How to Reduce Glare off Water by Factor of 1.33: Polarization Physics Problem

In summary, the glare off water can be reduced by a factor of 0.16 when the sun is 45 degrees above the horizon and a factor of 0.09 when the sun is 60 degrees above the horizon, assuming a refractive index of water of 1.33. This is due to the horizontal polarization of the E field from the blue sky caused by Rayleigh scattering. Both E polarizations must be used at the water surface, with the factor for horizontal E^2 being equivalent to half of the unpolarized component. It is unclear which reflection coefficient should be used, whether the E field is perpendicular or parallel to the plane of incidence.
  • #1
"by what factor may the glare off water be reduced when the sun is at

a) 45 degrees above the horizon
b)60 degrees above the horizon

n.b refractive index of water is 1.33"

I have derived the fresnel reflection coefficients for the cases when E is perpendicular to the plane of incidence, and when E is parallel to the plane of incidence. I am also assuming that "glare" is caused by the E-field. But I'm not sure which reflection coeffient to use i.e do we assume that E is parallel to plane of incidence of perp.?

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  • #2
The E field from the blue sky is predominantly horizontally polarized.
This is because the Rayleigh scattering polarizes the scattered radiation.
The horizontal polarization comes out to be
You will have to use both E polarizations at the water surface.
The above factor gives the polarized horizontal E^2. Then you have to include both E polarizations with E^2 = one half of the unpolarized component.

FAQ: How to Reduce Glare off Water by Factor of 1.33: Polarization Physics Problem

What is polarization in physics?

Polarization in physics refers to the physical property of electromagnetic waves, such as light, where the direction of the electric field oscillations is restricted to a specific plane. This plane is perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave.

What causes polarization?

Polarization is caused by the interaction of electromagnetic waves with certain materials, such as polarizing filters or crystals. These materials have aligned molecules that selectively absorb or transmit light waves depending on their direction of polarization.

What is the difference between linear and circular polarization?

Linear polarization refers to the restriction of the electric field oscillations to a single plane, while circular polarization refers to the rotation of the electric field vector as the wave propagates. Linear polarization can be either horizontal or vertical, while circular polarization can be clockwise or counterclockwise.

How is polarization used in practical applications?

Polarization is used in various practical applications such as 3D glasses, LCD screens, and photography filters. It is also used in communication systems, where polarized antennas are used to transmit and receive signals more efficiently.

What is the relationship between polarization and light intensity?

The intensity of light is related to its polarization state. When polarized light passes through a polarizing filter, the intensity of the transmitted light is reduced depending on the angle between the filter and the polarization of the light. For unpolarized light, the intensity is reduced by half, while for fully polarized light, the intensity is reduced to zero.
