Calculation Based on Yield strength and Ultimate strength

In summary: This can lead to excessive deflections or even collapse of the structure.Ultimate shear strength:This is a measure of the maximum stress a material can withstand before it fails in shear. It is used to determine the safety of a design and ensure it can withstand expected loads.In summary, there are two methods used for finding the shear capacity of components in mechanical design calculations: Shear yield strength and ultimate shear strength. The former helps determine working load behavior while the latter is a measure of safety. Both methods are important in ensuring a design can withstand expected loads and prevent failure.
  • #1
Hello Gurus,
I am new to mechanical design calculations.

Since I have came across one interesting fact there are two methods using for finding the shear capacity of the components. Yield Strength and Ultimate strength.
Shear yeild strength=1/√3* Yield strength
Ultimate shear strength= .75 of of Ultimate strength
Up on these shear capcacity calculations are made.

What is the signficance of the using two methods for the design calculations? Either one is enough?
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  • #2
The first is (the limit of) elastic behaviour and helps you decide what to do at working loads. But it says nothing about safety. The second tells you about safety but nothing about working load behaviour.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply.

can you be little elaborate?

I assumed that mutliplying the yield and ultimate strength with 0.577 and 0.75 respectively are matters of saftey.

I also believed that considering yield strength is for safty purpose, as it never consider plastic region in the calculation part.

  • #4
shinoysivan said:
Thanks for the reply.

can you be little elaborate?

I assumed that mutliplying the yield and ultimate strength with 0.577 and 0.75 respectively are matters of saftey.

I also believed that considering yield strength is for safty purpose, as it never consider plastic region in the calculation part.


See my post in this thread:
The .577 is not a safety factor.
The .75 on the other hand, is probably a safety factor.
  • #5
Shear yield strength:

At the onset of yielding, the magnitude of the shear stress in pure shear is 3^0.5 times lower than the tensile stress in the case of simple tension.

When something fails in yielding, the result is plastic deformation of the part.

FAQ: Calculation Based on Yield strength and Ultimate strength

1. What is the difference between yield strength and ultimate strength?

Yield strength is the amount of stress a material can withstand before it begins to deform permanently, while ultimate strength is the maximum stress a material can withstand before it fails completely.

2. How is yield strength and ultimate strength calculated?

Yield strength is calculated by dividing the maximum load a material can withstand without permanent deformation by its cross-sectional area. Ultimate strength is calculated by dividing the maximum load a material can withstand before failure by its cross-sectional area.

3. How do yield strength and ultimate strength affect material selection?

Yield strength and ultimate strength are important factors to consider when selecting materials for a specific application. Materials with high yield strength are more resistant to deformation and are suitable for applications where durability is important, while materials with high ultimate strength are able to withstand higher levels of stress and are suitable for applications where strength is the primary concern.

4. Can yield strength and ultimate strength be improved?

Yes, both yield strength and ultimate strength can be improved through various methods such as heat treatment, alloying, and cold working. These processes can alter the microstructure and properties of a material, resulting in an increase in strength.

5. What factors can affect the yield strength and ultimate strength of a material?

The yield strength and ultimate strength of a material can be affected by various factors such as temperature, strain rate, and material defects. Other factors such as composition, microstructure, and processing techniques can also play a role in determining the strength of a material.
