What+how makes higher energy photon has shorter in wavelength?

In summary, the frequency of a photon is directly proportional to its energy. This is because frequency is the number of cycles completed per second and a higher frequency means more cycles completed in the same amount of time. This results in a higher energy output. Additionally, the energy of a photon can be seen as a contraction of the electromagnetic fields, which is related to the phase of the fields and is affected by the energy of the photon. This helps explain why a higher frequency photon has more energy than a lower frequency one.
  • #1
I know this question maybe like... 'asking the truth that cannot be proven', however, I do like to know if somebody have the answer.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
you're looking at it backwards - a photon with a higher frequency = shorter wave length by definition has more energy.
  • #3
What I know about is frequency mean no. cycles completed per second. Then I should ask why and how this frequency make higher energy of photon?

(But this is weird, this bring me an image of photon energy is contain at these numbers of cycles, besides, the no. of cycles may differ at different time interval)
  • #4
photon is a particle ...and in quantum physics u should follow the rule of particle-wave duality. then wave length is inversely proportional to frequency...so when this last one is big the other is small and vice versa
  • #5
Observable photons are generated by oscillating charges (currents), the frequency of the photon is equal to the frequency of these oscillations.

Do you understand why it takes more energy to oscillate an electron rapidly then slowly? Then you understand why a high frequency electron has more energy then a low frequency one.
  • #6
I don't know if it helps at all but kinetic energy is proportional to the square of a particle's velocity, i.e. its energy is dominated by its velocity.

As in, KE = .5mV^2
  • #7
AlienUFO said:
I know this question maybe like... 'asking the truth that cannot be proven', however, I do like to know if somebody have the answer.



OK, I'll tackle this one as well...

Forget about "photons" and E=mc^2 stuff. Let's just look at how we measure "energy" and use just simple, classical wave theory, shall we?

Now, if you look at simple wave theory, you'll see that the "energy" of the wave is related to the amplitude of the wave. Now, let's apply this to something simple such as a mass-spring system. the mass spring system will have more energy if the amplitude of oscillation is larger.

So far, so good.

Now, what if I have two mass-spring system, having the SAME amplitude, but oscillating with different frequencies? For the same of argument, let's have system 1 having frequency f1, while system 2 having frequency f2, where f2 = 2*f1.

Now, even though both are oscillating at the same amplitude, system 2 would have produced TWICE the energy of system 1 within the same time frame. In other words, system two has produced more POWER.

Now go back to one of the things I've asked you to consider, which is on how we measure energy. If you have a photodetector, you often have to specify if you're measuring power, or energy over a period of time. This means that the detector will open its "window of detection" for a period of time and then shuts it off and spew at you the "energy" that it has received over that period of time. So if you have two "EM waves" coming at you, but one with a higher frequency, then the one with a higher frequency would have made more "oscillations" per second than the one with a lower frequency and thus, deposited more energy within that time frame.

So even without invoking the photon picture, one can easily explain such a thing, and this is where both the wave picture and the photon picture agrees with each other.

  • #8
I'd like to offer an explanation as well since I was thinking about this for my physics final tomorrow morning. I think definitions of these terms helps: wavelength is the distance 1 cycle travels and frequency is amount of cycles in a given time. Equations aside, you have two waves, one of longer wavelength W1 and one of shorter wavelength W2. I see it as if they both travel a certain distance, you'll see that there are fewer cycles of W1 than W2 because its wavelength is longer. Because there are fewer cycles for the wave with the longer wavelength, its frequency is smaller. If the frequency is smaller, it's not oscillating as much and therefore has a smaller energy. I hope that was logical!

  • #9
AlienUFO said:
What I know about is frequency mean no. cycles completed per second. Then I should ask why and how this frequency make higher energy of photon?

(But this is weird, this bring me an image of photon energy is contain at these numbers of cycles, besides, the no. of cycles may differ at different time interval)

If you increase the energy of the photon (better the electromagnetic fields) you get a contraction of the time (periodicity) of the fields itself, since the phase of a field must be lorentz invariant.

The variation of the energy of a fields (or particle) can be interpreted as a time dilatation/contraction effect.

FAQ: What+how makes higher energy photon has shorter in wavelength?

1. What is the relationship between energy and wavelength in photons?

The energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency and inversely proportional to its wavelength. This means that a higher energy photon will have a shorter wavelength, and vice versa.

2. How does the energy level of an atom affect the wavelength of emitted photons?

The energy level of an atom determines the frequency of photons that it can emit. When an electron in an atom transitions to a lower energy level, it emits a photon with a specific frequency and therefore a specific wavelength. Higher energy level transitions result in higher energy photons with shorter wavelengths.

3. Why do higher energy photons have shorter wavelengths?

Higher energy photons have shorter wavelengths because they have a higher frequency. This is due to the fundamental equation E=hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency. Since energy and frequency are directly proportional, a higher energy photon will have a higher frequency and therefore a shorter wavelength.

4. Can the wavelength of a photon be changed by altering its energy level?

Yes, the wavelength of a photon can be changed by altering its energy level. As mentioned before, the energy level of an atom determines the frequency of photons it can emit. By changing the energy level of an atom, for example through excitation or ionization, the frequency and therefore the wavelength of the emitted photon can be altered.

5. How does the wavelength of a photon affect its properties?

The wavelength of a photon affects its properties in several ways. It determines the color of light that we see, with shorter wavelengths appearing as blue or violet and longer wavelengths appearing as red or orange. It also affects the energy and penetration power of the photon, with shorter wavelengths carrying more energy and being able to penetrate deeper into materials. Additionally, the wavelength can impact the behavior of photons in certain experiments, such as diffraction and interference.

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