Recent publications on plasma turbulence.

In summary, there are several options for accessing literature on heat transfer in a tokamak, including checking your school's subscription databases, searching for open access articles, utilizing your school's plasma physics or nuclear fusion resources, and using interlibrary loan services.
  • #1
Hey does anyone know where I can access some of these either for free or if my school has a subscription then I can access them on their network. I will be joining a research group soon on the simulation of heat transfer in a tokamak and would like to be up to date with the literature.
Engineering news on
  • #2
You can get a free IoP login to access a fair percentage of the fusion papers on the IAEA and 'Nuclear Fusion'; .

It's one of those areas of science in which you can normally drag up the paper you want (once you find an abstract) from, say, the author's own site or University site or wherever. I don't think fusion researchers are as hung up on 'journal copyright' issues as much as some other areas of science.
  • #3

There are a few options for accessing literature on heat transfer in a tokamak. One option is to check if your school has a subscription to any databases that specialize in scientific literature, such as SciFinder or Web of Science. These databases often have a wide range of articles and journals available for students to access.

Another option is to search for open access journals or articles on the topic. These are publications that are available for free without a subscription. You can use a search engine like Google Scholar to find open access articles related to heat transfer in a tokamak.

Additionally, your school may have a library or research center that specializes in plasma physics or nuclear fusion. These resources may have a collection of relevant literature that you can access either physically or electronically.

Lastly, don't forget about your school's interlibrary loan service. If there is a specific article or journal that you need but your school does not have access to it, you can request it through interlibrary loan and it will be delivered to you for free.

Good luck with your research!

FAQ: Recent publications on plasma turbulence.

1. What is plasma turbulence?

Plasma turbulence is a phenomenon that occurs in plasma, which is a state of matter similar to gas but made up of electrically charged particles. It is characterized by chaotic and unpredictable fluctuations in the plasma's temperature, density, and electromagnetic fields.

2. Why is plasma turbulence important?

Plasma turbulence plays a crucial role in many natural and technological processes, such as energy production in stars, astrophysical jets, and fusion reactors. Understanding and controlling plasma turbulence is essential for achieving sustainable fusion energy.

3. What are some recent publications on plasma turbulence?

Some recent publications on plasma turbulence include "Turbulence and Transport in Magnetized Plasmas" by T. S. Hahm and W. Dorland, "Nonlinear Processes in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: A Tribute to the Scientific Contributions of Pedro Ripa" by E. Hernández-García and R. M. Benzi, and "Turbulence and Transport in Magnetized Plasmas: Challenges and Opportunities" by S. C. Cowley and G. G. Plunk.

4. How is plasma turbulence studied?

Plasma turbulence is studied using a combination of experimental, theoretical, and numerical methods. Experimental techniques involve creating and observing plasma in a controlled environment, while theoretical and numerical methods use mathematical models and simulations to understand the underlying physics of turbulence.

5. What are some current challenges in the study of plasma turbulence?

Some current challenges in the study of plasma turbulence include understanding the interactions between different scales of turbulence, developing accurate and efficient numerical simulations, and finding ways to control and mitigate turbulence in fusion reactors. Additionally, the complex and nonlinear nature of plasma turbulence makes it a challenging topic to study and requires interdisciplinary approaches from various fields of science and engineering.
