Symmetry of mass distribution producing radial gravitational force field

In summary, the hypothesis is that the source of such a gravitational field can only be a spherically symmetric mass distribution. If this is true, then the field and the mass distribution are related by Gauss' law:\nabla\cdot\mathcal{G}(r)=\rho(r,\theta,\phi)clearly this implies that rho depends only on r... i.e., the mass distribution is spherically symmetric. Furthermore, the curl of the field is zero, meaning that the field is curlless.
  • #1
I conjecture that only spherical symmetric mass distribution can produce radial gravitational force field (according Newton's law of gravitation).

Can anybody prove or disprove this conjecture?
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  • #2
If [itex]\mathcal{G}(r)[/itex] is the gravitational field, that we assume depends only on r, then the field and the mass distribution are related by Gauss' law:


clearly this implies that rho depends only on r... i.e., the mass distribution is sperically symmetric.
  • #3
quasar987 said:
If [itex]\mathcal{G}(r)[/itex] is the gravitational field, that we assume depends only on r, then the field and the mass distribution are related by Gauss' law:


clearly this implies that rho depends only on r... i.e., the mass distribution is spherically symmetric.

I don't suppose that the gravitational field depends only on r. That's why I wrote "radial" and not "central". Radial means here that there is a scalar field s(p) and a point o that our force field is F(p) = s(p)(p-o) (p and o are space points, space is regarded to an 3-dimensional affine space). The conjecture is that the source of such gravitational field can only be a spherically symmetric mass distribution.
  • #4
Oh, I understand. In this case, we can assume o is the origin. Then the hypothesis is that


and now the curlless nature of [itex]\mathcal{G}[/itex] (gravitostatic) gives that s is theta and phi independent. Then use Gauss's law as used as in post #2 gives that rho is theta and phi independent.
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  • #5
This proof seems very impressive and elegant!

But, are you absolutely sure that [itex]\mathcal{G}[/itex] is curlless?

I know that it must be curlless if it has a potential, and it must have a potential if it's divergence is zero. But it's divergence isn't zero at points where the mass density isn't zero.
  • #6
Not 100% sure... for that I'd have to pick up my E&M book and confirm that all the steps taken to derive curl(E)=0 transfer to gravity, but I don't have my physics book anywhere near me. But I'm 95% sure.
  • #7
I'm afraid that if I take an arbitrary smooth [itex]\mathcal{G}[/itex] vector field, then it's divergence is just a mass distribution which generates [itex]\mathcal{G}[/itex]. If [itex]\mathcal{G}[/itex] has a non-vanishing curl, then this example will be in your 5%.
  • #8
Since we forgot the mathematical argument for curl(E)=0, look at it this way. It is a know fact from physics that gravitational fields are conservative. And we remember that this statement is equivalent to curl(G)=0. Voilà.
  • #9
Yes, of course, a circulating force field would violate the conservation of energy. But how can we prove mathematically that it is impossible? What excludes such density distributions?
  • #10
Why does the violation of conservation not count as a mathematical proof?
  • #11
mma said:
Yes, of course, a circulating force field would violate the conservation of energy. But how can we prove mathematically that it is impossible? What excludes such density distributions?

Just grab Griffiths and flip through the first few pages. Or Simon's (Simmon?) mechanics.. and the chapter on gravitational fields.
  • #12
quasar987 said:
It is a know fact from physics that gravitational fields are conservative. And we remember that this statement is equivalent to curl(G)=0. Voilà.

I've got the correct answer:

According Newton's law the gravitation al field of a given [tex]\rho[/tex] mass distribution is:


(the integral is a volume integral on the whole 3-dimensuional space)

Taking an arbitrary smooth closed curve [tex]\mathcal{C}[/tex] , the circulation of [tex]\mathcal{G}[/tex] on it is:

[tex] \int_{\mathcal{C}}{\int_{R^3}{\rho(q)\frac{(p-q)}{|p-q|^{3}}{dq}}{dp}

= \int_{R^3}\rho(q){\int_{\mathcal{C}}{\frac{(p-q)}{|p-q|^{3}}{dp}}{dq}
[/tex] (the integrals commute according Fubini's theorem)

and the inner integral is zero for every q, because the [tex]\frac{(p-q)}{|p-q|^{3}}[/tex] function has a potential, hence it is circulationless. So, our [tex]\mathcal{G}[/tex] is also circulationless, i.e. curlless.

With this small supplement, your proof is perfect, thank you, quasar987!

FAQ: Symmetry of mass distribution producing radial gravitational force field

1. What is symmetry of mass distribution?

Symmetry of mass distribution refers to the arrangement of mass within an object or system. It is the uniform distribution of mass in all directions, creating a balanced and symmetrical shape.

2. How does symmetry of mass distribution affect gravitational force?

The symmetry of mass distribution plays a crucial role in producing a radial gravitational force field. This means that the force of gravity is exerted equally in all directions from the center of mass, creating a spherical or circular shape.

3. What is a radial gravitational force field?

A radial gravitational force field is a type of gravitational field in which the force of gravity acts in a straight line from the center of mass of an object or system. It is often described as a spherical or circular shape, with the center of mass at the center.

4. How does the symmetry of mass distribution impact the strength of the gravitational force?

The symmetry of mass distribution directly affects the strength of the gravitational force. The more symmetrical the mass distribution, the stronger the gravitational force will be. This is because a symmetrical distribution creates a uniform and balanced force in all directions.

5. Can the symmetry of mass distribution change over time?

Yes, the symmetry of mass distribution can change over time due to the movement and redistribution of mass within an object or system. This can result in changes to the shape and strength of the radial gravitational force field.
