Equation of heat conduction, vague text book

In summary, the equation of heat conduction is continuous and valid for all subregions A and all intervals t1,t2, so the integrand must be zero for all (x,y,z) in Ω.
  • #1
Hey all,

This is the equation of heat conduction in my PDE textbook:

[tex]\int ^{t_{2}}_{t_{1}} \int\int\int_{A} [c \rho \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} - \nabla \dot \left( k \nabla u \right)]dxdydzdt = 0. [/tex]

where c is specific heat, rho is density, A is the subregion bounded by a smooth closed surface S with exterior unit normal n.

this integrand is continuous and valid for all subregions A and all intervals t1,t2, it follows that the integrand must be zero for all (x,y,z) in Ω, where Ω is the interior of a body.

Can someone please explain this further? It probably involves some obscure Calculus theorems.

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  • #2
let the integrand be f(x) for brevity's sake

I ended up going this route:

let f(x) > 0

since an integral is just a sum and the sum of all positive values is always positive, then the integral must > 0.

let f(x) < 0

blah blah blah, sum of all negative values is always negative, then the integral must be < 0

therefore, f(x) = 0 (identically)

That's how I went about solving that problem but I was sort of hoping for a more robust explanation than that.
  • #3
Your ideas would work if you could be sure the integrand were always positive (negative), but you need to have some proof of that - do you have any?
Is the surface insulated, or isolated, so that no heat flows in our out?
  • #4
The book doesn't say, which is what makes me think it's some Cal trick from somewhere. The hint is to let f be positive at some point P and then f acts like some ball centered at P. I'm not sure what that is hinting to; I thought I did but now I'm not sure.
  • #5
Somefantastik said:
The hint is to let f be positive at some point P and then f acts like some ball centered at P.

Just a thought - some details I left nebulous on purpose, so you can
investigate/justify them.
if you can assume that [tex] f [/tex] is positive at some point [tex] \mathcal{P} [/tex], in the interior of the region, since [tex] f [/tex] is continuous throughout you know there is a small ball [tex] \mathcal{B} [/tex] centered at [tex] \mathcal{P} [/tex] in which [tex] f [/tex] is positive. Since the integral is identically zero for all regions, it is zero over [tex] \mathcal{B} [/tex]. Since [tex] \mathcal{P} [/tex] is arbitrary, you can conclude ... (fill in the rest)
  • #6
stupid question-

Why do I "know" there is a positive ball B centered at point P?
  • #7
"Why do I "know" there is a positive ball B centered at point P?"

Well, if I understand the problem, and remember my multi-var analysis well enough, since the integrand is continuous throughout the region of integration, the fact that it is positive at a point [tex] \mathcal{P} [/tex] means that there must be a small open set, which is an open ball in several dimensions, in which the integrand is always positive. If that's the case, all else follows (I hope).
  • #8
Ok, that helps a little. Thanks so much :)

FAQ: Equation of heat conduction, vague text book

What is the equation of heat conduction?

The equation of heat conduction, also known as Fourier's law, is a mathematical expression that describes the flow of heat through a material. It states that the rate of heat transfer is proportional to the temperature difference across the material and the cross-sectional area, and inversely proportional to the material's thickness. In simpler terms, it means that heat will flow from a hotter region to a cooler region until the temperatures are equal.

How is the equation of heat conduction derived?

The equation of heat conduction is derived from the laws of thermodynamics and the principles of heat transfer. It is based on the assumption that heat flows from higher temperature to lower temperature and that the rate of heat flow is directly proportional to the temperature gradient. The equation is also validated through experimental data and can be modified for different types of materials and boundary conditions.

What are the units of the equation of heat conduction?

The units of the equation of heat conduction depend on the system of measurement used. In the SI system, the units are watts per meter per Kelvin (W/mK). In the Imperial system, the units are BTU per hour per square foot per degree Fahrenheit (BTU/hft²°F). These units represent the rate of heat transfer per unit area and per unit temperature difference.

How is the equation of heat conduction applied in real-life situations?

The equation of heat conduction is used in various fields such as engineering, physics, and materials science to analyze and predict heat transfer in different systems. It is applied in designing and optimizing heating and cooling systems, thermal insulation, and understanding the behavior of materials under different temperature conditions. It is also used in weather forecasting and predicting the temperature distribution in the Earth's surface.

What are the limitations of the equation of heat conduction?

The equation of heat conduction is a simplified model that assumes steady-state conditions and neglects factors such as radiation and convection. It also assumes that the material properties are constant and that the temperature gradient is linear. In reality, these assumptions may not hold true, and the equation may not accurately predict heat transfer in complex systems. Therefore, it is important to use the equation with caution and consider its limitations.

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