What Is the Role of the r^2 Term in the Polar Arc Length Formula?

In summary: Therefore, ds^2 = dr^2 + (r d\theta)^2, which is the polar formula for arc length. The r^2 term comes from the fact that the arc length increases proportionally to the radius r, as we move away from the origin. In summary, the r^2 term in the polar formula for arc length represents the contribution of the radius to the infinitesimal arc length of a differentiable curve in polar coordinates.
  • #1
In the polar formula for arc length, [tex]ds^{2}=dr^{2}+r^{2}d{\theta}^{2}[/tex], what is the exact meaning of the [tex]r^2[/tex] term multiplying [tex]d{\theta}^2[/tex]? Is it an initial distance from the origin? A final distance from the origin? The change in r from point a to point b? This baffles me to no end and nothing explains it.
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  • #2
God I hate this stuff. But after you use it, you kind of realize how much effort it saves.

This is the meaning of that rather "disembodied" statement.

Let's draw a curve through space. And now let's parametrize that curve with a parameter t. So along this path, [tex]r=\tilda r(t), \ \ \theta = \tilda \theta (t)[/tex].
Then the arclength satisfies the following 'differential' equation:

[tex] (\frac{ds}{dt})^2 = (\frac{d\ r (t)}{dt})^2 + r^2 (\frac{d\ \theta (t)}{dt})^2 [/tex]

I've included the (t) thing to make the method of calculation explicit. You literally differentiate the function r(t) wrt t. r=r(t) is a horrible abuse of notation that actually gets me confused from time to time but...it saves a lot of time too. Haha.
  • #3
Do you mean a geometric reason, or an analytic reason?

To see how it got there, just consider the following:

dS = \sqrt{1 + (\frac{dy}{dx})^2}

Let [tex] y = r \sin \theta[/tex] and [tex] x = r \cos \theta [/tex] and work it out and you'll get your r^2 factor on the [tex]d\theta[/tex]
  • #4
I mean a geometric reason; the derivation is no problem.
  • #5
It gives the arclength gained by increasing r by dr and theta by dtheta.

(\frac{ds}{dt})^2 = (\frac{d\ r (t)}{dt})^2 + r^2 (\frac{d\ \theta (t)}{dt})^2
So yes, the r^2 corresponds to how far you are from the origin.
Think about small curves on a sphere. If your r is large, then your ds is going to be larger, for a given dtheta.
  • #6
Let's take an example: suppose I am moving from the polar point [tex](2, \frac{\pi}{4})[/tex] to [tex](3, \frac{\pi}{2})[/tex]. Would my distance traveled be [tex]1+\frac{{\pi}^{2}}{4}[/tex]?
  • #7
No, the relation you stated in the beginning is a differential relation, meaning it is good only for really close points. (It's like a taylor expansion)

Otherwise you need to develope a formula using trigonometry or using the definition of distance via cartesian coordinates then substituting with polar coordinates.

Back to your original question: dtheta denotes a change in the angle. But as you may know, the angle between two rays doesn't depend on their length. So the information of the angle itself doesn't give you a measure of distance. At small distances from the origin, taking a small angle difference will give you a small distance (the arc of a small circle). At large distances, taking a small angle step will give you a larger distance.
Therefore the r dependence comes in.
  • #8

Differentiable curves exhibit local linearity, so if we zoom up to infinitesimal scales the curve is approximately a straight line. We wish to find the infinitesimal increments of the arc length of the curve between polar coordinates [itex](r,\theta)[/itex] and [itex](r+dr, \theta + d\theta)[/itex].

By the Pythagorean theorem, [itex]ds^2 = dr^2 + (ab)^2[/itex], but the length of the line segment ab can be approximated by the length of the arc that passes through a and b of the circle centered at the origin of radius r. The length of this arc is given by [itex]r d\theta[/itex].
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FAQ: What Is the Role of the r^2 Term in the Polar Arc Length Formula?

What is arc length in polar coordinates?

Arc length in polar coordinates refers to the length of a curve along the circumference of a polar graph. It is measured in units of radians or degrees.

How is arc length calculated in polar coordinates?

The formula for calculating arc length in polar coordinates is L = ∫√(r^2 + (dr/dθ)^2)dθ, where r is the radius of the curve and (dr/dθ) is the derivative of the radius with respect to the angle θ.

What is the difference between arc length and arc measure in polar coordinates?

Arc length refers to the physical distance along the curve, while arc measure refers to the angle formed by the two endpoints of the arc. Arc measure is typically measured in radians or degrees.

Can arc length be negative in polar coordinates?

No, arc length cannot be negative in polar coordinates. It is always a positive value, as it represents the distance along the curve.

How is arc length used in real-life applications?

Arc length in polar coordinates is commonly used in engineering, physics, and other scientific fields to measure the distance along a curved path. It is also used in GPS and navigation systems to calculate the distance between two points on a curved surface.

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