Loops '05 recorded talks now available

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary, Rovelli's talk focused on recent progress in understanding quantum gravity, and Smolin's talk focused on new ideas in physics.
  • #1
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go here

click on whoever's talk you want to hear

Rovelli and Smolin have the SLIDES as well as the recorded talk.
the slides (either pdf or powerpoint) are quick to download and give a quick idea of what the talk was about---where it fits into the whole picture

Also Martin Reuter, John Baez and Abhay Ashtekar provided the slides, in addition to the recording. Be aware that the recorded talk is a bigger file and takes longer to download.

in the case of Robbert Dijkgraaf, Renate Loll, Laurent Freidel, Artem Starodubtsev, and some others, I am happy to say we have the recording, even if not the slides.

grateful thanks to the staff at Albert Einstein Institute
and others involved in putting on the conference and following through
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Thanks marcus! Will keep me busy for a week or two!
  • #3
marcus said:
go here

click on whoever's talk you want to hear

Rovelli and Smolin have the SLIDES as well as the recorded talk.
the slides (either pdf or powerpoint) are quick to download and give a quick idea of what the talk was about---where it fits into the whole picture

Also Martin Reuter, John Baez and Abhay Ashtekar provided the slides, in addition to the recording. Be aware that the recorded talk is a bigger file and takes longer to download.

in the case of Robbert Dijkgraaf, Renate Loll, Laurent Freidel, Artem Starodubtsev, and some others, I am happy to say we have the recording, even if not the slides.

grateful thanks to the staff at Albert Einstein Institute
and others involved in putting on the conference and following through

Thanks Marcus!

Having just sat through the talk by Rovelli, I AM AMAZED!..a perfect and stunning performance, judging by the audience silence Rovelli must be really pleased.

Looks like Iam going to have to rethink some aspects touched here: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=24178&page=2

#29 and 30..

Rovelli's reference to the many leading field theoriticians (L Modesto esp..), leads me to believe that there is definitely a new understanding just propergating at a shorter horizon than say 10yrs ago.

The Graviton Propagater paper is just the first of many short steps needed to make a fundamental 'understanding' Leap.:approve:
  • #4
Spin_Network said:
Having just sat through the talk by Rovelli, I AM AMAZED!..a perfect and stunning performance, ...

Me too. I think your reaction is appropriate.

I was impressed by Smolin's talk too. By contrast it was all tangential and unexpected---aimed at stirring up new thought. He was citing people's work I had not heard of and seeming to get a line on the Standard Model.

rovelli was pulling straight ahead on the track of the main QG program, and making substantial progress, while smolin was almost orthogonal, out in the rough breaking new ground

I actually did not expect that these two talks would be the most interesting to me, but they were, of all I have watched.Also on the Smolin and Rovelli talks the AUDIO did not go out. The portable microphone would occasionally fail, with some other speakers.

With Loll, for example, and with Ashtekar---you would sometimes not hear what they say. I think the whole first part of John Baez talk is missing----perhaps even half the talk (but fortunately we have the notes or slides, and it was largely review/survey). So I am thankful that the audio did NOT go off with Smolin and Rovelli.

Maybe we should use this thread to comment on some of the others like Laurent Freidel, if anyone has watched and has a reaction.

I did not hear Martin Reuter yet.

BTW Hanno Sahlmann gave an entirely different talk from what he listed on the program.

Also the AEI staff got the wrong recording for Jerzy Lewandowski. Jerzy talk is not there, the link gives Cartin's talk. But that is like a trivial typo in an otherwise wonderful paragraph. AEI did a great job.
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  • #5
  • #6
marcus said:
I'm seeing how the link format goes if you just want to cite the Rovelli or Smolin talk, by itself, instead of going thru the whole menu
for the abstract, with it's two links: to the slides and the recorded talk
maybe this will work for the video alone
maybe this will work for the slides/lecturenotes alone

At first the Rovelli link (video) did not work for me, so I loaded the PDF read it through, then went back to your first link page (loops05), then clicked the speaker, and watched the video via media-player, whilst similtaineously paged through the PDF.

Before I move on to other speakers, I am just going to have to watch Rovelli again, I made some initial notes, and would like to further understand something I missed re: reference to field background?
  • #7
I was impressed by the Reuter talk. Here are shortcut links (so as not to go thru the Loops '05 menu)
the abstract has links the slides and the recorded talk

here is for the Reuter video alone

here is for the Reuter slides/lecturenotes alone

he is very careful and the slides serve as complete notes for the lecture, they go very well together with the talk. Reuter is impressive.

At this moment, after a few hours exposure. My favorite talks from the conference are just these four:


You know that Loll's CDT is a favorite interest of mine but the difficulty in the case of Loll's talk is that the AUDIO goes out sometimes and she did not provide PDF of the lecture notes. So the talk is not so easy to follow. In the case of the others I mentioned each of them has both a perfect recording and also a complete set of slides.
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  • #8
a lot more information is readily available now thru Loll website but first here is something new at Perimeter


this is happening this weekend, in 4 days from now, it is interdisciplinary as all get out---to such an extent as to make one wonder

A workshop about emergence of spacetime-----naturally Renate Loll but also people I see as way out on the edge like MIT condensed matter visionary XIAO-GANG WEN, and everything-is-a-big-computer SETH LLOYD, also from MIT.

TODAY at Utrect Loll's postdoc Artem Starodubtsev is talking at the "Gra-fi-ti" seminar ("GRAvity-and-FIelds-Tea")
14 November Grafiti no. 111 Artem Starodubtsev (Utrecht): Dynamics of point particles coupled to 4D gravity

This is listed at

Also last month Renate Loll appeared in some Avant Guard Science-Fusion Theatre. Do not be alarmed---t is all right, Gerard 't Hooft already did, and also Robbert Dijkgraaf, so how bad can it be? The Dutch think it's all right to do some things which we would consider abnormal----in this case they combine absurd theater and High Science in unusual spaces and circumstances.


Remember that Grothendieck appeared in the bar scene at the end of the stunning film classic ZAZI DANS LE METRO. In an epic bar fight, he is the unperturbed bartender who wipes the tables. And the Dutch are probably just as bad as the French about doing crazy things---only more flippant about it.

Anyway this theater group is called THEATER ADHOC, and they do performances with an unpredictable mixture of sense and nonsense at places like Accelerators and Particle Detectors. Ad Hoc rhymes with Artaud, so maybe there is an echo of THEATRE ARTAUD. bad news.

The performance was 28 October. We can only hope that everybody had a good time.

I tried to read papers by XIAO-GANG WEN one time. he seems to have an engaging cheerful Messaianic personality of someone who is always outside the box even though he is tenure faculty at MIT. I have the impression that he thinks that light and electrons are fundamentally analogous and they emerge from some collective behavior of spacetime analogous to how in condensed matter some behavior like phonons or superfluidity or whirlpools emerge----phonons do not really exist except as a behavior of something else----and so he thinks that also photons just appear as epiphenomena from the coherent behavior of something more primitive, the CRYSTAL VACUUM. Title of Wen's talk at this weekend's workshop:

"An origin of light and electrons -- a unification of gauge interaction and Fermi statistics"

Well David Gross Kavli institute had X-G Wen come and give talks, so who is to say that Perimeter should not have a gathering of eccentrics and desperados
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  • #9
Also this week, at Göttingen, Hanno Sahlmann is giving a seminar talk

Loop quantum gravity - a status report


Sahlmann talk is 17 November.

Then not long after at Göttingen, on 13 December, Renate Loll is giving a seminar on quantum gravity.

Tough cheese for Harvard if they do not quickly get some cadre in LQG and CDT. To me it seems at top US universities the departments only sit on their hands and imagine the wonders of string theory. So time passes them by.

Göttingen could probably get Sahlmann and IMO it would be a good thing for both of them.
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  • #10
marcus said:
I was impressed by the Reuter talk. Here are shortcut links (so as not to go thru the Loops '05 menu)
the abstract has links the slides and the recorded talk

here is for the Reuter video alone

here is for the Reuter slides/lecturenotes alone

he is very careful and the slides serve as complete notes for the lecture, they go very well together with the talk. Reuter is impressive.

At this moment, after a few hours exposure. My favorite talks from the conference are just these four:


You know that Loll's CDT is a favorite interest of mine but the difficulty in the case of Loll's talk is that the AUDIO goes out sometimes and she did not provide PDF of the lecture notes. So the talk is not so easy to follow. In the case of the others I mentioned each of them has both a perfect recording and also a complete set of slides.

Marcus hi, have you been getting any problems with the viewing of talks?..I have been trying to progress with viewing talks, but I cannot get the talks with slides at the same time!..most of the time my acrobat PDF does not recognize the format, so I presume it is in 'Powerpoint'?..if this is so is there any way of obtaining player that can read the slides similtaineously?

The Smolin talk was my next stop, I wanted to maintain the programme's schedule as much as possible, although I watched the talk without the aid of slide's, it is much better with the whole product, as good as Smolins talk was, for a "non-mathematical dumbshot" such as myself, it is frustrating, any advise would be greatly appriciated, thanks again.
  • #11
Spin_Network said:
Marcus hi, have you been getting any problems with the viewing of talks?..I have been trying to progress with viewing talks, but I cannot get the talks with slides at the same time!..most of the time my acrobat PDF does not recognize the format, so I presume it is in 'Powerpoint'?..if this is so is there any way of obtaining player that can read the slides similtaineously?

By luck I just happen to have a powerpoint reader. We need to start a thread that asks everybody WHERE DO I DOWNLOAD A POWERPOINT READER?EDIT ----I just went and started a thread in the
software part of the technology forum. Maybe you would check it out in a day or so.
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  • #12
marcus said:
...XIAO-GANG WEN...I have the impression that he thinks that light and electrons are fundamentally analogous and they emerge from some collective behavior of spacetime analogous to how in condensed matter some behavior like phonons or superfluidity or whirlpools emerge----phonons do not really exist except as a behavior of something else----and so he thinks that also photons just appear as epiphenomena from the coherent behavior of something more primitive, the CRYSTAL VACUUM.

Professor Xiao-Gang Wen, winner of OYRA in 1994, received his B.S. degree from the Univ of Sci. Tech of China in 1982, his M.S. in 1983 and Ph.D. in 1987 both from Princeton Univ.

His Ph.D. thesis director was Prof. Ed Witten...
  • #13
..and another who likes phonons...

Olaf Dreyer (Perimeter Institute) http://arxiv.org/hep-th/0409048

There are currently two competing views of the role
quantum field theory plays in our theoretical understand-
ing of nature. In one view, quantum field theory describes
the dynamics of the elementary constituents of matter...

The other point of view likens the use of quantum field the-
ory to its use in other areas of physics, most importantly
in solid state physics. Here, quantum field theory is not
used to describe the dynamics of elementary particles.
In solid state physics, this would be fruitless, since the
dynamics of a large number of atoms is usually beyond
anyone’s ability to compute. It turns out, however, that
these large numbers of constituents often have collective
excitations that can be well-described by quantum field
theory and that are responsible for the physical proper-
ties of the material. The view is then that the elementary
particles of the Standard Model are like the collective ex-
citations of solid state physics. The world we live in is
just another material whose excitations are described by
the Standard Model. The point of view was introduced
by P. W. Anderson [2] and has since found a large fol-
lowing (see e.g. [3, 4, 5] and references therein).

2] P. W. Anderson, Sience 177, 393 (1972).
[3] G. E. Volovik, The universe in a helium droplet (Oxford
University Press, 2003).
[4] R. B. Laughlin, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A18, 831 (2003).
[5] X.-G. Wen, Quantum field theory of many-body systems
(Oxford University Press, 2004).
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  • #14
mccrone said:
..and another who likes phonons...
Olaf Dreyer (Perimeter Institute) http://arxiv.org/hep-th/0409048
... The world we live in is
just another material whose excitations are described by
the Standard Model. The point of view was introduced
by P. W. Anderson [2] and has since found a large fol-
lowing (see e.g. [3, 4, 5] and references therein).
2] P. W. Anderson, Sience 177, 393 (1972).
[3] G. E. Volovik, The universe in a helium droplet (Oxford
University Press, 2003).
[4] R. B. Laughlin, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A18, 831 (2003).
[5] X.-G. Wen, Quantum field theory of many-body systems
(Oxford University Press, 2004).

good to point out this paper, mccrone!

we had a thread about this paper by Olaf Dreyer

In fact what originally prompted me to look into the work of Xiao-Gang Wen, back in September 2004, was just that Dreyer paper you mention in your post.

Here are some X-G Wen links----to papers, and to some pages of his book.

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FAQ: Loops '05 recorded talks now available

1. What is "Loops '05 recorded talks"?

"Loops '05 recorded talks" refers to a collection of recorded presentations and lectures from the Loops '05 conference, which was a scientific conference focused on the field of loop quantum gravity.

2. Who can access the recorded talks from Loops '05?

The recorded talks from Loops '05 are available to anyone who has access to the internet. They can be accessed through various online platforms or by purchasing a physical copy of the recordings.

3. How can I benefit from watching the recorded talks from Loops '05?

Watching the recorded talks from Loops '05 can provide valuable insights and information about the latest advancements and research in the field of loop quantum gravity. It can also serve as a valuable resource for those studying or working in this field.

4. Can I use the recorded talks from Loops '05 for my own research?

Yes, you can use the recorded talks from Loops '05 for your own research as long as you properly cite and credit the original speakers and their work.

5. Are the recorded talks from Loops '05 still relevant?

While the Loops '05 conference took place in 2005, the recorded talks are still relevant as they contain valuable information and discussions about the field of loop quantum gravity. However, it is important to note that there may have been new developments and research in the field since then.

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