Creating Higgs Boson: Mass & Energy Needed?

In summary, the Higgs boson is a particle that is created in high-energy collisions and has a large mass. Its existence provides evidence for the existence of the Higgs field. Although it is not very useful, its mass is important in determining the parameters of the Higgs field potential. There are ongoing experiments to confirm its properties, such as its spin/parity and self-coupling. The Higgs boson also plays a role in verifying the Standard Model and theories beyond it. However, the calculation of its mass in the Standard Model is subject to experimental verification and there is still debate about the gauge hierarchy problem.
  • #1
from what I understand, the higgs boson is basically a wave in the higgs field. I understand that they have a lot of mass, but are they hard to create? are there higgs bosons flying past us every time electrons moves through wires, or do they require intense energy to be created?
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  • #2
hi anorred! :smile:

my advice is to forget about the higgs boson, it doesn't do anything interesting!

the higgs field is what affects things, the higgs boson is just a fairly useless particle that is the evidence for the existence of the higgs field :wink:
  • #3
or do they require intense energy to be created?
This. They have a large mass, therefore the production needs a lot of energy. They can be created in the LHC and very high-energetic collisions elsewhere in the universe, but not in everyday objects.
  • #4
well, I guess knowing the mass of the Higgs boson is not so useless ...
The mass of Higgs completes our needs to know the higgs field potential parameters, and thus see what's going on in there...
so far we were able to know the Higg's vev...

So no...the Higg's boson is not so useless ahahhaahaha
  • #5
ChrisVer said:
The mass of Higgs completes our needs to know the higgs field potential parameters, and thus see what's going on in there.
We still need to find the value of the Higgs self-coupling term.
  • #6
which term is that? haven't seen it :/
I mean the Higg's potential contains two parameters, the μ and λ.
we know that the vev is:
[itex]v=\sqrt{\frac{-μ^{2}}{λ}}[/itex] approximately 247GeV
and that the mass of higgs boson is
[itex]m=-μ^{2}[/itex] which we can high confidently say it's around 126GeV
so we know the values for μ and λ (that's what I meant)
  • #7
We need to confirm whether the particle seen at 126 GeV is in all respects the vanilla Higgs boson. This includes verifying that the spin/parity is 0+, and that the coupling to the various fermions is proportional to their masses.

And also that the Higgs couples as predicted to itself. The Lagrangian

L = (1/2)(∂μh)2 - λv2h2 - λvh3 - (1/4)λh4

predicts cubic and quartic self-coupling. Eventually the coefficients for these terms will be observed and measured, but it will take a much larger dataset since it requires the creation of two Higgs bosons at once.
  • #8
Bill_K said:
We need to confirm whether the particle seen at 126 GeV is in all respects the vanilla Higgs boson.
In the same we have to verify that the branching ratios of Bs mesons agree with the Standard Model. This is nothing special about the Higgs boson, it is just "newer" in the set of observed particles.Concerning self-coupling, it is expected that the coupling of 3 Higgs can be seen after the high-luminosity upgrade (but with a poor uncertainty on its strength: ~1/3), see this powerpoint presentation or this arXiv contribution for example. The coupling of 4 Higgs is beyond the reach of current detectors.
  • #9
And the Higgs boson is important. Directly observing couplings as well as unitarising WW scattering which seems to get forgotten.
  • #10
ChrisVer said:
which term is that? haven't seen it :/
I mean the Higg's potential contains two parameters, the μ and λ.
we know that the vev is:
[itex]v=\sqrt{\frac{-μ^{2}}{λ}}[/itex] approximately 247GeV
and that the mass of higgs boson is
[itex]m=-μ^{2}[/itex] which we can high confidently say it's around 126GeV
so we know the values for μ and λ (that's what I meant)
you try to put a limit on higgs boson mass,from the known masses of W and Z boson.In fact,it is impossible to calculate mass of higgs boson in Standard model.
  • #11
andrien said:
you try to put a limit on higgs boson mass,from the known masses of W and Z boson.In fact,it is impossible to calculate mass of higgs boson in Standard model.

ehm what exactly do you mean by that?
1st of all, I didn't try to put limits, neither did I use anyone who tried to put limits. The higher and lower limits of course existed either from theoretical point of view, or from experiments. The value of vacuum expectation value is coming from experiment.
2nd the mass of the Higgs boson I used, is the one that was detected in CERN-LHC, and again not from a theory. Of course I know it still needs more data to be verified, but well... it's more a matter of time than a matter of anything else :)

as for the Higgs mass, why do you say it's impossible to calculate the mass in the SM? of course you can - it's the quadratic field coupling term in your Lagrangian. you can calculate it, as I wrote, in relation of your Lagrangian parameters which you then have to find out experimentally within the SM. Now for theories beyond the SM, if they can somehow connect those parameters with others known within a single one, that's still subject to experimental verification.
  • #12
Are you aware of gauge hierarchy problem?
  • #13
yes, what about it?
I don't like repeating myself, I didn't use any boundary/limit...

FAQ: Creating Higgs Boson: Mass & Energy Needed?

What is the Higgs Boson?

The Higgs Boson is a subatomic particle that is responsible for giving other particles their mass. It was first theorized in the 1960s and was confirmed by experiments at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012.

Why is it important to create the Higgs Boson?

Creating the Higgs Boson is important for understanding the fundamental building blocks of the universe and how they interact. It also helps to validate the Standard Model of particle physics, which is our current understanding of the fundamental particles and forces in the universe.

What is the mass of the Higgs Boson?

The mass of the Higgs Boson is approximately 125 GeV/c² (gigaelectronvolts per speed of light squared). This is about 133 times the mass of a proton.

How much energy is needed to create the Higgs Boson?

The exact amount of energy needed to create a Higgs Boson depends on the specific process and experimental conditions. However, it is estimated that the Large Hadron Collider needs to operate at energies of around 14 TeV (teraelectronvolts) to create the Higgs Boson.

What are the potential implications of creating the Higgs Boson?

Creating the Higgs Boson can help us understand the origin of mass and how particles acquire it. It can also provide insights into the early universe and the conditions that existed shortly after the Big Bang. Additionally, it could lead to the discovery of new particles or phenomena beyond the Standard Model of particle physics.

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