Just read Understanding Thermodynamics, what next?

In summary: Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion by Hill & Peterson might be a good choice for you. It has generally received positive reviews from Amazon.com.
  • #1
I am be interested in learning more about propulsions systems on aircraft, and realize a good understanding of thermo would help tremendously. I just read one of the Dover books, Understanding Thermodynamics to help get some of the basics down and now would like to take a step up to the next level. My understanding of thermo besides this book is very little where it was briefly discussed in chemistry last semester.

In the fall I will be taking fundamentals of thermodynamics and the following spring a class on propulsion, but I'd like to go ahead and start learning about this subject.

Would it be okay to jump to an introductory book on propulsion with my little background in thermo or should I try to get a better understanding of thermo first? Any suggestions of good books that are suited for my level would be great. Thanks!
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  • #2
I've never taken a propulsion course, but I've skimmed through a few books. I think that parts of thermodynamics and heat/mass transfer would be beneficial.

What math, physics, and engineering courses have you taken?
What are the prerequisites for the propulsion course at your school?
  • #3
I'm in calculus 2 now, will have calculus 3 finished by early July and in physics 1 now, will be in the second course in the fall. Prerequisites needed for the propulsion class is intro to thermo and aerodynamics. I've yet to take statics and dynamics but will have those completed over the summer.

Only engineering courses I have under me right now are materials science and a couple other general engineering and one on Solidworks.
  • #4
I'm not sure how much information you'll need to know, so I'll just list some courses and textbooks that I think will be beneficial.

Differential Equations
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems - Boyce, DiPrima

Thermal Physics
Concepts in Thermal Physics - Blundell, Blundell

Thermal Engineering
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer - Bergman, Lavine, Incropera, DeWitt

Fundamentals of Aerodynamics - Anderson

There's a lot more information in these books than what you'll need, but you'll have a solid background in the mathematics, physics, and engineering when you take the propulsion course (or at least a few reference books).

Edit: I forgot to mention that the prerequisite courses will cover essentially the same material listed in these books, so you might just want to wait until you take the courses at your school. But if you absolutely cannot wait, then these books should guide you in the right direction. :)
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  • #5
Thank you for your response. I have on the way the 6th, I believe, edition of intro to flight from Anderson. Seems to touch on a lot of the basics. I'm reading through The Illustrated Guide to Aerodynamics to become familiar with the terminology and some of the ideas. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics by Anderson is one I really want next, but I'd also like something specific to propulsion too. I know an understanding of thermodynamics is needed but I don't know to what extent. There is just too much I am excited to learn about! Any other suggestions from anyone else is welcome!
  • #6
I agree - there are so many related subjects that it's difficult to choose where to go next! :)

Even though some (maybe most) of the material is not directly relevant, I still feel that it's worth learning because it might segue into another topic that you find interesting. Plus, learning subjects like thermodynamics from physics and engineering perspectives is beneficial because you get the best of the theory, applications, and intuition. They complement each other nicely.

I've been wanting to check out Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion by Hill & Peterson for awhile, but I've been busy with other subjects. It has generally received positive reviews from Amazon.com and the table of contents looks exciting. See if your library has a copy to examine, it might be closer to what you're looking for.

FAQ: Just read Understanding Thermodynamics, what next?

1. What other topics should I study after understanding thermodynamics?

After understanding thermodynamics, it is recommended to study topics such as statistical mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and material science. These topics build upon the principles of thermodynamics and provide a deeper understanding of how energy and matter behave in various systems.

2. Is it important to have a strong mathematical background for understanding thermodynamics?

Yes, having a strong mathematical background is crucial for understanding thermodynamics. Concepts such as calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra are used to derive equations and solve problems in thermodynamics. It is also important for understanding the mathematical relationships between different thermodynamic properties.

3. How can I apply my knowledge of thermodynamics in real-life situations?

Thermodynamics is a fundamental science that has applications in various fields such as engineering, chemistry, and physics. Understanding thermodynamic principles can help in designing efficient engines, developing new materials, and optimizing energy use in industrial processes. It can also be applied in environmental sciences to study the behavior of systems such as the Earth's atmosphere.

4. What are some common misconceptions about thermodynamics?

One common misconception about thermodynamics is that it only deals with heat and temperature. In reality, it also includes concepts such as work, energy, and entropy. Another misconception is that the laws of thermodynamics only apply to closed systems, when in fact they also apply to open systems.

5. Are there any practical resources for further learning about thermodynamics?

Yes, there are many resources available for further learning about thermodynamics. Some useful resources include textbooks, online courses, and scientific journals. Many universities also offer courses or workshops on thermodynamics, and there are also online communities and forums where students and professionals can discuss and learn more about the subject.

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