How Do Masses and Springs Affect Vibration Frequencies?

In summary, the situation involves a system of masses connected by springs and attached to two walls. Newton's 2nd law can be applied to each mass to obtain two differential equations for the displacements. The frequencies of vibration can be determined by assuming a specific solution form. However, the equations of motion provided in the conversation are not completely accurate and need to be adjusted to account for the spring forces.
  • #1
Here is the situation: There is a spring connected to a wall at one end and a mass m1 at the other, which in turn is connected to another spring, which is connected to mass m2, which is connected to another spring which is connected to another wall. In other words:

Wall ----- m1 ----- m2 ----- Wall

where ----- represents a spring (all with spring constant k). Here are the questions:

(a) Apply Newton's 2. law to each mass and obtain two differential equations for the displacements x1 and x2.
(b) Determine the possible frequencies of vibration by assuming a solution of the form x1 = A1 cos ωt, x2 = A2 cos ωt.

(a) There are only two forces acting on the masses in the horizontal direction, namely the spring force, so I figured the equations are:
m1a1 = -2kx1
m2a2 = -2kx2

(b) The frequencies are:
[tex]f_1 = \frac{1}{2\pi}\sqrt{\frac{2k}{m_1}}[/tex]

[tex]f_2 = \frac{1}{2\pi}\sqrt{\frac{2k}{m_2}}[/tex]

Somehow I don't think it would be this easy. Maybe I'm missing something? What do you think?
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  • #2
Your equations of motion aren't quite correct. Remember, spring forces are given by

[tex]F_{spring} = -k(l_{0} - \Delta x[/tex])

where [tex]\Delta x[/tex] is the compression of the spring from its natural length [tex]l_{0}[/tex].
  • #3
1.Let the positions of the masses (measured from the left-hand wall) be:
[tex]x_{1}(t), x_{2}(t) (x_{2}>x_{1})[/tex]
2. Spring forces on mass 1.
a) Spring 1 attached to wall:
Clearly, a stretch of this spring will give a force in the negative direction, so:
[tex]F_{11}=-k(x_{1}-l_{0})[/tex], where [tex]l_{0}[/tex] is the rest length of the spring.
b) Spring 2 attached between the masses:
Clearly a stretch of this spring will impart a force in the positive direction on mass 1, so:
(I've assumed that the rest lengths are equal)
3. Spring forces on mass 2:
a) Spring 2 attached between the masses:
Clearly a stretch of this spring will impart a force in the negative direction on mass 2, so:
b) Spring 3 attached to the right-hand wall:
Clearly a stretch of this spring will impart a force in the positive direction on mass 2, so:
where [tex]L=3l_{0}[/tex] is the distance between the walls.
Hence, you get the system of equations:

You might, of course, rewrite this system of equations in terms of displacements, rather than positions (not that I see much point in that)

FAQ: How Do Masses and Springs Affect Vibration Frequencies?

1. What is "Three Springs and Two Masses"?

Three Springs and Two Masses is a physical system that consists of three springs and two masses connected in a specific configuration. This system is commonly used in physics experiments and simulations to study oscillation and energy transfer.

2. How does "Three Springs and Two Masses" work?

In this system, the two masses are connected to each other and to the three springs. The springs act as restoring forces, pulling the masses back to equilibrium when they are displaced. As the masses oscillate, energy is transferred back and forth between the two masses and the springs.

3. What factors affect the behavior of "Three Springs and Two Masses"?

The behavior of this system is affected by several factors, including the masses of the two objects, the stiffness of the springs, and the initial conditions (such as the amplitude and phase of the oscillation). Other factors, such as the presence of damping or external forces, can also impact the system's behavior.

4. What can "Three Springs and Two Masses" be used to study?

This system can be used to study concepts such as simple harmonic motion, energy conservation, and resonance. It can also be used to model more complex systems, such as molecules or atoms, and to understand the behavior of systems in engineering and other fields.

5. What are some real-world applications of "Three Springs and Two Masses"?

Some real-world applications of this system include shock absorbers in vehicles, musical instruments such as guitars and pianos, and earthquake-resistant building designs. It is also used in various types of research and engineering, such as in the development of new materials and structures.
