How Is the Strange Partition Function Derived in Superconductivity Theories?

In summary, the partition function for a system with superconductivity can be obtained through a general procedure that involves diagonalizing the Hamiltonian and using a Bogoliubov transformation, resulting in a product of quasiparticle energies.
  • #1
While reading an article about superconductivity I found out a strange partition function which I don't know how to re-obtain. The partition function is given by:

[tex]Z=-\prod_{\omega,\mathbf{k}} (\omega^2 + E(\mathbf{k})^2)[/tex]

where the sum over [itex]\omega[/itex] runs over Matsubara frequencies and [itex]E(\mathbf{k})[/itex] is the dispersion relation for the system.

I'm pretty sure that the procedure is quite general and does not depend upon the specific details of the the system and upon the analytical form of the dispersion relation.

P.S.: Anyone knows how to derive such a form for the partition function starting from the standard definition?

Thanks in advance.

Something very similar can be found in the first lines of paragraph 4.2 of this thesis:
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  • #2
In this case the partition function is derived from the Hamiltonian of the system, which is written in terms of creation and annihilation operators. The Hamiltonian is then diagonalised through a Bogoliubov transformation and the result is written as a product of the energies of the quasiparticles, which gives the partition function.

FAQ: How Is the Strange Partition Function Derived in Superconductivity Theories?

1. What is a partition function in the context of science?

A partition function is a mathematical concept used in statistical mechanics to describe the probability distribution of a physical system in different energy states. It can also be thought of as a measure of the system's thermodynamic properties.

2. How is the partition function calculated?

The partition function is calculated by summing over all possible energy states of the system, each multiplied by the Boltzmann factor, which takes into account the energy and temperature of the system.

3. What is the significance of a strange partition function?

A strange partition function is one that deviates from the expected behavior based on established theories and models. It can indicate the presence of new or unknown physical phenomena in the system being studied.

4. What types of systems can be described using a partition function?

Partition functions can be applied to a wide range of physical systems, including gases, liquids, solids, and more complex systems such as proteins and polymers.

5. Can a partition function be used to predict the behavior of a system?

Yes, by using the partition function, scientists can calculate various thermodynamic quantities such as energy, entropy, and free energy, which can then be used to make predictions about the behavior of the system in different conditions.
