective gear such as gloves and safety glasses. The fuel source should be handled carefully and the engine should be tested in a controlled environment to avoid any accidents.

5. Can a pulse-jet engine be used for practical applications?

While pulse-jet engines are commonly used in model planes and rockets, they are not typically used for practical applications due to their loud noise and high fuel consumption. They can also be difficult to control and maintain a steady speed. However, some companies are researching and developing more advanced pulse-jet engines for potential use in transportation and other industries.

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