Take some pictures at school with my new camera

In summary, the campus is beautiful, there are many nice buildings, and the school has a nice campus.
  • #1
***Warning, if you have dial-up don't open this page.

I decided to take some pictures at school with my new camera.

My school has a beautiful campus.

Here is the brand new Kim engineering building. We did a google search on the chairs in our computer lab and each one costs a grand! No penny was saved in the construction of the building.


The main engineering building.


This camera is nice!
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Here is the math building outside and inside, very nice.


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  • #3
This is one of the two major libraries.



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  • #4
That is nice!
  • #5
Here is one of the two walkways that are on either side of the mall and a small garden with sculptures.




^^That building is the other major library.
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  • #6
Administration building:


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  • #7
Other buildings that look nice/



^^microbiology building.
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  • #8
  • #9
And when I took these pictures I heard a bunch of jets and looked up. What did I see but the air force F-16 thunderbirds flying overhead in formation! :biggrin:

There are still many other nice buildings I have left out. It's hard to get good pictures becuase there is so many big trees.
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  • #10
What is the University?
  • #11
U of Bangladesh. :-p
  • #12
cyrusabdollahi said:
U of Bangladesh. :-p

:smile: :smile: There you go being funny again!
  • #13
It's the U of Maryland.
  • #14
Ivan Seeking said:
It's the U of Maryland.

I thought the Maryland Flags, my location, and the names of the buildings would have gave it away. :smile: :rolleyes:

Aerial view:

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  • #15
You only have one school? :rolleyes:
  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:
You only have one school? :rolleyes:

I don't get it?

Edit: Oh, now I get it. Smart guy...
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  • #17
cyrusabdollahi said:
I thought the Maryland Flags, my location, and the names of the buildings would have gave it away. :smile: :rolleyes:

Aerial view:

As far as I am concerned you are back east. Sorry but there is a single pic with a flag, it is unID'able.

Building names a dead give away?

So if I was to say to you Memorial Union, or Packer Hall you would be able to tell me what campus they are on!
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  • #18
:smile: Read what it says above the admin building in the scroll!

Dooooooooooooooo OH! :biggrin:
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  • #19
The pronounciation of Symons Hall (assuming its like simmons), is seriously at almost every college I've ever visited. What I mean is that I've seen a Symons, Simmons, or Simons hall at so many colleges. Such a generic building name...

Just how many colleges have Euclid as one of their street names.

Anyway, I'm actually applying to UMD! If UMich decides to hate me, I will most likely be going to UMD... O_O (Unless Maryland rejects me too... then it's off to Arizona [oooo, speaking of which, a few days ago I got my acceptance to UA and they're paying tuition if I go, woot!])

Im glad to see how nice the campus is! Is having that huge ass mile-long trail to the library UMD's idea of a funny joke? :devil:

EDIT: Umm, I have friends and online acquaintances studying at Cornell, MIT, UMich, and Arizona, but none at UMD. If I have any questions, then ehh, I hope you read your PMs :)

EDIT2: F-16s fly by my house constantly. At UA, A-10s fly by constantly. What's with planes and colleges?
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  • #20
moose said:
Im glad to see how nice the campus is! Is having that huge ass mile-long trail to the library UMD's idea of a funny joke? :devil:

All the girls sunbathe in bikinis in that lawn buddy.

**Notice you don't see the parking anywhere do you? That's a hike! You can always take the shuttle bus driving around, but Its faster to walk.
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  • #21
cyrusabdollahi said:
All the girls sunbath in bikinis in that lawn buddy.
So those Maryland people really are clever, aren't they...hmm
  • #22
cyrusabdollahi said:
:smile: Read what it says above the admin building in the scroll!

Dooooooooooooooo OH! :biggrin:
Illegible Doooooo oH! Sorry. remember that I do not get your full resolution pic.

I didn't know I was supposed to examine these things with a microscope...

What strikes me is how flat the campus is. I have seen parking lots with more significant terrain features.

But then I attended Lehigh for a while...
  • #23
Integral, have you seen Brown U? Dear god, the hills are insane. The change in altitude is never large, but it changes constantly... Cornell had some decent hills. MIT was flat. UA is kind of its own little hill. Yale is generally flat with the exception of the northeast ish part of campus. Harvard was also flat. Boston U, flat... It is kind of weird though, I would expect more slopes in such an environment...
  • #24
I'll try and grab some pics tomorrow, there is much left out still.
  • #25
Cyrus, are you 4th year?
  • #26
lol, my university looks like a wasteland. It seems all universities with the words technical or technological look like crap. There's also no girls. Why the hell did I pick this school??
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  • #27
Nope, this semester will complete my 3rd year. I probably should have been in my 4th year by now, but I don't really care at this point I am close enough to being done.

Piece of advice for you my friend, take as many classes as you are comfortable taking, not as many as your friends are taking. I take 12 credits a semester and not a credit more. Its more than enough work, and I can sit back and really study the small amount of material. Some people try to blast through 16-18 credits. I took 18 credits once and hated it. You only have enough time to do work and finish just so you don't fall behind, it's stupid. College is go your own pace, so you should do just that.

Though, I did feel like I was falling a bit behind and so I took 12 credits last fall, then a winter class 3 credits, then 12 credits again in the spring, followed by 12 credits in the summer, and 12 credits now. So I have been in school for 5 straight semester and am about to shoot someone. But I still perfer this over more than 12 credits during anyone semester. So in the end it works out to the same as taking 20 credits a semester.

I just have two more semester of 12 credits and maybe some extra stuff ill take for the hell of it during the summer and I'll apply to grad school or find a job.

But just don't be those people that take 16 credits and don't learn jack in any of their classes. I've seen it all too often.
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  • #28
cyrusabdollahi said:
Nope, this semester will complete my 3rd year. I probably should have been in my 4th year by now, but I don't really care at this point I am close enough to being done.

Piece of advice for you my friend, take as many classes as you are comfortable taking, not as many as your friends are taking. I take 12 credits a semester and not a credit more. Its more than enough work, and I can sit back and really study the small amount of material. Some people try to blast through 16-18 credits. I took 18 credits once and hated it. You only have enough time to do work and finish just so you don't fall behind, it's stupid. College is go your own pace, so you should do just that.

Though, I did feel like I was falling a bit behind and so I took 12 credits last fall, then a winter class 3 credits, then 12 credits again in the spring, followed by 12 credits in the summer, and 12 credits now. So I have been in school for 5 straight semester and am about to shoot someone. But I still perfer this over more than 12 credits during anyone semester. So in the end it works out to the same as taking 20 credits a semester.

I just have two more semester of 12 credits and maybe some extra stuff ill take for the hell of it during the summer and I'll apply to grad school or find a job.

But just don't be those people that take 16 credits and don't learn jack in any of their classes. I've seen it all too often.

Well, yeah if you don't learn anything from doing 16 credits, don't do it.

Anyways, the campus looks really nice, but I do have one problem. All the buildings look identical.
  • #29
JasonRox said:
Well, yeah if you don't learn anything from doing 16 credits, don't do it.

Anyways, the campus looks really nice, but I do have one problem. All the buildings look identical.

It's the whole east coast colonial motif. UVA looks very similar.
  • #30
cyrusabdollahi said:
It's the whole east coast colonial motif. UVA looks very similar.

That's what I was thinking.

I'd switch campus anyday though. :approve:
  • #31

I'm definitely planning on taking 12 credits my first semester. After that, I will see what I want to do. Several of my friends aren't enjoying their first semester of college enough due to their intense schedules...
  • #32
moose said:

I'm definitely planning on taking 12 credits my first semester. After that, I will see what I want to do. Several of my friends aren't enjoying their first semester of college enough due to their intense schedules...

My girlfriend had to take a crazy amount of classes. She used to love school, but now she hates it with a passion.

The average student in Ontario takes 5 classes per term. That's standard for everyone, and for some people this can be tough. In her program, she was taking 7-8 classes per term! Some schools have a maximum of 6 per term! Once she had 6 classes, and for her that was a break. :eek:
  • #33
moose said:

I'm definitely planning on taking 12 credits my first semester. After that, I will see what I want to do. Several of my friends aren't enjoying their first semester of college enough due to their intense schedules...

What are you going to major?
  • #34
cyrusabdollahi said:
What are you going to major?
  • #35
Oh, if your going to maryland, I would recommend engineering. They have a TON of money. The engineering department in comparison to the physics department is absolutely huge. And besides, engineering is much better. Dont you want a challenging, rewarding major? :smile: /bias.
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