Computation of an integral (Use of Resdiue theorem).

Then let R go to infinity. The remaining integral is the one we want to evaluate, and you can evaluate it using the residue theorem.In summary, the integral can be evaluated using the residue theorem or by parametrising the rectangular contour. Both methods give the same result, and the contour integral can be evaluated using the residue theorem as you've done.
  • #1
Gold Member
I need to compute the integral:
so obviously i need to use the residue theorem here and evaluate the contour integral of the complex function (cos(z)/cosh(z)) the singularity point here is [tex]z=i\pi/2[/tex]
the intervals i decided to do the are:
and then ofcourse we shall let R approach infinity.
so by the residue theorem we get that:
[tex]\int_c\frac{cos(z)}{cosh(z)}=2i\pi Res(cos(z)/cosh(z),z=i\pi/2)[/tex]
on the other hand, after some algebraic manipulations we get that:
z=x+iy [tex]cos(z)/cos(z)=(cos(x)cos(y)cosh(x)cosh(y)+sin(y)sin(x)sinh(y)sinh(x))/(cos^2(y)cosh^2(x)+sin^2(y)sinh^2(x))([/tex]
now to calculate the integral we have that:
the above integral with z equals (before letting R approach infinity):
now i think that one of the above summed integrals is when R approaches zero approaches zero as well, to prove this would be quite long cause i think i need there l'ohpital rule, the second imaginary part shouldn't be too much of a hastle, by parts, i just want to see if this approach is the correct one, or is there a simpler appraoch that will make my life easier?

thanks in advance.
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  • #2
\int\limits_0^\infty {\frac{{\cos x}}{{\cosh x}}dx} = \frac{1}{2}\int\limits_{ - \infty }^\infty {\frac{{\cos x}}{{\cosh x}}dx = \frac{1}{2}\int\limits_{ - \infty }^\infty {\frac{{e^{ix} }}{{\cosh x}}} } dx

Doing it this way, you can avoid having to bound the cosine term explicitly.

Edit: Your approach in using a rectangular contour is correct. You don't need to evaluate any integrals. The whole point of using such a contour is to enable you to end up with an integral of the same form as the original one you are trying to evaluate. You obtain such an integral by letting R approach infinity so that (in this case) two of the integrals vanish.
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  • #3
Doesn't the contour you chose include the singularity? Specifically, the segment:
[tex]0 + i \pi \rightarrow 0 + i0[/tex]
seems to include
[tex]0 + i \frac{\pi}{2}[/tex]

Since the function is even, you can do something like this:
[tex]\int_{0}^{R} \frac{\cos(x)}{\cosh(x)}dx=\frac{1}{2} \int_{-R}^{R} \frac{\cos(x)}{\cosh(x)} dx[/tex]

I'd be tempted to try a half-circle complex countour - no idea if it works out well.
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  • #4
A rectangular contour, as the thread starter has attempted to use, is the way to go. The method is to calculate the integral in two ways, one directly via the residue theorem and the other by parameterising the contour.

A semi circular contour will probably not work. This is because as the radius increases, more and more singularities will be enclosed which will be inconsistent with the calculation using the residue theorem.
  • #5
Despondent said:
A rectangular contour, as the thread starter has attempted to use, is the way to go. The method is to calculate the integral in two ways, one directly via the residue theorem and the other by parametrising the contour.

Yeah. Sometimes circular contours lead to nice cancellation - not this time though.
  • #6
those with the imaginary coeffiecients vanish correct?
but i don't see how does the second imaginary integral get vanish after letting R approach infinity, if it does get vanish it should have no relevance to R cause it doesn't depend on it.
  • #7
I think you should go with my suggestion to write the integrand in terms of the complex exponential. You don't need any tricks here (eg. multiplying the numerator and the denominator by some function).

The contour C you should use has vertices -R, R, R + (pi)*i, -R + (pi)*i which you have indicated the use of in your original post.

The integral can be calculated using the residue theorem as you've done. The second way is to parameterise the contour. You can do this as follows.

The integral is [tex]\int\limits_0^\infty {\frac{{\cos x}}{{\cosh x}}} dx = \frac{1}{2}\int\limits_{ - \infty }^\infty {\frac{{e^{ix} }}{{\cosh x}}} dx[/tex].

So the integral you need to consider is:

J = \int\limits_C^{} {\frac{{e^{iz} }}{{\cosh z}}dz}

= \int\limits_{ - R}^R {\frac{{e^{ix} }}{{\cosh x}}dx + \int\limits_0^\pi {\frac{{e^{i\left( {R + iy} \right)} }}{{\cosh \left( {R + iy} \right)}}} } idy + \int\limits_R^{ - R} {\frac{{e^{i\left( {x + i\pi } \right)} }}{{\cosh \left( {x + i\pi } \right)}}} + \int\limits_\pi ^0 {\frac{{e^{i\left( { - R + iy} \right)} }}{{\cosh \left( { - R + iy} \right)}}idy}

The second and fourth integrals can be shown to vanish in the limit as R goes to infinity. Just use
[tex]\left| {\int\limits_C^{} {f\left( z \right)dz} } \right| \le \mathop {\max }\limits_{z \in C} \left| {f\left( z \right)} \right| \times length\left( C \right)[/tex].
You can now use some identities to combine the first and the third integral to get some multiple of the integral that you want to evaluate.

FAQ: Computation of an integral (Use of Resdiue theorem).

What is the Residue Theorem?

The Residue Theorem is a technique used in complex analysis to compute integrals along closed curves in the complex plane. It states that the integral of a function over a closed curve is equal to the sum of the residues of the function at its isolated singularities within the curve.

How is the Residue Theorem used to compute integrals?

The Residue Theorem is used by first identifying the residues of a function at its singularities within a closed curve. Then, the integral can be rewritten as the sum of these residues, often making the computation easier. This technique is particularly useful for functions with poles or branch points within the curve.

What is a singularity?

In complex analysis, a singularity is a point where a function is not analytic, meaning it does not have a well-defined derivative. This can include poles, branch points, and essential singularities.

When is the Residue Theorem applicable?

The Residue Theorem is applicable when a function is analytic within and on a closed curve, except for isolated singularities. Additionally, the curve must be simple, meaning it does not intersect itself, and must be positively oriented, meaning it is traversed counterclockwise.

Can the Residue Theorem be used for real integrals?

Yes, the Residue Theorem can be used to compute real integrals by extending the function to the complex plane and using the residues at the singularities in the upper or lower half-plane. This technique is known as contour integration and is commonly used in physics and engineering applications.

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