Finished 2nd yr civil Swap to mech?

  • Thread starter SkyW
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In summary, the speaker has recently completed their second year of civil engineering and is now considering switching to mechanical engineering. They have always been unsure of which branch of engineering they want to pursue and have narrowed it down to civil and mechanical. However, their experience in studying and working in civil engineering has made it seem mundane and boring, while mechanical engineering seems more challenging and satisfying. They enjoy working with smaller components, problem-solving, and visually oriented activities. They are drawn to the more interesting and fun mechanical engineering projects, but are hesitant because they are unsure of the job opportunities and potential career paths in their country. They are seeking suggestions and advice from alumni, professors, and career services to help them make this life-changing decision."
  • #1
So I've just finished 2nd yr of civil eng...and am considering swapping to mechanical :/

Since i started engineering I've been kinda unsure of which branch i want to get into. Studying engineering and the principles involved i know engineering is for me, just need to decide which ;). Its just between civil and mech atm. I also did consider elec and though i love computers and gadgets doubt il enjoy the circuitry etc much enjoy more spatial problems i can visualise better. I enjoy maths and app maths, fluids and structures, don't really enjoy geology and some other civil subjects

Studying structural design 1 as well as doing some vac work etc has made civil eng seem much more mundane and boring than i anticipated. Though I've done quite all right in terms of marks etc, I am not sure i want to do this for the rest of my life.

Mech seems a lot broader and i am considering changing to mech because of this, it would broaden my horizons and give me time to think about what i want to do with my life. If i wana get back into civil, i can do so with a mech degree as the area of civil that interested me was structural anyways?

Now that i think about it, i also prefer the idea working with smaller components and then doing testing and research on em rather than the idea of large buildings and structures where no testing and tweaking etc is required and all that's needed is to comply with regulations and make sure it stands :/.
I would think mech would give me greater challenges and satisfaction when designing something.
I've always enjoyed taking things apart. Like Computers.Solving problems and tweaking things as well. I also can see myself enjoying 3D CAD. I am drawn to more visually oriented activities such as photography and graphic design etc.

Looking at the final year design projects..the mech projects (esp the mechatronics stream) seem much much more interesting and fun to me than the civil projects :/Though i wonder if mech eng is much more interesting and worth the extra year il have to do..and if the work il be able to get in my country will on be anything amazing. Civil will get me eventually designing structures and buildings I am sure which would be fun, but mech, not sure where it would take me. I don't want to get into mech only to find the jobs available are only designing aircons or sumn :/. Guess I am scared. Its a big life changing decision

Any suggestions?
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  • #2
Can you speak with alumni, professors, and your career services department to see what kind of jobs MEs and CEs end up with from your school / country? Without knowing the country it's hard to help much (not that I'd personally be helpful outside the US). If you check this and the academic forum you can find some civil vs mechanical discussions, which may be more or less relevant.
  • #3
I'm also in a similar situation as you SkyW.

Any insight guys?

FAQ: Finished 2nd yr civil Swap to mech?

1. What is the difference between civil engineering and mechanical engineering?

Civil engineering focuses on the design, construction, and maintenance of structures and infrastructure, such as bridges, roads, and buildings. Mechanical engineering, on the other hand, deals with the design, development, and production of mechanical systems, such as engines, machines, and tools.

2. Why did you switch from civil engineering to mechanical engineering?

I decided to switch from civil engineering to mechanical engineering because I found a greater interest and passion for the design and mechanics aspect of engineering. I also wanted to broaden my knowledge and skills in a different field of engineering.

3. Are there any similarities between civil and mechanical engineering?

While they are different disciplines, there are some similarities between civil and mechanical engineering. Both require a strong foundation in mathematics and physics, and both involve problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Additionally, both fields require knowledge of computer-aided design (CAD) software.

4. What courses did you take during your second year as a civil engineering major?

Some of the courses I took during my second year as a civil engineering major included statics, mechanics of materials, surveying, materials science, and environmental engineering. These courses provided a solid foundation for understanding the principles and concepts of civil engineering.

5. How will your background in civil engineering benefit you in mechanical engineering?

My background in civil engineering has provided me with a strong understanding of structural mechanics, materials, and design principles, which are applicable to mechanical engineering. Additionally, my knowledge of sustainability and environmental factors will be useful in designing more efficient and eco-friendly mechanical systems.

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