What are some tips for starting to learn physics as a high school freshman?

  • Thread starter armordcrab
  • Start date
In summary, a freshman in high school is seeking advice on where to start learning about physics. The responder suggests "Feynman lectures on physics" as a resource, but notes that the math may be difficult for a 9th grader. They also suggest khanacademy.org for math and science resources.
  • #1
Hear me out, I know most of you people here probably know a lot more then me about physics, but I'm eager to learn this stuff. I'm only a freshman in high school (9th grader) and I don't know were to start, there's so many things in physics
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
  • #3
thanks, ill look for it.
  • #4
Since you're a 9th grader, you probably won't know a lot of the math in some areas of physics. I suggest this site for anything math/science related though:

  • #5

First of all, it's great to hear that you are interested in learning about physics! It's never too early to start exploring the fascinating world of science. I can tell you that the best place to start learning is by building a strong foundation in the basic principles of physics. This will help you understand more complex concepts in the future.

I recommend starting with a general physics textbook or online resources that cover topics such as motion, forces, energy, and electricity. These are fundamental concepts that will be the building blocks for your understanding of more advanced topics.

Another important aspect of learning physics is to practice problem-solving. This will not only help you understand the concepts better, but it will also prepare you for future experiments and research.

Additionally, don't be afraid to ask questions and seek help from your teachers or other knowledgeable individuals. Physics is a vast subject and it's normal to feel overwhelmed at times. But with perseverance and a curious mindset, you will be able to grasp the concepts and make connections between them.

Lastly, don't forget to have fun! Physics is all around us and learning about it can be a fun and exciting journey. Try to relate the concepts to real-life situations and conduct simple experiments to see them in action.

Good luck on your physics learning journey and don't hesitate to reach out for help or guidance along the way. Happy exploring!

FAQ: What are some tips for starting to learn physics as a high school freshman?

What are the best resources for starting to learn?

The best resources for starting to learn depend on the subject you are interested in. For general topics, the internet is a great place to start with websites like Khan Academy, Coursera, and YouTube tutorials. For more specific subjects, books, online courses, and workshops can be helpful.

Should I start with theory or practical application?

It's best to have a balance of both theory and practical application when learning something new. Theory helps you understand the concepts and principles, while practical application allows you to put those concepts into practice and gain hands-on experience.

How do I stay motivated while learning?

Staying motivated while learning can be challenging, but setting clear goals, taking breaks when needed, and finding a study group or accountability partner can help. It's also important to remember your end goal and the reasons why you wanted to learn in the first place.

Is there a specific order in which I should learn things?

It depends on the subject and your goals. Some topics have a logical order, while others can be learned in any order. It's important to do some research and create a learning plan that works best for you and your learning style.

How do I know when I'm ready to move on to the next topic?

It's important to regularly assess your understanding of a topic before moving on. This can be done through quizzes, practice exercises, or teaching the topic to someone else. If you feel confident and comfortable with the material, then it's a good indication that you're ready to move on.

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