Calculating Engine Cooling Flow for Autograss Car

In summary: Remember he is useing a outboard boat motor with a coolant input of cold water. In its native environment, it rejects a lot of heat with little input, so you'll need to upsize the pump. You could also block airflow to the radiator to bring up the temps, though it's hard to make a small unit work as cool as you want. Blocking the airflow may also mean you have to get creative with your cooling system size.
  • #1
Hi there I'm new to the forum, I stumbled across it while trying to find the answer to a question I have. I am currently building an autograss car and have come to the stage of trying to cool the engine which is a 2 stroke V6 outboard engine. Basically what I need to know is how to figure out how much water needs to flow through the engine to keep it at a steady temp of 850C. I have no idea where to start with working this out and your help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
I think you would have to consider the air flow through the radiator as well as the amount of water, are using electric fans?
  • #3
Well, to calculate this, you need to know how much heat is rejected by the engine.

In your case, I would suggest that you look at the published/expected fuel consumption (worst case), make a guess at what percentage of that (give me more details and I'll help with that) will go to your cooling system, and look at what coolant flow you have available.
  • #4
brewnog said:
Well, to calculate this, you need to know how much heat is rejected by the engine.

In your case, I would suggest that you look at the published/expected fuel consumption (worst case), make a guess at what percentage of that (give me more details and I'll help with that) will go to your cooling system, and look at what coolant flow you have available.

i do have a basic knowledge of this and can work out the heat rejected (just haven't got a value for the fuel consumption right now!) how do i figure out what flow i have available? will i have to measure the passages in the engine?
  • #5
Well do you have a water pump in mind?
  • #6
I would have thought the water pump would be decided on after figuring out the volume that can flow through the engine? sorry if i seem a bit slow but I'm here to learn!
  • #7
Well, does the engine not already have a water pump?

It's a safe bet that the engine will have been designed with sufficient cooling in mind. So if you can find out the water flow that the engine has been designed to use, (or look at the water pump specified for the engine) then you have your flow.
  • #8
brewnog said:
Well, does the engine not already have a water pump?

It's a safe bet that the engine will have been designed with sufficient cooling in mind. So if you can find out the water flow that the engine has been designed to use, (or look at the water pump specified for the engine) then you have your flow.

remember he is useing a outboard boat motor
in its native envro it gets cool to cold water input and dumps it out
so I would up size the pump as input water will be a lot hotter in a closed system

I would go with a big pump, big rad, and big fans too
as the stock outboard motor needs a lot of cooling help
to convert from cold water input to hot closed water flow
opening up the cooling passages may be needed too
  • #9
there is no water pump on the engine all the auxiliaries have been disguarded. I now know the water needs to flow at 1.8 l/s through the system and the temperature change in the water is 70 degrees C. is there some way i can figure out how much air i need to pass through the radiator/how big a fan i need to cool the water by that much as i don't want to just throw on the biggest fan i can find for the sake of it?
  • #10
outboards use a pump in the lower unit

ruff guide use a rad of a equal HP rated car or a size or so larger
you can always block airflow to the rad to bring up temps
but it is hard to make too small a unit work cooler
as they are sized for cold raw water cooling
and I don't think you mean a 70 C drop in temp but to get the coolant
down to 70 C temp coming out of the rad
as it should be about 100 to 110 C going in or a 30 to 40 C drop
variable speed fans may help to adjust cooling
as may an electric water pump to adjust flow
  • #11
Don't worry about reducing coolant temperatures by having variable flow pumps or fans, just fit a thermostat on the water side and be done with it. Your 1.8 litres/sec flow and 70°C delta T give you a heat rejection of 530W, but it's important to note what conditions these parameters are given under such that you can reject the necessary heat under full load conditions.
  • #12
mooman2 said:
I now know the water needs to flow at 1.8 l/s through the system and the temperature change in the water is 70 degrees C.
Where did you get those numbers? A 70C delta-T is very, very high and very difficult to achieve. I would think you should be looking for something more on the order of 10-20C.

FAQ: Calculating Engine Cooling Flow for Autograss Car

1. What is the purpose of calculating engine cooling flow for an autograss car?

The purpose of calculating engine cooling flow for an autograss car is to ensure that the engine stays at a safe operating temperature. If the engine overheats, it can cause damage and decrease performance. By calculating the cooling flow, you can determine if the current cooling system is sufficient or if modifications need to be made.

2. How is engine cooling flow calculated?

Engine cooling flow is typically calculated by measuring the amount of air that passes through the engine's radiator. This can be done using various methods such as using a flow meter or by measuring the difference in temperature between the air entering and exiting the radiator. The cooling flow rate can then be determined using this information.

3. What factors can affect engine cooling flow?

Several factors can affect engine cooling flow, including the size and efficiency of the radiator, the type of coolant being used, the ambient temperature, and the speed of the car. Other modifications to the engine or cooling system can also impact the cooling flow rate.

4. Why is it important to have proper engine cooling flow in an autograss car?

Proper engine cooling flow is important for several reasons. It helps to maintain a safe operating temperature for the engine, which can prevent damage and prolong the engine's lifespan. It also ensures that the engine is performing at its best, as an overheated engine can decrease performance. Additionally, having proper cooling flow can prevent the car from overheating during races, which can lead to a loss of control and potential accidents.

5. How often should engine cooling flow be calculated for an autograss car?

The frequency of calculating engine cooling flow for an autograss car can vary depending on the specific car and racing conditions. However, it is typically recommended to check the cooling flow rate at least once a year or before any major modifications are made to the engine or cooling system. It is also important to regularly monitor the engine's temperature during races and make adjustments as needed.
