Proving Relatively Prime Property: Integers, gcd, and the Prime Divisor Problem

  • Thread starter scottstapp
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In summary, the conversation discusses the task of proving that if a set of integers multiplied together (b) and a nonzero integer (c) are relatively prime, then their product is also relatively prime. A possible solution using Euclid's lemma is suggested, and further elaboration on the lemma is provided. The conversation also mentions the use of induction and a proof by contradiction.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have to prove the following:
Let a1,a2, ...,an be integers and set b=a1*a2*...*an. If c is a nonzero integer and c is relatively prime to each ak, then c and b are relatively prime.

Homework Equations

Definition of relatively prime: Let a and b be integers, not both zero. if gcd(a,b)=1 then a and b are relatively prime.

The Attempt at a Solution

1. Let a1,a2, ...,an be integers and let b=a1*a2*...*an. Suppose there exists a nonzero integer c where c is relatively prime to each ak.

2. By defn, gcd(c,ak)=1

I need help showing that the gcd(c,a1*a2)=1

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  • #2
You don't need to suppose the existence of c; it is given by hyphotesis.

The best way to do this is to use induction on n and the following result (sometimes called Euclides' lemma): if c|ab and gcd(c,a)=1, then c|b.

If you haven't covered this lemma, argue like this: if gcd(c,a1*a2)>1, then there must be a common prime divisor p > 1 of c and a1*a2; p cannot divide a1 (because then gcd(a1,c)>1), so it must divide a2 and gcd(c,a2) > 1, and this is also impossible.
  • #3
I was just looking at Euclids Lemma actually and wondering how I would prove that c|ab? Is it because c is relatively prime with each a therefore it must divide ab?

Thank you for your help once again
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FAQ: Proving Relatively Prime Property: Integers, gcd, and the Prime Divisor Problem

What is the "Prime Divisor Problem"?

The Prime Divisor Problem is a mathematical problem that involves finding the smallest prime number that divides a given number evenly. It is also known as the "smallest prime factor" or "lowest prime divisor" problem.

What is the significance of the "Prime Divisor Problem"?

The Prime Divisor Problem has practical applications in cryptography, as well as in the fields of number theory and computer science. It also serves as a fundamental problem in understanding the properties of prime numbers.

What is the difference between the "Prime Divisor Problem" and the "Prime Factorization Problem"?

The Prime Divisor Problem involves finding the smallest prime number that divides a given number, while the Prime Factorization Problem involves finding all prime numbers that divide a given number. The Prime Divisor Problem is a subset of the Prime Factorization Problem.

What is the best approach for solving the "Prime Divisor Problem"?

There is no one definitive approach for solving the Prime Divisor Problem. Some common methods include trial division, using a sieve algorithm, or using the Pollard's rho algorithm. The most efficient approach may vary depending on the size and properties of the given number.

Are there any unsolved aspects of the "Prime Divisor Problem"?

Yes, there are still many open questions and unsolved aspects related to the Prime Divisor Problem. For example, it is not known if there is a polynomial-time algorithm for solving the problem, and there are also open questions related to the distribution of prime divisors in certain sequences of numbers.
