Fourth-order Runge–Kutta method? =(

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In summary, the conversation discusses the 4th order Runge-Kutta method, which is a numerical method for solving ordinary differential equations. It involves calculating 4 k values and using a step size (h) to control the accuracy of the solution. The conversation also mentions Euler's method, which is a simpler numerical method that is not as accurate. The person also suggests solving the given ODE analytically as a comparison to the numerical solutions.
  • #1
Hey guys, I'm a sophomore in a random engineering school, and just after I was finally getting used to the new school year, my professor decided to give us a little assignment about the 4th order Runge-Kutta methods... and I am totally stuck, and I just don't understand the concept at all..

The assignment is,
(x)`=x^3, and the initial value is x(0) = 1

I'm supposed to compute x(t) for two steps, when x(0.1) and when x(0.2)
and Lastly, I'm to compare this to the Euler's method.

I've been staring at my book for hours, and it says stuff like k and h and n+1 and stuff like that.. Can anyone shed some light into this weird method? The assignment seems simpler than most of the examples I found on the internet but I still can't quite get it..

Thanks in advance =)
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  • #2
RK-4 is a numerical method to solve ordinary differential equations. There are 4 k values that have to be computed. Hence the 4 in the name of the method.

h is the step size.

The subscript n+1 is the next step.

The step size can help to control the accuracy of the solution. The smaller the step the more accurate the result will be, up to a certain point.

Euler's method is the most simplistic of numerical methods to solve ODEs. It is not used to solve ODEs in the real world because it is not accurate enough. But it is taught because it is the easiest to understand.

However, you have a simple seperable ODE, so just solve it subject to the initial values to find the analytic solution. Use that as a check against your RK-4 and Euler solution. Also, you can gauge the % error once you have both the analytic and numerical approximation to it.

My ODE book is in my office so if you haven't figured it by Monday, I can give you some good examples.

  • #3
First, do you understand Euler's method?

One way to think of RK4 is that it consists of four Euler steps. The first step is particularly easy: It *is* an Euler step, with a step size equal to half of the overall interval. The second step is also a half step, but instead of using the derivative at the starting point you use the derivative at the end of the first step. The third and fourth steps are full steps. For the third step you use the derivative at the end of the second step, and for the fourth step you use a weighted average of the derivatives.

FAQ: Fourth-order Runge–Kutta method? =(

What is the Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method?

The Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is a numerical method used to solve differential equations. It is an iterative process that calculates the value of the function at a certain point by using the slope at that point and the slopes at three other points within the interval.

When is the Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method used?

The Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is commonly used when solving ordinary differential equations and is especially useful for solving systems of equations. It is also used when the initial value of the function is known but the derivative is not.

How does the Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method work?

The method involves dividing the interval into smaller sub-intervals and calculating the value of the function at each sub-interval. This is done by using the previous value of the function and its derivative to approximate the value at the next sub-interval. The final value calculated is a more accurate approximation of the solution.

What are the advantages of using the Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method?

The Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is a highly accurate method for solving differential equations. It also has a simple implementation and is relatively easy to understand and use. Additionally, it can handle complex systems of equations and can be easily adapted for various types of equations.

What are the limitations of the Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method?

Although the Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is accurate, it can become computationally expensive for large systems of equations. It is also not suitable for solving stiff differential equations, which have rapidly changing values. In such cases, other methods like the Euler method may be more efficient.
